Katharine Hepburn
and Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn
Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn

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With the pairing of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn in Woman of the Year in 1942, one of the most famous and long lasting film duos was born. Altogether Tracy and Hepburn would appear in nine feature films together, the last one being Guess Who's Coming to Dinner filmed in 1967, just a short time before Tracy's death. Their movies spanned the spectrum from hilarious comedies like Adam's Rib, to westerns, dramas, and mysteries, like Sea of Grass, State of the Union, and Keeper of the Flame. They were great partners both on the screen and for a large part of their personal lives.

Movies made together:

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)--3 votes
Adam's Rib (1949)--2 votes
Woman of the Year (1942)--2 votes
Without Love (1945)--1 vote
Keeper of the Flame (1942)
The Sea of Grass (1947)
State of the Union (1948)
Pat and Mike (1952)
Desk Set(1957)

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