Destroyer Division 152

Hopewell was also the Flagship of Destroyer Division 152 which included Destroyers USS Uhlman, USS Kidd, USS Wedderburn

Commanding the Division is Commander Wilbyr H. Cheney Jr. USN from Sedan Kans, who reported in March from the Armed Forces College in Norfolk, VA.

The division doctor is LT(jg) John R. Kiser. USNR, who has been on the staff of Division 152 since Aug of 1952.

Available at all times to each ship in the division, he has kept our "high line" crews busy this year.

"Doc" Kiser makes his home in Carmel, Calif., and reported to the staff from the U.S. Naval Training Center at San Diego, Calif

Assisting Cdr. Cheney with the many administrative duties required of division commander Lt. Charles M Hart, USNR  flag secretary.

Lt Hart hales from Brooklyn, NY which isn't hard to guess once hearing him talk.

He reported aboard October of 1952 from previous duty on destroyer USS Strong.

Six enlisted personnel round out the division 152 staff. They are (L to R.) Glenn Cardwell, yeoman, seaman from Sevierville, Tenn; Harry Plumeau, Chief radioman, from Santa Barbara, Calif; William Guderian, radioman, third class, from Algona, Iowa; Renato Diego, steward third class, from Philippine Islands; and Donald Bennett journalist, third class, from Oakland Calif; not shown is Billy Icenogle, quartermaster first class, from Portland, Ore.