An Important Notice from Stakawaka,
And a Letter from a Friend

As some of you may already know, some sick bastard of an auctioneer at an auction house has decided to auction off Natalie's senior yearbook, and is fetching a handsome set of bids for it.

In this yearbook is her real last name, which I will not spread further by disclosing. Her school's name is also revealed, and anyone with a good search engine can find out whatever they want from there. Her home address and phone number have been spread around the internet, as well as her parents' contact details.

Firstly, I think the auctioneer should be ashamed of himself. Natalie went to such lengths to protect her privacy - to deny her that is disrespectful in the extreme, and anyone who contributes to the proliferation of her contact details should be ashamed of themselves. Techinically, he nor anyone else has broken any laws (that I know of), but morally, these people are scum. I encourage, implore, and ask each of you to NOT continue the spreading of this information, and to not use the information for any immoral reason.

Natalie is, above all else, a regular human being, and deserves the freedom and respect inherent with that title. Her privacy should be maintained at all cost -- from the beginning, I have been against all intrusion of her privacy, and don't intend to budge from that stance. I sincerely hope that all of you respect her enough to leave her alone.

Whether you are a fellow Natalie Portman homepage webmaster, a surfing fan, or a complete stranger to Natalie, I beg you all to treat her with the respect she deserves. I cannot and will not tolerate those who get sick kicks out of spreading such information about her. It is disturbing and sick, and I feel ashamed as a fan of Natalie when I read such stuff.

Should you wish to contact me about this, feel free to send me email at The support of you decent fans does mean a lot to me, but those who can't respect her enough to just leave her alone have my earnest request to just respect her from a distance.

Sincerely yours,

Stakawaka ~ 6/22/1999

P.S: Please do not email me asking for her name and personal details. I will not give them out.

The following letter was sent to me by a classmate of Natalie's:

With the release of George Lucas’ first installment of the Star Wars prequel, The Phantom Menace, an 18-year old girl by the name of Natalie Portman has become synonymous with her role as the fearless Queen Amidala. She has graced the cover of many books and magazines since its opening last month in the movie theaters, but one must ask their self how this attention is effecting her off screen.

For many years, Natalie has struggled to keep her live with us--her friends and family, separate from her life as a Hollywood superstar. Natalie, a graduating student at our high school, is nothing more than that. During the past three years of her education in [school name], she would enter the building and was looked upon as an equal by her peers. She had to attend class like everyone else, and participate actively in the classroom. She also had to complete her many responsibilities to her classes, such as homework assignments and projects.

The problem that she is facing with since the release of her latest film is the growing and obsessive fan base on the Internet that feels they need to know what she is like as a person. They go on message boards and AOL chat rooms to find out from anyone what she will not show or say on the silver screen. They also surf through many Internet sites, coming up with information such as her real name and address and in some cases her vital records (e.g. social security number).

Because of these shameful actions against Natalie’s privacy, I have talked to and convinced many web masters to remove this information through voluntary cooperation. Most of them have cooperated, fully understanding Natalie’s plight, but a lingering problem remains where she can not enjoy the right to privacy; a right taken for granted by many of us.

The problem has grown to the point where the people around her are beginning to capitalize off her fame and fortune with the on-line sale of the 1998-1999 [School Name] High School yearbook. The yearbook that is being sold on for 700$US contains such information as Natalie's real name, a Senior Superlative of 'Most Likely to be on Jeopardy' names/pictures of us--her friends, baby photographs, and her parent's names.

The morality of this sale, and many others, that do not relate to Natalie the actress, does not concern most of the sellers. These people, mostly students, have stated that they can honestly look at themselves in a mirror and think that no one is suffering from their action.

Unfortunately, these people do not know that we are indeed suffering. We are all getting prank telephone calls at home during the early hours of the morning. We are all getting assorted letters and packages at our homes. We are all suffering, so they can buy themselves a new Nintendo system, or go to the city and get a prostitute to provide sexual favors that even Monica Lewinsky would not do.

It is in my opinion, as well as that of Natalie and her parents that we are all suffering. If any of my friends or their families is hurt: mentally or physically, by these degrading actions, I will hold the Internet stalkers and/or sellers involved personally responsible for their actions. This is by no means an idle threat, but a promise that we are committing to.

Friend Of Natalie [Last Name] and Family ~ 6/24/99

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