

It all happened in a breath, in which Vincent could only stare in shock. As Elena dropped to one knee, then fell onto the ground, still protecting Marlene, who was screaming, Vincent simply gaped.

This can't be happening...No, not now, not when we were so close to getting out, just when we admitted we loved each other...No...


Sobbing, he dropped to her knees by her still form and checked for a pulse. It was faint, but still there. He turned her over so her face wasn't in the ground, and smoothed her hair.

"Move, Valentine, unless you want to get shot too."

Vincent's eyes snapped up and met Gast's, alight with a fury of a magnitude never expressed before. He slowly got to his feet and took a step forward. Simultaneously, Gast took a step back, a sort of controlled fear on his face.

"You," Vincent breathed, "destroyed my life and set a demon loose upon the world. You kidnapped an innocent girl. You murdered many people. You tried to bring that demon back. You treated your daughter with cruelty. But the most inexcusable thing, now, is that you may have killed Elena, my love. For that..."

He choked on the sentence. Gast's fear had become terror as he was backed up against the wall, and was faced with an enraged Vincent. Everyone else turned away as Vincent transformed into Chaos and Gast's scream was abruptly cut off.

As Vincent became himself again, he knelt back beside Elena and just sobbed in mourning for her.

Lucrecia expected to feel some sort of triumph when Elena, whom she hated, was shot, but she felt nothing. Only a sick sort of regret that settled in her stomach.

She walked over and crouched beside Vincent. "Vincent...I'm sorry."

His voice was slightly muffled, but the grief in it was obvious. "Go away, 'Crecia. Leave me alone."

She touched his shoulder gently, but he just pulled away. "Vincent...I just realized something. I did this all because...I love you."

He looked up at her then, his face streaked with tears. "Gods, 'Crecia, I don't care. Just leave me alone. Leave me to my misery."

She sobbed gently then, but forced the words up. "All of what happened to your friends...was our fault. We framed the two Turks, and we manufactured the illness that afflicts Cloud. I can set both of those right."

"Fine, Lucrecia, do that. See if I care. Maybe you'll be able to redeem yourself in their eyes. But I will never, never forgive you."

"Vincent, she's still alive," Reeve said softly from where he stood. "You might be able to get her medical help."

Vincent looked up at him, hope glimmering in his eyes. "Maybe...Yes. That's what I'll do. Reeve, you and Yuffie take Marlene. Tell the army to go where they will. Lucrecia, do the right thing for a change. But I'll be happy if I never see you again."

Without looking to see if anyone had complied, Vincent took off his cape and wrapped Elena in it. Yuffie drew in a sharp breath at the wound in his shoulder.

"Vincent, maybe someone else should carry her. You only have one good arm..."

"No," he said simply, and his tone indicated that there would be no arguments.

He gathered her up in his arms and walked slowly outside. Everyone parted for him in varying degrees of sadness. He managed to get both himself and Elena on the gold chocobo, then positioned her so she was leaning up against his shoulder in front of him. He had the chocobo go fairly slowly as not to knock Elena off.

They had been traveling for several minutes when Elena's eyes slowly opened, finally coming out of the shock. She slowly turned her head around and smiled.

"Vincent, you didn't leave me. Thank you." She looked at the scenery going by. "I feel happier...with you by me." She heaved a great sigh that ended in a shudder. "Look, Vincent, the leaves are turning. It's finally autumn, and the leaves are turning into those beautiful colors."

"Elena, don't talk," he said. "You can't afford the strength."

"Hah...generally when people tell me not to talk, it's because they say I talk to much. Vincent, promise me..."

"What? Anything."

"When I die...and I will die soon...promise me. Promise me you'll bury me under a large maple tree. So every autumn...I can see the leaves turn. I want to be able to see that..."

"Elena, I swear I will do anything I can to prevent me from having to fulfill that promise."

She laughed softly. "Sweet Vincent. You always seemed so cold...But you are such a sweet man."

Even when she's going to die, her eyes are still alive. "Elena, please...don't die. I need you."

