Hook Setting Bobber

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Okay, ever sat on the bank of a lake or river and watched a bobber going up and down for a couple of hours? Did you ever think to yourself that you could make it better? Did you ever flip open your tackle box and think.... eh, heheheheh!? Well I did, and so here is how I made my version of a hook setting bobber. From left to right are picture one through four. Picture one is a photo of the bobber in the waiting to be triggered state. The pin on the right, above the metal wire, is inserted in a hole you drill in the shaft to keep the device in the waiting to be triggered state. Between the pin and the bobber is a washer which you can't see which is between the holding pin and the bobber. The bobber slides on the original bobber shaft. The spring (compressed) is kept on the shaft by an attached fishing weight to keep the bobber from shooting off the other end when the spring is compressed. The loop spring holds the horizontal wire in position straight out from the side of the bobber with a leader of line and a hook attached. Picture two is a photo in the released state of the device. You can also see the swivel which is attached to your fishing line for casting of the bobber. Pictures three and four show all the components to make the "Hook Setting Bobber". Okay, now that you have seen my version... I want to see your version...come on, submit it with photos.... I dare you to make a better one!

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copyright © 1998,1999 Unique and Strange Fishing Devices-R.Whitten