Ollie is a 12 years old talented autistic boy. He is almost nonverval. However, he started to compose poems when he was 8 years old. So far, he has written more 130 poems. Some of his poems have been published by the International Library of Poetry. He is a honored student in school. In 2002, he has won the prestigious international Yes I Can! award in academics. He "said" after the award ceremony in New York "you will see what an autistic boy can do when I win the Pulizer award!".
A Young Talented Autistic Boy And Poet
I was the one that heard the call
and accepted my fate with no concern for my safety
I rode in my steel guardian to my final destination
When I heard the news, my heart sank to the Earth
People had died; a plane had plunged into the towering giant
I rush to the party with great speed
I didn¡¯t realize I wouldn¡¯t go home
I miss my family but I would not go back
You see, I was a firefighter
Please remember my name.

(By Oliver "Ollie" Guo, 10 Years Old )

Views Samples of Ollie's Poems
Ollie At International Library of Poetry
Poems I (8-9)
Poems II (9-10)
Poems III (10-11)
About Oliver"Ollie" Guo
Ollie And "His" Horse Cocoa
View Photos Of Ollie's Baby Sister
For NYC Fire Fighters
The Yes I Can! International Award Winners (Year 2002)
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Ollie's story has been reported by the TV news anchor Lori Tucker of WATE (an ABC affiniate, www.wate.com) in April 2000. Go to the website and search by using the key word "Ollie" to find out more ..