Announcer: It's just gonna be another couple of minutes...

(audience: BOO!!!)

Announcer: GRRRRRR!! So what we're actually doing is.. cueing up some clips of Callisto for you to look at, (music begins to play) just a minute, and then we'll... actually, we won't have to do that, come to think of it. (long pause...) Okay, (longer pause) uh... (obviously technical difficulties.. ;-) Ladies, and Gentlemen... Let's give a warm Valley Forge Welcome, for Callisto herself, Hudson Leick!

(deafening cheers, whistles and hoots,)

-Hudson Leick enters from behind the curtain wearing a short, sleeveless yellow dress, a 3 row pearl necklace, blood red lipstick, with fingernail polish to match, and white heels. She walks up the stairs, side stage while the Xena theme is playing

(even more cheers, etc...)

Hudson: (shies around in the corner for a bit, looking over her shoulder, walks to center stage, waits for the cheer to die down.) "Hi."

(The audience cheers again for a minute, as Hudson sighs, and does one of her many poses, throughout the show)

Hudson: "So I'm here."

(More whistling and hooting, and laughing)

Hudson: "Is there a Barbara Johnson here? Hmmm?"

(A remark is made in the audience, unfortunately I couldn't hear it :-)

Hudson: (obviously amused) "Oh you can, can you?" (converts to her Callisto voice, a real treat!) "Let's play a little game, shall we?"

(The loudest audience cheer yet)

Hudson: (In an almost slow, seductive voice)"There's um, there's some older people here today... That I happen to be related to... If you can find them... 'Cause they could be sitting next to you... You can ask them anything you want..." (that draws a lot of cheers, then she switches to a strange voice, kind of like a child) "They love people..." (back to normal voice- to audience) "So are you having fun?"

("Yeah! Woo hoo!" and things of the sort are shouted)

Hudson: (In a playful voice) "I'm always having fun... Of course my dress keeps hitching up, did you notice that?" (A few hoots) "My mom said to me, 'cause she's here, she said 'Now, Heidi...' because she calls me Heidi, she refuses to call me Hudson," (voice switches to an irate tone) "sigh, I'm over it, I don't have anything against that... MOM." (normal voice) "She said, 'Now, don't wear anything see-through, 'cause your dad's coming.' So, I wore this! (pause) Oh... So, you're all good?"

(People yell out "Yeah!" I heard one comment in particular, "I am now!")

Hudson: "You're awfully quiet.." (someone yells a 'woo hoo!') "Thank you..." (she walks over to the left side of the stage, where I was seated) "So, how about you guys over here?" (many a clap and cheer, then nonchalantly, she puts the microphone cord between her legs, draws it up to her stomach, smiles, and looks around, as many pictures are taken, and many laughs are let out) "You know that's going on the internet..." (More laughs) "Okay, so where are my parents? Did anyone see Xena last night?" (and yet... more cheers) "Where's my mom? Momeee... Where are you? They're hiding, you know they're like, not going to come out... You know they won't... Okay, so, you wanna ask me sumthin'?" (Someone yells out in the audience) "No no no. In a line. Oh." (she sighs, while waiting, she looks out into the audience) "I can't see you all... Yeah, I want you all to stand up..."(The audience does) "OH YEAH! he he, why don't you all scream for me?" (Obviously the loudest set of screams released during the entire convention) "Now that, was lovely... Okay, ask away..."

Young Girl: "With your character, why are you always so mean to Xena?"(audience laughs) "Like, your character, she's so mean to her, it just... bugs me!"

Hudson: "Well, actually, Callisto has a couple of problems... She really likes Xena." (major laughter from the audience)

Young Girl: "She really likes Xena?"

Hudson: "That's not enough, huh? 'Cause she's bad, she's the bad guy."

Young Girl: "But why? Why does she have to be the bad guy?"

Hudson: "Well, honey, I don't know, I'm not the writers, I'm just the actress!"

Young Girl: "And how come you don't have a sidekick, you don't have a sidekick, you know? That's not fair. You should have a sidekick!"

