Rose, Jack, and Molly Brown Welcome aboard! Have you been through the inspection queue? Alright then, we're leaving in half an hour, so you have time to look around a bit!

So what would you like to do? Feel like meeting the passengers? At Cherbourg, a woman embarked named Margaret Brown, but we all called her "Molly".

If you like, you can read the statistics about the unfortunate disaster. Or I'll tell you a few bits of trivia about this boat. In July 1975, a large block of ice fell through the roof of the Melkis home in Dustable, Bedford, England. At the time of the incident the family was engrossed in a TV movie about the Titanic. As the ice crashed through their ceiling, they were tensely waiting for the ship to strike the fateful iceberg. Historical Titanic
 'We <i>are</i> royalty, Rose.' Rather read some books about this instead of listening to me tell you? Well I suppose that's quite all right. May I suggest Walter Lord's A Night to Remember? Or maybe you'd like to read some of my fanfic.

I see you're quite a reader. If you'd like to read my thoughts about the movie and the actors aboard it, feel free!

Like to take a look at my cabin? *Your guide opens a door, and feeds the four goldfish* I have to take my pictures with me whenever I travel. What, that one? Oh yes, that's a Monet. Look at his use of color, isn't it great? In the mood for more quotes? My favorite ones are all written down from memory, which can be a little faulty at times. Ohhh so yours isn't? I bet you'd be just smashing at taking these quizzes, then! I add new ones now and then.

The Drawing
Titanaholics Anonymous Now we're off! *Titanic music starts up, and your generous guide vocalizes and plays the synthesizer simultaneously*
*Voice over* Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain, Edward J. Smith. We're now cruising at a speed of about 25 knots...our in-voyage movie will be James Cameron's Titanic. I hope you enjoy your trip with us, and as always, thank you for traveling White Star Line. *End voice over*
Oh boy! Ready to watch Titanic again?
Well, that about wraps this voyage up. Please be sure to fill out this form before you disembark. And then, you can read the results I've collected from the other passengers. If you'd like to transfer to another ship, here are some Titanic Visions and some other favorites. If you own a site that I haven't listed, tell me about it; I'd love to check it out! The easiest way for you to do that would be to sign my guestbook. But I'd like to encourage everyone, even if you don't have a site, to do that! Titanic Visions Sample

Nothing there you wanted to look at? Well, you could always go back to my main site, which is full of obsessing over musicals, actors, and books. I also have an online journal there, if you're into that kind of thing. If you don't feel like doing that, maybe you'd like to surf a webring. I'm a member of over fifty. Or, you can see my awards, and travel to the award homepages, to see more awesome Titanic sites! Finally, you might want to join a Titanic cause while you're here!

If you feel you've been treated unfairly, you can always write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line. Of course, they'll never get it, but I'll read it, and I'm sure it would be almost the same thing. :-)

Here's more stuff you can do, if you haven't found that special something yet.

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DISCLAIMER: All of the pictures and music from the film 'Titanic' are the sole property of Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Pictures and Lightstorm. The owner of this homepage is in no way affiliated with the makers of 'Titanic'. These pictures were found on random Titanic Websites as well as the official 'Titanic' Website. No intentional copyright infringement was intended. All copyrighted pictures will be removed upon the request ofthe owner(s). Any other images and material that is copyright will also be removed upon request.

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The White Star Line Foundation
This site is owned by Melanie.
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Last update : 10/23/99-Harold Bride added to Silhouettes