ok ballas, ya wanted it, and ive heard it over and over and over...teach us some @#$ moves! Aiight ya got it cause ya boys at HoopBallers are hearin' ya. So here we go and the fact is>>ill add more and more moves when I can.
Boomerang- you've seen Sauce pull this over and over on the D, but what about for the ballers that don't know how to pull this off? Well here goes- 1) If your D calls walking/traveling a lot even though it's streetball, then do the move legally by executing tha move immediatly after a teamate passes you the ball-2) make sure your right foot is about one step in front of your left, then bend your knees and get redy to junp HIGH-3) Jump as high as you can (put most of your jumping power into your right foot) and while your jumping take your right hand, with the ball, and raise it into the air slightly bending your uplifting arm-4) Now the hard steps- Your hand should be directly facing the goal while also being behind the ball.-5) Now quickly (without moving your forarm, like a minute hand on a clock acting as if your elbow is the nail holding the hands on) turn your arm about three inches to the left and with the immediate flick of the wrist push the pill behind your head, letting it bounce, then catching it. ~H~I~N~T~ to MAKE  your defender fall for this move get right over him so that he cant see the ball, he'll just see you in a shooting motion. it also helps to be tall when doing this move because you can perform the 'HINT' step better.
backlash-This is a move that I have created and works really tight.-1) Set your D up with the ol' behind-the-back crossover a few times ( right hand pushes ball behind your back then catch with your left and cross back over to your left ) until your defender gets a little mad.-2) Now that he thinks your ganna pull the same move over and over you drop the bomb-3) take the ball in your right  hand then trake a big step with your left foot TO the leftthen sway to the left as far as you can while going behind your back, to the left, but remember that you aren't about to pull the behind the back move.-4) Now, with the ball still in your right hand and still swaying, turn your hand pushing the ball through your legs. Your man has just flown to your lefthand side why your going for an easy lay-up to the right---all this sound confusing? You bet it is.