Hudson: (yelling, but in fun) "Who is this kid?! It's a plant isn't it?! I don't need a sidekick! All right? You gonna get it that way?"

-After a bit of laughter, a man walks up to the Q & A microphone.

Man: "Hi Hudson."

Hudson:(Another comment in the audience is made, that I couldn't hear, but she replies;) "I bet you will..." (She turns to the Q & A mike)

Man: "Hiya"

Hudson: (really loud) "HELLO"

Man: "Hi, we met back in Burbank. Uh, actually I have an acting question to ask ya."

Hudson: "Can, can we get the people to come closer so I can see their faces, so they're not just voices?"

Technician: "Yeah, the problem is that the mike feeds back.."

Hudson: "Oh, okay, that's fine then."

Technician: (moving the mike into the light) "Little bit closer, little bit, come on, right on."

Hudson: (to man) "Hi."

Man: "Hi."

Hudson: "Hi." (laughter)

Man: "Okay, all right, uh..." (talking to technician, still moving the mike) "That close? Good God!"

Hudson: "Hey!"

Man: "What?"

Hudson: (in a classy voice) "What are you implying?"

Man: "Mighty close mike (microphone)...I'm an old movie fan and I just happened to notice, watching a great old movie called "High Sierra", that starred Humphrey Bogart, and co-starred Ida Loopino, and I don't know if you're familiar with her work, but you two share a strong physical resemblance, and an even similar acting style, and I was wondering if you're familiar with her work, and whether or not you've even watched any of her work?"

Hudson: (Squats down onto the floor) "Honestly, I haven't. But I will now."

Man: "She was also the first woman in the history of Hollywood, to actually get movies made. So.. heh.

Hudson: "That's nice. I like that."

Man: "Take a look."

Hudson: "I shall."

Man: "Okay"

Hudson: "Thank you."

-Another girl walks up to the Q & A mike

Girl: (*note- I interpreted what this girl said to the best of my ability, she was hard to understand.) "Are you going to be in any upcoming movies or interviews?"

Hudson: "What?"

Girl: "Are you going to be in any upcoming movies or interviews?"

Hudson: "Yes." (Audience cheers, the girl walks away, laughing she says) "Thank you." (She fidgets with her feet on stage) "Oh, it's these heels..."(audience members yell "Take 'em off!") "NO! I don't wanna take 'em off... Makes me feel mature and classy with 'em on. I'm showing off to my parents right now. Look mom, I'm on stage, and I'm wearing heels, I'm a grownup now! All these strange people are watching me 'cause I'm on TV and I carry a sword. Are you proud? (after a bit of laughing, she clears her throat, another girl walks to the Q & A mike.) "Ahem, okay..."

Girl: "What is the percentage of stunts that you do you do on the show?"

Hudson: "Um, say that again?"

Girl: "How many of the stunts do you do on the show?"

Hudson: "No, not all of them, we have uh, equestrians, which are people who do the horses, they dress up like us... Sometimes even men. Small men... will dress up like Callisto to scoop up Gabrielle, 'cause (holds out an arm) these arms aren't gonna be scooping up Gabrielle. Not that I wouldn't give it a go...(Loud laughter from the audience) And we have tumblers, like people who do the gymnastics, but all of the fight sequences, most of the fight sequences I should say, we, we all do ourselves. They're the best part. They're a lot of fun.

Girl: (laughing)"Thank you..."

Hudson: "You hear that? She's giggling."

(another woman comes up to the mike)

Woman: "Hi, I'm Ephiny"

Hudson: "Hi."

Woman: "I've been racking my brain for a good question, and I couldn't think of one,"

Hudson: "Very good."

Woman: "And so, all I really is to know if I could come and give you a hug..."

Hudson: "Come on up!"

(There's a bunch of cheers and Awwws)

Hudson: (Looks at a tag on the woman's pants, that shows a picture of her and Hudson from a previous convention) Yeah, yeah, yeah, do you see this? Yeah, I can see that. I remember her. Yeah yeah."

Woman: "Thank you."

