Referances are avalible on request.


Model's Legal Name:
Professional Name(s):

In consideration for $      . (hour) value received, I do hereby givephotographer Fox Studio the irrevocable right to use my name(s) and photographs of me made / / at _________________ as follows:

Right and permission to copyright and/or use, photographic images of me, in which I may be included in whole or in part, or composite, or distorted in character and form, clothed or nude, in conjunction with my own or any other picture, or reproductions of those images in color or otherwise, in photographic or other form, made through any media, for art, advertising, business, competition, display, editorial use, education, or other lawful purpose.

This release may be reassigned to any other parties by the photographer, including clients, licensees, purchaser, agencies, and publications. I hereby waive any right to inspect the finished product or copy that may be used in connection therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.Residuals: In addition to, or in lieu of, cash compensation, I will have the opportunity to work in exchange for, or in addition to, receiving prints. ----------------------------------------------------------- |

Model please delete and initial anything not acceptable: | | | |

In connection with these images, you may use: | | | |

1. My real name. | |
2. My professional name(s) as stated above. | |
3. Any other fictitious name. | ----------------------------------------------------------
4. I have read and edited this release and agree to its terms.
5.  I am over the age of 18 and have every right to contract in my own name.
6. Legal signature: _____________________________ Date: ___________
7. Witnessed by: _____________________________ Date: ___________


Copy above release then click here to e-mail me release: