Other Resources

Other Resources

Perry Perkins Books offers scripts for sale, but his free resources are great! Check out articles on drama ministry and a drama ministry forum (scroll down to the icon).

Playhouse Books offers a free emailable guide to starting a drama club.

Fellowship of Christian Puppeteers
An organization for Christian Puppeteers. They have a lending library available for members.

The Fire drama team
A basic history of acting and a section of drama techniques and games.

The Playwriting Seminars
Guide to writing plays. Probably more imformation than you want as a beginner, but a guide for those who've tried writing and want to improve.

Drama Ministry Essays
Essays covering everything from finding material to using props to staging.

World Wide Study Bible
This site lists online resources for each chapter of the Bible that may be of help in writing a script about a passage.
There may also be some scripts connected with certain verses.

Christianity Links