Hudson: "You're welcome. (Applause from audience) Yeah, you wrote me um, a really beautiful fan letter, didn't you? I remember."

There's a bunch of talking in the audience, the next man walks up to the mike

Man: "Hi, um."

Hudson: (Joking in response to the audience talking) "You're all like (in a dufus voice) 'Duh, I don't know what that means, duh, I didn't read it, what are you talking about it for?'"

Man: "Hi, um in Burbank, I asked you a question, about, uh, what was your next, um, acting performance, and you just hinted that you would 'receive your wings', we all know what that was, and you were marvelous on 'Touched by an Angel'. I assume that was it."

Hudson: "Thank you. Yeah."

Man: "So, do you have any other clue as to what your next door is?

Hudson: "Um, well I've got three more Xena's contracts, so I have, um, three more to do, right now, and besides that, I just got new representation, so I'm going out all the time, so I imagine, really shortly I'll be doing something completely different, that's fun, you know, keep it mixed up."

Man walks away, a woman comes up to the microphone

Woman: "Hi there!"

Hudson: "Hi!"

Woman: "First of all, it's a joy to see someone who obviously enjoys their work so much! Um, what is it like to play a psychopath, in such a way that you look like you really enjoy it?! You have fun, playing a really evil person!"

Hudson: (Amongst laughter from the crowd) "What do you mean? (Laughing) It's so much fun, I don't know how to explain it, it's just fun, it's just screaming, yelling, fighting, kicking, getting all that stuff, you know, that grrrrrrrrr.. out."

Woman: "Oh, so you are enjoying it as much as it appears you are..."

Hudson: "Hell yes."

(Hollers and cheers from the crowd) The next woman in line approaches

Woman: "Hi, I need some dating advice..."

Hudson: (Crowd laughs) "Whoa-hoa, you want dating advice, is that what you said?"

Woman: "Yeah, I'd like to know if Callisto believes in hissing on the first date?"

(More cheers)

Hudson: "Yes, I think you need to show whoever you've decided that is going to be yours, who's boss, and, if hissing comes into it, that's fine, as long as you take them, and they don't take you. You know what I mean, right? Yes, because you must always hunt them, you must, you must always decide who you're going to get, and then, get 'em."

Woman: "Thanks" (walks away)

Another woman comes up

Woman: "Hello... How are you?"

Hudson: "I'm sorry, I can't... Speak up..."

Woman: "Hello?"

Hudson: "HELLO!"

Woman: "I just want to compliment you as Celeste, because, on Touched by an Angel, because she's excellent, I was just wondering, do they know, on Touched by an Angel, what a naughty girl you are?"

(audience laughs)

Hudson: "You know, its funny... because the casting people who hired me for that... has anyone seen the 'Hijacked' movie I did? (Audience screams "Yes!") THEY hired me for that, so they knew what I was like. I even said to them 'Do you know what I'm like?' they said 'Yes, we think you're a really good actress, we think you can do this.' Hehe, okay! I'll do it!"

The woman walks away, up comes another

Woman: "Hi, I'm Tanya"

Hudson: "Hi Tanya"

Woman: "I just want to know, are you and Lucy Lawless really cool, off the set, do you guys hang out or whatever?"

Hudson: "Yes, but I don't live in New Zealand, so we don't hang out. But its, yeah, we get along really well. She's... she's umm... (audience laughs, and so does Hudson)she's... she's a lot of fun... And there's no attitude on the set, which is really nice, nobody has, like, a movie star attitude. We all just play. We just show up to work, we work, I mean, Lucy's very... she knows... she's like the leader, actually, in the production, I mean it's her show, and she comes in, she's having a bad day, she buys everyone ice cream... she's really generous. She's an amazing woman."

Woman: "And can I get a hug too?"

(Audience laughter)

Hudson: "Come on up. Come on, come on, come on!"

(audience claps) "(laughing) Why do you clap after that? (listents to audience) 'Cuz its cool!' Okay!"

and another woman approaches the mike

Woman: "Hello Ms. Leick! Welcome to Valley Forge, um my name's Darlene, I'm also a New Yorker. Question about the show, um, with all of Callisto's anger in the show, do you draw some of that from your own real life experiences?"

