Hi Everyone.  These are our guidelines.  These can help you when you have something that you need or want to do and you can figure it out.  You can also see the FAQ database if something is not here.

For HB, you should creat a notebook/computer file to keep track of your horses, stable, ect.  Bankers are assigned a certain number of members to keep track of.  All members start out with $10,000 sims which are kept track of by your banker.  The main purpose of HB is to have fun.  Only use CAPSLOCK when you need to, don't insult other people or start a fight.

Right now there is no limit to the number of members we are allowing to join.  If you which to leave HB, you must give the club at least 1 week's notice prior to your leaving.  Every week, the members that have joined and quit are listed in the newsletter.  All members must complete their requirements of one email to the whole club every 2 weeks.  The email can be a barn post, business post, add, horse auction, horse sale, ect. (as long as it has to do with the club)

The HB Council is headed by the President.  Any member can submit an idea/proposal to the Council for voting on (Email the Vice President to submit it).  The Council is sent proposals every week and must have them back by the Sunday of that same week.  Ud a member of the Council misses more than 1 vote in 30 days, they are automatically removed from office.  If a decision by the Council is challenged, the challenger must state why the decision goes against other policy and must be sent to the President.  If the President thinks it may be valid, it is sent out and the club members have 5 days to reply, then the President makes the final decision.  If necessary, the President can call on confrences with the Council members as often as s/he would like.

If a Council member is not doing their job, any member can send a proposal to the VP to have him/her impeached.  When members impeach a Council member, they must have a rock hard reason.  If someone is impeached by the Council, the club will vote on removing them from office.  Majority Rules.  If someone is impeached, they canot be re-elected to office until at least one month later.  On both the Council and club vote on impeachment, the Council member in question is allowed to vote.

Once a year, there will be elections.  The elections are for all Council positions and will be held by a Election Coord appointed by the Council for the month of the election.  (July)  The Election Coord may not run in the elections.  A Council member may only serve 3 terms (4 years) except the President can serve as many terms as s/he is elected to.  Council members can only hold two positions at a time, and must have been a memer of HB for at least one month and have no warnings before running for office.  If the position is available, there will be no election for that Council position until the next term.  If the Council position is taken, the runner must wait until the next election.  If any Council member needs help doing their job, they can ask the President for an assistant. 

Council Position Descriptions

The President is responcible for keeping the club running smoothly and trying to make sure that most people are happy and conflicts don't arise.  If there is a problem between members, the members are to email the President so that s/he can help solve the problem.

Vice President: The Vice President updates all of the webpages.  S/he covers for the President whenever s/he is absent.  She also gets almost everything that the President gets, so s/he can always help you!

Bankers: The bankers are there  to help members keep track of their money.  They are in charge of a certain number of members' money.

Regestration Manager: The Regestration Manager is there to keep track and update the regestered horses that are being made.  She tells the VP every week which horses have been regestered.

Points Manager: The Points Manager is in charge of keeping track of all the horses' points.  After a show is held, the points manager will add up the points, and post them.

Police Officer: The Police Officer is responsible for making sure that all of the members are doing their requirements.

Newsletter Manager: The Newsletter Manager is responsoble for sending out the weekly Newsletter every Sunday night.


Awards are done by the VP.  If a member has done somethings really nice and gone out of their way to help someone, the person helped can nominate the person for HB's Merit Award.  All you have to do is email the VP telling him/her what a person has done for you or someone you know.  Then, s/he will be listed as a runner for our monthly Merit Award.

Bank: The bank is where all members keep their money and is done by your banker.  Each banker is assigned members to keep track of.  Your banker sends out monthly statements to his/her assigned clients to tell them how much money they have.  Each member begins with $10,000 (Council members are awarded an extra $2,000 per month for their duties).

HB Circuit Show Rules: There are no rules for the shows as long as the results are sent to the Points Manager, then the show is counted for points.

Any Council member who wishes may have an assistant to help them with their duties.  Assistants must be approved by the President and Council member.  Assistants are included in the Council and in voting.  They receive $1,000 per month for their duties.  The Council member is responsible for the assistant, and if there are any problems, then the Council member needs to come the the President with it.

In the event that a member does not complete their monthly requirements or does something that is against the guidelines, their name is sent to the Council for voting of a warning.  A warning is only given by a majority vote of the Council.  If a person has 3 warnings, they are automatically removed from the club and cannot re-join.  There are two ways to remove a warning.  The first way is to ask the President forsome work to do for a Council member.  (after completing the work to the President's satisfaction, the warning will be removed) Second, if the person does not get any more warnings for 4 months, the warning will automatically be removed.