
Clorencia:  The village the group is from.  Dominated by three families, the Brandolians, the Landedons, and the Tactences, this used to be a quiet trading village on the River Saluth.  Being one of the most southern towns in the Lisinian province of the Kolvaran Confederation it was one of the most vulnerable to Ironian attack.

Dormer:  Small logging village south of Clorencia.  The town was ravaged by a Horror and the remainder of its people have since moved to Clorencia with The Expedition's aid.

Jostrenet:  A town known for its livestock and archers, this is where Althea is from.  It is thought to have been sacked by slavers.

Lisinia:  Former capital of the province of the same name, this city is a wretched place full of greedy people ready to take advantage of any poor sucker who comes along.  They charge heavy taxes for ship trade going through the city.  Though large, it is little more than a shanty-town of rickety wooden buildings that seem to be laid out with no plan.  There's an old proverb that may hold today about these folks...never trust a Lisinian.  Its symbol is a coin in the palm of a hand.

Kolvar:  The seat of the Kolvaran Confederation, this mining city is home of the Kolvaran Council, a body of lawmakers drawn from all the provinces of the Confederation.  The King of Kolvar debatably has the most power as host.  The old city only bordered the Glarsee Mountains, but since The Great Retreat the city has moved inside the rock.  Its stone halls are have been carved by both sorcery and by hand and the place is a marvel to see.  The Colossus, a great jade statue stands above the great entryway, always watchful for its people.  Its symbol is a great green man, pointing ever onwards.

Bombralle: The city of sorcerers which lies east across the Glarsee Mountains from Kolvar.  The land it rules is stony and hard to farm, making a living is backbreaking work.  The sorcerers are very select about who they let into their city which is why a town surrounds the city walls.  Its symbol is a wooden staff encircled by stars.

Dallius:  This city rules over a land of gentle rolling hill and pristine forests that is just north of Kolvar.  The people from here are passionate and value the finer things in life.  Gold, jewels, fine art, and flavorful food are what they live for.  Livestock and wine are the main sources of income here.  Folks from this region are known to look down on just about everyone else.  Its symbol is a golden goblet from which rays of the sun are pouring.

Miralles: A port city that lies where the Olinian Bay forms the River Salepth which later splits into the Rivers Saluth and Parenth.  These are a hard working people who value devotion and determination.  They are in the nearest the Northern Reach and there is great fear that the Beastmen may next strike them.  Its symbol is a ship riding on top of large wave.

Baeris:  The sole city at the very northern most point of the Northern Reach, it was virtually cut off from the Confederation by distance alone.  The people here are survivors.  Their hard lives tend to be fairly short in the desolate cold so they work hard and play hard.  A Baerian on a bender is something to see.  Their city is under siege by Beastmen and it is only this tenacity that keeps them from being overtaken. Its symbol is a rearing bear with an axe and a spear crossing behind it.

The City of Tomorrow:  A fabled city that was said to house all the civil and good things in life.  It is said that they were to survive The Great Retreat with all the technology and wonder of the world before The Scourge.  Yet, no one who has traveled there has returned.