(audience laughs)

Hudson: "No! No! I'm just a really good actress!"

Woman: "I applaud your portrayal of Callisto."

Hudson: "I'm sorry, say that again?"

Woman: "I applaud your portrayal of Callisto."

Hudson: "Thank you, I appreciate that."

(listens to audience, someone says "Do the yell!")

Hudson: "Do the yell? I was just thinking that, I was like, I'd just like to yell about now." (Loud hollering, and cheers and hoots from the audience, someone talks to her from the audience but I can't make it out)

Hudson: "Will I what? Will I write to people? Is that putting me on the spot or what? Umm, I will definitely consider it! I have answered a lot of fan mail, I spent like a whole day answering it. And there's a LOT. So, it's difficult for me to do, and to try to live, and have a life, and... eat. (Laughter) So its hard to answer everyone, and it doesn't seem fair if I answer random people, and I don't answer everyone... Okay so I'm yellin... alright? I'm not gonna yell with the microphone, so it's not gonna be as loud."

(some of the audience awws)

Hudson: "You want me to yell with the microphone?" (some yes's some no's) "Alright, its mixed, isn't it? What do you want?" (audience yells "BOTH!") "Both? Alright, once without, and once with... You'll be able to tell which is which." (laughter) "You guys are all freaks, you know that! Alright... (pause, Hudson smiles) This is for you mommy..." (and the scream without the mike is let loose! Long loud cheers and hollers) "Can you believe, can you believe that I get paid for this? It's a dream job! (laughs) Okay, now one with (the microphone)? Some of you better plug your ears 'cause its gonna get pretty loud on the microphone, if you don't want to hear it, but you're gonna hear it anyway... (laughs) Okay, ready?" (Severely amplified scream fills the room, as little kids plug their ears in fright... hehe. Extreme applause and chants)

Hudson: "Ahh, I feel so much better..."

Another woman approaches the mike

Woman: "Hi I just wanna know how your last name is pronounced?"

Hudson: "LIKE... and it's... it's spelled "Leak" (I'm spelling by pronunciation) but it's German. And in Germany it's pronounced "Like". But we think 'We're not in Germany, so why don't we just call you "Leak"? Because I say, it's "LIKE"! (laughter)

A man comes to the Q & A area

Man: "Hi Hudson, my name is Mike..."

(Hudson takes a drink from her water bottle, and the mid section of audience proceeds to start chanting "Chug, chug, chug, chug!" And a loud long laugher ensues. Hudson walks to her right side of the stage [our left])

Hudson: "I'm not standing in front of them anymore... (laughs) Go ahead, ask your question. (more audience comment, long pause, jokingly;) ASK ME A... question...!

Man: "As an actress, where do you hope to be within the next several years?"

Hudson: "An actress." (laughter)

Man: "Acting in what?"

Hudson: "Yes, getting paid, um, doing roles that are enjoyable, I really don't have a specific answer for you on that. I don't mind TV, I like movies, I'd like to do movies too, but I don't think I'd want to do a soap, but you never know. But I'm really honored to work now, because there's so many people that... don't... so, that's it. It's not very exciting, I know, but... it's the truth.

Man: "It's good enough for me."

A girl comes up

Hudson: "Hey sweet pea."

Girl: "Umm, do you ever think that Callisto could get better, or good?"

Hudson: "Be better? Who would want... Callisto to be good?" (Everyone boos) "I think I'll just play an angel instead. Where I'm out trying to be good... ditzy. I mean... no. No, I don't think she'll ever be good. If she does become good, and it's not up to me, its up to the writers, there probably won't be much more of her."

A girl steps up

Girl: "Umm, I just wanted to say that you are my favorite villain, on the Xena and Hercules. I think you're great."

Hudson: (sounds touched) "Thank you."

Girl: "And I was wondering when your next, most recent show besides last night, with you, is gonna be on? Or, don't they have a date yet?"

