
Chapter IV:  An Exercise in Trust 


6/25/03:  Attendance:  Ken, Shawn, Dana 

          The party emerged to find the people of Dormer all unconscious.  When they awoke, they seemed back to normal except they could remember precious little except for emerging from the cairn over a year ago.  While Atorin went back to the ship to find food for these people, the rest of the party reclaimed the bones of the men who had lost their lives to the Horror.  The bones were buried and the people of Dormer agreed to come to live in Clorencia.

        The party returned to Clorencia where they found that Galaudin had passed away...in a manner of speaking.  He had just disappeared from his closely watched room.  Hawkins decided to search his room for any info before Enowne took ownership of all the books.  He found many books in a language he could not translate and a learned little.  He did however, take them with him.  Onoros and Althea spent some time chatting with Bossiance and Althea was a little smitten.  

The next day they were called before Clorencia's Council where they agreed to fulfill The Oath and deliver The Crest of Clorencia to the King of Kolvar.  They set out the next day, sailing up river in the boat.

The first stop on the trip was Lisinia where the party was told by the Captain of the Guard of the many taxes and levies they must pay for docking and passing though.  When the conversation was done, the party was short two glowsticks, but was free to move onwards.  The party was not pleased about getting hustled.

The next stop on their trip was the village of Edius which was small, but thriving.  Initially staying only for food, they were convinced to help the townspeople when a strange beast stole some sheep.  Some townsfolk, led by their constable Alain, helped the party track the beast and eventually they found a small cave...more of a hole really...under large rock.  Jumping down they found themselves waist deep in stagnant water.  They had not traveled far before they came across nine of the walking dead devouring the sheep.  They were put down in a tense battle where Marfan was almost killed and the villager Ander showed his amazing skill with his walking stick.

As the party prepared to leave, a haggard  old man appeared before them dressed in dirty black robes.  He cursed the party and then faded off into nothingness.  Strangely, Hawkins and Onoros saw a black circle of energy appear behind him before he disappeared.   They returned to find the village safe, though the distant graveyard was found empty of all corpses...it seems all 34 of them had crawled out from their graves.   Alain asks to come along with the party to Kolvar to ask for martial aid.  The party agrees.

The last stop of the journey was in Bartertown where much browsing about the many shops was done as the party prepared to travel the short distance to Kolvar.


