Newspaper Row

Welcome to

Inspired by Disney's musical "Newsies"
and dedicated to continuing the struggle for rights

In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies...
Today the newsies jobs are obsolete, but the causes that forced them to rise up and make a stand for their rights still exsist. In Mexico, China and even the U.S., children and others are forced to work unfair hours and in unfair conditions in sweatshops. As you will see, protesting sweatshops can be no harder than not buying that new pair of designer sneakers. Just remember, no one is free when others are oppressed.

anything that isn't clickable isn't up and running yet

        Where the name of this page came from and why I chose it.

        A bit about that Disney movie I mentioned above.

        My fan-fiction story about a newsie named Squeaker. Parts One and Two are up.

        A nice easy way to help in the fight against sweatshops.

I hope this page has managed to help you in some way. As you can see, I don't have too much up right now, and, considering my busy schedual, it may be a while before all this is completed. In the meantime, you may want to look at some other sites.

I believe that this is pretty much self-explanatory.

This Newsies site is owned by Missy.
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Copyright Info...

Newsies, and it's characters, script, images, ect. is owned by the Walt Disney Company and I am using this stuff without their permission. However, if they don't like it, then all they have to do is email me, but I hope they realize that I'm not giving them a bad name, in fact, I'm promoting the movie in my own little way.
On the other hand, the page itself and the story are copywrited by me (Pia'Sharn, Missy, whatever you want to call me), and I would greatly appreciate it if you chose not to copy them and claim them as your own. Thank you!

This free page was granted by those wonderful people at Geocities.