Hudson: "I already shot it, I shot it in the summer time, and its really dark. So they're not going to air it, until around Christmas time. Well, you know, merry, happy. It's a REALLY good one. It's not... you'll see. It's a BIG episode. (audience yells "more!") I'm not telling! I'm not telling. (audience "what's it called?") Maternal Instincts. Callisto as a mom, imagine. Just kidding! Sucked you in didn't I? Hehe."

Another girl comes up

Girl: "I was at the Convention is Sacramento, when you were wearing that blue see-through dress..."


Hudson: "I didn't wear it this time."

Girl: "Why is it that every time you come up, you seem to talk about the same thing... 'well I'm here'."

Hudson: "Because I am. Cuz I am, when people come they see me. So long sweet heart! Okay... hehe.

Girl: "And, I'm gonna ask this for my little sister,"

Hudson: "Sure"

Girl: "She wants to know your birthday."

Hudson: "It's May 9th... '69. (laughter) Hey, hey!"

Another woman: "That means you're not that old..."

Hudson: "No, I'm 28."

Another Girl comes up

Girl: "Where you in any other roles before Xena?"

Hudson: (laughs, says jokingly) No... Yes. I did some work on Melrose, on University Hospital, Law and Order, As the World Turns. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything else.

Girl: "And can I come give you a hug?"

Hudson: "Come give me a hug!"

(now, at this time, the woman holding my tape recorder [I'm standing in line waiting to ask a question] for me, laughs really hard with amusement, at the woman dressed as Gabrielle, so there's a bit of muffled speech. From memory, this is when the woman goes to the microphone, tells 'Callisto' how she killed Perdicus [Gabby's husband] and this is where it carries on to...)

Hudson: "Gabrielle... Don't you think Gabby should come up here? Come here Gabby! She's cute, huh?"

'Gabby': "Y-you made me a widow... not that I mind, but...

(lots of laughter) Actually you did me a favor, because what would Gabby be living on a farm with Perdicus? Boring... stale. And I think you should have your own movie, or spin-off or something... And I could be in it! Callisto and Gabrielle rule the world! (laughter all the while) You could like, trample down everybody, and I could cure the wounded."

Hudson: "Kind of symbiotic, right? Beautiful. It's a nice theme, isn't it? I slaughter, she heals. Slaughter, heal, slaughter, heal. Do you want to show everyone your outfit? Want to say hi? Here wait, hold on, I'll give you a microphone, and you'll just walk across the stage, and model it for us.

'Gabby': "My friend JoAnn who's here, made this outfit, so she's there, oh, I have a staff, but its lying down. (I missed something here... hehe) She didn't like my breasts, she didn't like my stomach, and you know? But, at least I can sing "Joxer the Mighty"... can you sing Joxer the mighty? Oh come on! 'Joxer the mighty, he never needs a place to hide, he roams through the countryside, with Gabby as his sidekick, fighting with her little stick (audience is booing... someone makes the comment "It's a massacre, someone do something!") singing songs and writing wrongs! Being mighty all day long... he Joxer, he Joxer the mighty!' You don't know the song? How can you not know the song?"

Hudson: "I'll work on it."

'Gabby': "If you're on the musical episode, you'll have to sing it."

Hudson: "I will be on the musical episode. You do NOT want to hear me sing.(crowd cheers) It ain't gonna happen!"

'Gabby': "Thank you very much."

Hudson: "You're welcome. Give her a hand. She was a good sport." (Crowd claps)

Another woman comes to the microphone

Woman: "I heard somebody say that you were going to be in a movie called 'After the Game', is that true?"

Hudson: "I've already done it, and I don't know if it will come out here."

Woman: "Thank you."


Hudson: "You're welcome. (audience remark) Can't tell the producer 'Let's do somethin' fun!' You guys wanna do somethin fun? (crowd: "YEAH!") So, what do you suggest? (another remark... I really wish I was sitting more towards the center, so I could hear half this stuff! Hehe*)Mind in the gutter... Alright, gimme a question."

