you?ll be sorry
when you never get to say bye
you?ll be sorry
When you realize my happiness was a mere lie
You?ll be sorry 
When you think of my lifeless being
You?ll be sorry
When you think of my pain never healing
You?ll be sorry
Since my life won?t be long
You?ll be sorry
Once I?m gone
You'll Be Sorry
there must be more
to living in this pain
there must be more
than carrying this deep strain
there must be more
to this life than what I see
there must be more to me
There must be more
Than what it may seem
There must be more
Than striving on an out of reach dream
There must be more
Than dealing with this despair
There must be more
Than feeling my heart rip and tear
There must be more
Than ending it with a knife
There must be more
Than living this life
There Must Be More
I know you all won?t miss me
As my body starts to tear
I know you all won?t miss me
Even though you act like you care
I know you all won?t miss me
When my last tear drops to the ground
I know you all won?t miss me
When I make my final screaming sound
I know you all won?t miss me
As the blood flows down the cement
I know you all won?t miss me
When my body grows so silent
I know you all won?t miss me
When I?m not there to smile
I know you all won?t miss me
When I?m dead for awhile
I Know You All Won't Miss Me
I'm sorry I can?t be there
To wipe all those tears
I'm sorry I'm not around
To say forget your fears
I'm sorry I'm gone
I'm sorry you cry from my lies
Saying I was OK
But I just caused those tears from your eyes
I should have gotten help
Like you tried to do
I wish I had paid attention
I wish I had listened to you
I'm sorry you?re crying
All alone without me
I wish I were there
With the people I love I'd be
Now I'm in heaven
Looking down on you all
By doing this
I feel weak I feel small
I'm sorry with all my heart
And I hope, soon you won?t be as sad
Because if I'd gotten help
I?d be there if I had
I know I'll be in your heart
In you memory deep in your head
But no matter how much you mourn
I?ll always remain dead
Remain Dead
I hate it so much
I want to take my life so bad
I?ve lost everything
Everything I?ve ever had
If I had a wish
I would be free
If I had one wish
I wouldn?t be me
If I could just say
Something to everyone I know
I would say this is true
They?d be like so
So I?m going to do it
Get it over and done with
The blood will drain slowly
And I?ll know it?s not a myth
All this pain is true
So are these tears
I finally committed suicide
And concurred my fears
If you?re reading this
I know you love me
And I?m sorry that
With you I cannot be
I would have taken it back
But it is now too late
I never really thought
I would ever give into my terrible fate
And I?m sorry if
You start to cry
Just remember
It was my choice to die
It was nothing that you did
It was all about me
I should have gotten help
But not being on earth I could never see
I thought I would grow old
With the ones I love
But now I?ll sleep forever
With the Lord up above
I'm Sorry
I know I'm too depressed
To go on with this morbid feel
With all this unbearable pain
That never seems to heal
I just want out
Make my life go away
Because I don't think I can live
Day by day by day
So let this blood drip
And let these tears flow
so to my depressed being
I'll finally let go
Let Go
I'm so depressed
I'm so sad
I'm so hurt
I'm so mad
I know you won't care
And won't stay by my side
When I just give in
And commit suicide
I'm So
Just kill me now
So I can let go of this strain
Just give me some pills
So I can get rid of this pain
Just kill me now
And let me let go of my life
Just kill me now
Just give me a knife
Now I can't speak
Now I can't talk
Now I can't run
Now I can't walk
Now there's no depression
Now I feel no joy
Now I can't be used
Now I'm not a boy's toy
Now I can't yell
Now I can't shout
Because of my suicide
Now I'm out
I went to the kitchen
After that flood of tears
I hate this place
I'm letting go of those fears
I went through the drawer
Examining a butcher knife
Knowing it was sharp enough
To end this f*cked up life
I've left my last note
To my mother and dad
death must be better than this
Since it couldn't be more bad
It feels like a thousand pounds
As I force up my arm
I'm soaking in sweat
Knowing soon the harm
I finally do it
Slash the knife over my wrist
I'm mad at everyone for causing this resort
I think as the blood flows to my fist
I fell my life, my strength
Draining deeply from me
There's blood on the knife
And everywhere else I manage to see
I close my bloodshot eyes
As this pain begins to clear
That was my final breath
And that was final tear
I now see a light
In my eyes it starts to glare
I don't know what to do
As all my problems begin to tear
I see myself now
Covered in my blood lying dead on the floor
I hear the sound of my silent house
I hear an opening of the door
I stare looking but this feels like a dream
My mom walks in
And I hear her sharp, peircing scream
Scream Of Suicide
There?s an empty seat
Who used to sit there?
Who can remember
Who really cares
There?s an empty locker
Who used to have it?
Who can remember
Who gives a shit
If these halls could talk
Would they even talk about me?
If those people weren?t so blind
Would it be me they?d see?
If they weren?t so conceited
Would they even remember
How depressed I was
Or us together
If they didn?t notice I was here
Will they really notice I?m gone?
Who knows when someone will tell them
Will it really take that long?
Maybe they?ll remember me now
When there?s one more empty space
Maybe they?ll forget me again
Since I can just be replaced
I?m gone now
Laugh or cry
Who cares
That you people made me die
Oh, its not your fault
I?m responsible for you pricks
I think it?s my own fault
That I hated you guys so much it made me sick
Every night I?d cry
Wishing you people would care
But all cared about was yourself
Like that perfect smile you wear
But its all good now
Cuz now i?m gone
Are you fuckers even gonna remember me
Now that I?ve passed on???
I'm Gone Now
That now you?re the one crying
That now you?re the one lying
Now you carry this heavy strain
Now you feel this pain
You?ll never get to insult me like before
You?ll never see through the fake smile I wore
But remember the hurt will pass on
Now I?m gone