<BGSOUND SRC="mobilesuitZ_1stop.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Katerina Morris Profile

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Image: None Available

Name: Katerina Morris

Birthday: June 12, 1985

Birthsign: Gemini

Height: 5'7"

Weight: Unknown

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color; Blue w/ brown

Element: Ummmm none

Attribute: N/A

Armor: None (unfortunately..)

Weapons: they are illegal

Fav. Anime: Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, and Dragon Ball Z

Fav.Characters: Ryo, Sage, Rowen, Anubis, Dais, Cale, Cye, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton Zechs Merquise, Goku, Sailor Venus, and Sailro Jupiter

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Katerina Morris is the maker of this webpage.. She is quite nice to people that she likes.... She is extremely intellegent, but unfortunately is a horrible speller..... She enjoys spending time working on this website and making it a nice place for RW fans to visit.

My Opinion:
Katerina is basically a lazy person...who doesn't like to clean...*smack* :Sekhmet get lost....: Anyway in my opinion I am a very nice person and I'm not lazy *glares at Sekhmet* I'm a fun person to hang around....and I don't like snakes....