"I know, Vincent. I need you too. But you'll be able to go on without me. You'll find someone nice who will love you as much as I always will. Just, please...don't forget me..."

Her eyes closed, and Vincent's heart flared up in terror. Half-panicked, her felt for a pulse again, and a bit of his worry was eased when he found it. He cursed silently at its faintness, and kicked the chocobo to get it to go faster.

He shifted her around into a position she would probably find more comfortable, and nearly cried at the amount of blood he found on his cloak. He gently patted her pale cheek and whispered assurances to her.

He was relieved when they finally reached Junon, which had the best medical facilities. He carried her all the way to the hospital, where she was relieved from him.

He sank down in one of the waiting room chairs and planted his head in his hands. He sobbed gently until a voice startled him.

"Vincent? What're you doing here? You're covered in blood."

He looked up, startled, into Barret's eyes. The larger man took a step back at his grieved expression and sat down next to him.

"What's the matter?" asked Barret.

"Elena...she's hurt, it's her blood-"

"One of those damned Turks?" he asked. "Why do you- oh. How did you meet up with her?"

Vincent told the story of all that had happened. When he got done, there was pain in Barret's eyes.

"That Turk...Elena...may have died protecting Marlene? I guess I had her figured wrong." He shook his head slowly. "That she would do that...for my daughter...I wish I could thank her." He sighed. "Although I am thankful that Marlene is safe..."

"How is Elmyra?"

"She's finally recovering, thankfully. The heart attack hit her hard. She'll be back to normal in a few days."

Vincent attempted a smile. "That's good to hear."

"Mr. Valentine?"

Vincent stood up, looking hopefully and fearfully at the earnest-looking doctor standing in the doorway.

"The woman you checked in...Elena, was her name?...she...I'm glad you got her here when you did, is all I can say."

"What are you saying?"

"She's very close to death. We're not sure whether or not she will live. We all hope for her."

"Too many times, hope is not enough. Is there anything I can do for her?"

"She's in surgery, currently. She was lucky. The bullet missed her spine and most major organs. She won't die of the wound. However, we're worried about all the blood loss and possible infection."

"Please. Do all you can for her." Vincent bowed his head. "I would be willing to do anything to get her back." He looked up at the doctor. "Please, don't let her die."

"That is our job. We will do everything we can for her."

Vincent was silent, and after a moment, the doctor walked away. Barret patted him comfortingly on the back.

"I'm sure she'll pull through. Those Turks have a habit of staying alive. She'll be okay."

"Yeah. I hope you're right." Please let him be right...please let Elena live...

"Mr. Valentine, sir?"

Vincent snapped awake. A different doctor looked at him. He glanced up at the clock on the wall.

I was asleep for...six hours. No wonder I'm so sore...

"How is Elena?" he asked, praying for good news.

The doctor gave him a kindly smile. "She's going to live."

Vincent looked up at her, and suppressed the urge to kiss the woman. "Can I see her?"

"Um, I'm sorry, sir. It's only family members allowed."

Vincent sighed. "Can't you ask her if she wants to see me?"

She hesitated, then nodded. "Come along. She'll probably want to see you, so no use in making the trip several times."

He hurried along behind her, anxiously wishing for her to go faster. Once they got to the hospital room and the doctor stuck her head in to ask Elena if she wanted to see him, he was nearly dancing with anxiety.

The doctor smiled at him. "Go on in."

He pushed past her and smiled at Elena, looking dwarfed in the bed she lay in. Her eyes were closed, but when he walked over to her and took her hand, they came open.

"Vincent! You're here," she exclaimed weakly.

"Elena...you're alive. I'm so happy."

"I look like hell, though, don't I?"

He looked at her pale face, the cheeks slightly hollow, and the eyes a bit sunken, and shook his head. "No, you look beautiful."

"I was so scared...I was afraid I would never see you again."

He knelt by her bed and carefully gathered her into a hug. "No. Never. We will always be together. I promise."

On to the next chapter

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