Woman: "Okay, next question, I'm Barbara Johnson by the way..."

Hudson: "Gasp, Barbara Johnson. I've heard about you."

Woman: "Yeah, I'm sitting back in the third row going, 'Yep, that's me...' anyways, I had a question, as far as Touched by an Angel, are you going to do another show?"

Hudson: "Umm, dunno."

Woman: "Do you prefer playing a bad girl?"

Hudson: "No no no no."

Woman: "Good girl?"

Hudson: "Good girl. No, bad girl. Bad girl bad girl. (audience laughs, she jokingly growls) Shut up! Shut up! This is my show... hehe." (laughter)

Woman: "Yes, this is your show. Thank you."

Hudson: "You're welcome... Barbara... wow... nice legs..."

A man walks up to the mike

Man: "Would you like to have your own series as Callisto?"

Hudson: "Mmm.. uh, I dunno. No, I don't think so either. No, look I mean, cuz 'LOOK! NEXT WEEK, CALLISTO KILLS SOMEONE! THE WEEK AFTER THAT, SHE KILLS A WHOLE FAMILY!' (laughter) Good family fun. I don't think that would work... Call me crazy, but then again... you're all here..."

Man: "Could I get a picture of you in an action pose?"

Hudson: "Can YOU get a picture of ME in an action pose? What do you consider an action pose? (laughter) He didn't answer it..."

Man: "Whatever you can imagine..."

Hudson: "My parents are here... I don't think that would be appropriate... Ohh, he said action pose huh? Haha. I'm like, ooookay, trick time now, give the dogs a trick. Action in high heels..."

(She continues on to pose with a sword, this is the point where side A of my tape ran out. I thought about that a few minutes later, went over to where the recorder was sitting, flipped the tape, and started recording again. I then went back into line. If anyone can remember WAAAAAAAY back to that long ago, and tell me some stuff I missed, feel free to contact me! Hehe. Anyways, here goes)


Hudson: "Whoa... what, what, what happened in this episode?"

People in the audience: "Callisto and Xena changed bodies."

Hudson: "Shut up!" (like she didn't believe it, hehe) 'Looks like somebody's gonna die', that's what I'm saying?

Woman: "Lucy Lawless says that, when she's you. When you're on top of her."

(loud laughter)

Hudson: "I don't remember being on top of Xena..."

Woman: "When you were playing Xena, and you were on top of... ha ha... yourself I guess."

Hudson: (laughing) "Look, just give me the God damn line, alright? Yeah, I got that, I know that, so I'm... Xena. Okay... and I'm playing... Lucy?"

Woman: "Gabrielle's getting ready to kill you."

Hudson: "Do we have to do this?? I don't understand it!"

(everyone screams out lines for her to say)

Hudson: "I don't like you guys... (listens) Alright, I'll do that one because I understand that one... (pause) 'Here comes trouble!' (cheers galore)What did... what did I say to Hercules? Oh yeah... hehe... that was a good one... 'Why can't you just die, like a good boy?' (more cheers)You know what Kevin said to me when I said 'Can I kiss you?' you know, the part where I kiss him, I grab him, then I kiss him, then I whack him real good? My idea. Hehe. I said 'Kevin...' I was very professional about it, I said 'Kevin, can I kiss you?' He got all flustered, and said 'With the tongue?' and I said, 'No, without the tongue.' (laughter) That's a good story!

(crowd laughs)Okay..."

A girl is at the microphone

Girl: "Why is Callisto a psycho? Heh heh."

Hudson: "Why do I get asked these questions?? Because uh, because it makes the show interesting. Oh yeah, that's a great answer, I'm not thinking like Callisto, I'm thinking why does this have... Yes, um, Callisto became a psycho because Xena went on a rampage and killed all of her family, and Callisto watched it happen. So she uh, she got frayed. Her brain got, yeah, a little out of balance. Just a little, it isn't that bad! She's really very nice if you know her... kinda cuddly. Like a cuddly little teddy bear sometimes."

Audience member: "What about Theodorus?"

Hudson: "Who's Theodorus? Oh yeah, yeah I forgot about that. Theodorus... all that love crap."

Another man comes to the mike

Man: "Hi."

Hudson: "Hi!"

Man: "I was just wondering, like a lot of people here, I admire the witticisms and jokes that you make as Callisto. My favorite is actually when you're doing the game with Gabrielle, and uh..."

Hudson: "I looove that. You know, when I read that scene, I just laughed out loud... 'hahaha... Did your husband watch me...'

Man: "That's what I'm wondering about."

Hudson: (still laughing) "I thought that was very funny. And she played that scene really well too. Yeah, she did."

Man: "That was great, I was just wondering, those witticisms, and all those lines that make Callisto so endearing, what part of that is the writers, and what part is your contribution?"

Hudson: Well, I think it's, it's mixed. You know? Um, sometimes the great thing about, I was just telling someone this, the great thing about working on Xena, is what we have a read-through, if there's something written, that Callisto wouldn't say, I have the right to say 'I don't think that she would say that.' And I'll have to think of something else that she would say."

Man: "Thank you very much!"

Hudson: "Just trying to liven you up, keep it alive... Alive, you know? (audience member asks something) He just asked me if I was doing anymore Hercules, no, not after the kiss. No, I'm just kidding, just kidding. Okay."

Another woman comes up

Woman: "My question is, how did you like playing an angel, on Touched by an Angel?"

Hudson: "Whew... it was really interesting after playing Callisto for so long. And it was difficult to try to figure out how, because it's ver easy to play evil, cuz there's nothing you can do that's wrong, while being evil. And being good, especially angel good, which is like, the best good... is really reeea... bleh. You just get stuck. Its difficult.

Woman: "Great, thanks."

Then someone else comes up to the microphone. This happens to be me :) EXTREMELY NERVOUS... hehe

Me: "Hi Hudson."

Hudson: "Hi..."

Me: "Umm, I'm a really big fan, so there's really gonna be like, a bunch of gushing words of adoration here... but I'm a really, I use the internet a lot, I have a page about you, and I'm in a bunch of fan clubs and everything, and I know there's not gonna be enough time now, they're talking no hugs no pictures or anything. And I told all the guys at school I'm gonna meet you, and of course none of them believe me... (Hudson laughs, and a large portion of the audience 'awwwws') And I was wondering if, just if, during the autograph session, if it would be possible to get a picture with you, because that's like, my goal in life."

(hey, I was tongue tied, I didn't know what to say... ;)

(the audience 'awwwws' again, and I hear some guys chuckling, hehe)

Hudson: "Yes, of course."

(some of the crowd 'yay's and claps)

Me: "That's it, thank you."

I walk away all shaky and noodle-legged, and the man behind me steps up

Man: "Um, hi"

Hudson: "Hi."

Man: "I was on the uh, car rental bus last night..."

Hudson: "I can't hear you, speak up."

Man: "I was on the car rental bus last night, and I was wondering if that was you riding with us."

Hudson: "You hit him? I'm sorry, say it again? Was I what last night?"

Man: "Were you in the car rental bus last night?"

Hudson: (laughing, amazed almost) "Yeeeeeees, it was! And you came to the same convention, isn't that funny? That's so funny!"

Man: "I was hoping to get a picture with you later too..."

Hudson: "Yeah, absolutely. You're the one that caught the suitcase, right?"

Man: "Yeah."

Hudson: "I remember that! That's so weird! Okay, alright. I have to leave now. But, I really appreciate you all coming. Truly. I do. (A bunch of 'awws' and claps) And I hope it was fun for all of you as well... So, thank you."

Announcer: "Hudson Leick! Let's hear it for Hudson!"

Hudson exits to the Xena theme... leaving many, including me, in a daze at how awesome of a time that was... Thank you SO much Hudson!

since 2/1/1999
**Convention held by Creation Entertainment, copyrights given where they are due, in all respects.**
**Transcribed by Brendan Setaro. Images (c) Brendan Setaro 1997-1999**