Thanks for visiting.

I love hearing from you how much I have helped you or your families to get well despite the efforts of traditional medicine.
If you want me to answer a question for you, send it directly to my email link.  I don't read these often.

Oldest Guestbooks below.

Doug - 12/25/00 05:35:57
I just wanted to see your page and bookmark it.  It is a great web site.  Who me?  Problems????  Seriously, I plan to come back again.

Linda (Strouble) Beers - 11/08/00 23:36:58 My Email: Problem:: Lost friend from high school.
What worked?: e-mailing you What didn't work?: Waiting for you to find me.
Wow!  neat to see your family.  It has been a long time since I have heard from you.  Hope you remember me from high school (it has been awhile).  What crazy things are you into?  Well, got to go.  Nice to see your family.  E-mail me sometime.

Amy Shumbat - 10/10/00 23:46:14 My Problem:: mutiple sclerosis
Comments: I have not tried anything yet but as of tonight I plan on it!

Nancy Becker - 07/14/00 01:36:41 My Problem:: fibromyalgia What worked?: elavil Comments: Thanks for the comments.  I will try the remedy you suggested.  I have used melatonin and it did work.  I"ll let you know how I make out.

Gerald McCarthy - 06/30/00 02:22:14 My
Great website.  I'm doing a paper on parents with exceptional children, do you have any advice??  Also, can I have your permission to use your article:"Dear Professionals: What Parents Want to Tell You" for a presentation for a university course??

Annette - 04/25/00 20:47:42 My Your diagnosis: Overstressed,under valued!  Your kids' diagnosis: Meaner than a junk yard dog.  What worked?: Violence helped...a little.  What didn't work?: Patience and kindness.  I've got teethprints to prove it.
Has Dr.  Mom helped?: Unburdening oneself helps.  What else should I know?: What is your e-mail?  I lost it.
I mislaid your e-mail address, please communicate again.

Kim Flowers (or silly) - 03/07/00 01:22:22 My URL: My Comments: AWESOME page.8-)

Gina Prust - 03/01/00 20:35:22 My Your kids' diagnosis: C.P.
Comments: Muriel, I'm trying to get in contact with someone who may have contacted you.  I tried to view your guestbook to see if I could figure out how to contact the person.  But the Guest Book address didn't work.  Anyway, it's someone that you wrote about on CPPARENT.  It's someone named Maria who had a uterine rupture, and you used it as an example and told the story of your mom's experience (wow!!!  She's lucky to be alive!  What negligence!) to the CPPARENT list.  Anyway, her son's name is Joey and has CP.  Can you let me know how I might contact her, or would you mind passing on my message to her with my e-mail address?  Thanks!!!

chad mcginn - 02/01/00 23:46:52 My Your diagnosis: adhd, gifted, "cured" bipolar, various allergies Your kids' diagnosis: not born yet What worked?: everything i saw......  What didn't work?: .....  Has Dr.  Mom helped?: I'd imagine
Comments: nice site.

Dan Novak - 01/31/00 01:45:08 My Your kids' diagnosis: ADHD What worked?: diet/attitude adjustment What didn't work?: pharmaceuticals Comments: nice site.  I need to spend more time here later.

Ties den Engelsen - 12/28/99 14:14:44 My Your diagnosis: ADHD What worked?: not the fishoil.  What didn't work?: Ritalin Has Dr.  Mom helped?: she tried What else should I know?: It's going better now.
Comments: I emailed you to tell you things where going bad.  I had problems with myself.
My mam kicked me out of the house to grow up mentally.  It worked.  I am mutch more mature.  I still swallow medications but no more heavy shit.  I didn't tell you before but I smoke Grass.  It isnt a big problem because you already know.  Grass (Marhiuana) is allowed in The Netherlands.  If you worry, don't. It going better and better. Even if we are not as advanced with ADHD as in America.  And the people at my dad's bank whill give me a sign when you email me.  Much greetings from Ties den Engelsen.

Ed Bendure - 07/03/99 21:26:02 My Your diagnosis: Ask George
Comments: nice to see I was right, it is your site - Another nice meeting in cyberspace.

Pamela Jackson - 07/02/99 22:31:54 My URL: My
Comments: Your children are so beautiful.  You must really be a busy mom.

Juergen Michalek - 06/13/99 17:25:05 My URL:,187251 My What else should I know?: honorary work in a association for handycapped persons Comments: Greetings from Boeblingen, Germany.  Very good page!  The web- links I didn´t found on excite, are on your page!  I also read the story about Curran.  All good to him and his family cya!

Lightfeather - 05/24/99 19:00:54 My URL: My Your diagnosis: Great Page!!
Comments: I grew up with a form of OCD and know how hard it is to be different while young.  Great Page!

Renee' - 05/16/99 02:48:18 My Email:ra2taback Comments: Hi there..just surfing in to check you out.  Haven't visited in quite a while and wanted to see your updates, and to check your hair color.  :-) Hugs.......  Renee'

J.  R.  Molloy - 05/01/99
What else should I know?: The cure for cancer?
Comments: I invite you to join our discussion group called Virtropy, the movement toward virtuality.  (Virtuality simply means the effect without the form.) We like to talk about cognitive science, artificial intelligence, cosmology, synthetic evolution, and occasionally add a little humor.  You can join in just by sending a blank email message to:
To subscribe to Digest version, go to:
May life provide you with the opportunity to quest for ultimate truth and knowledge, and may life spare you from those who think they've found it.  Cheers, --J.  R.  Molloy, list owner Post Scriptum: Virtual authority belongs to the one who best answers those who question virtual authority.

Erika - 04/02/99 18:51:19 My URL: My
Comments: You have done a wonderful, fantastic job on your website!  Very bright and cheerful and informative.  It looks like you put a lot of time and effort into everything.  I especially love the backgrounds and the words you chose.  I was just passing by...when yo get a moment, stop by ours!  I will keep coming back to this site over and over and over again.  Keep up the good work.  - Erika Amanda - 03/29/99 05:21:08 My

Your kids' diagnosis: quad spast CP What worked?: conductive education What didn't work?: surgery Comments: My name is Amanda and I am writing from PEI Canada.As soon as my e-mail is working, at work, i will e-mail  I would like to know more about the drug Botox..  I had to fight with the doctors to take Marshall(he is my 4yr old son with CP) to the conductive education school...They told me he would never walk..I refuse to believe that.  They put him in a wheel chair before even trying.  He spent 4 days at the school nd started to push a chair trying to walk..5 weeks later he came home with a walker.  One of the other mothers gave it to him. Her son had outgrown it. I am 24 and I have 2 other children Tyler 5 and Shelbie 10mos..  Marshall was diagnosed at 1yr he was born 1lb 10oz I was 5 months pregnant...Since then i have gone through a lot and think I might have a bit in common with

The Mighty Zane - 03/26/99 01:57:13 My URL:
Comments: Smile, it makes my job easier.  Nice page :+)

Sherry DuBal - 03/14/99 03:07:40 My
Comments: Just interested in anything medical, have a friend with a child dianosed as Autistic.
Also interested in alternative medicine.  Find your site very interesting.  Thanks

Harry Gottschall,Jr. -03/09/99 21:55:52 My What else should I know?: how about following Comments: I told you wife has Anemia,you ask which type iron-deficient or pernicious?  answer follows.  erythroid hypoplasia...what Dr says.  thought I would advise.  Thanks Harry

Ed Madara - 03/03/99 18:35:13 My URL: My What else should I know?: We help people to find and form member-run support groups.  Check out database at web site.
Comments: "My years as a medical practitioner, as well as my own first-hand experience, have taught me how important self-help groups are in assisting their members in dealing with problems, stress, hardship and pain...  Today, the benefits of mutual aid are experi nced by millions of people who turn to others with a similar problem to attempt to deal with their isolation, powerlessness, alienation, and the awful feeling that nobody understands." - C.  Everett Koop, MD (1992)

Debbie Rannfeldt - 02/28/99 16:42:36 My Your kids' diagnosis: Moderate atheroid cp Comments: I really appreciate your natural health remedy knowledge and willingness to share.

Jerrijo - 02/04/99 15:06:46 My Your diagnosis: ADD Your kids' diagnosis: ADHD What worked?: nothing What didn't work?: everything Has Dr.Mom helped?: Not yet but hoping What else should I know?: Me and dad at wits end.

Bob Muir - 01/16/99 15:12:15 My Your diagnosis: Me:Madness Your kids' diagnosis: nutty father What worked?: still in progress What didn't work?: still in progress Has Dr.  Mom helped?: first call, nothing will help, probably What else should I know?: you don't wanna.
Comments: Nice site.  See your stuff all the time on WaacChat.  First time I got through to your site.  But then I run short on patience when waiting. Look forward to your emails to WAAC.  Bob Muir

Tom Sanders - 01/12/99 17:50:07 My Your diagnosis: Just say Hi
Comments: Fun page!!!  Say Hi to the maximum leader.

Below is VERY old Guest Book.
Bob Wexelbaum - 12/27/98 03:07:34
Your diagnosis: Skeptical
What didn't work?: The Radar Range Equation
I just want to say that I have been here and that I am studying html so that I can have my own web site in the future. I hope you are not too angry at me for the way I posted your SETI message to the Ham-Policy NG. I admit that I am still skeptical but I guess that the SETI program is as good as any hobby and the faith in it is probably as logical as any other faith. Tell Paul that I never heard an ET or ham who I didn't like. Regards, Bob Wex w2ilp

wayne and debby hostrander - 12/24/98 00:30:38
Your diagnosis: cirosis
Has Dr. Mom helped?: just found website
I currently am taking blood pressure med. for my portal vein, I also take Kyolic Garlic,2 caps daily, also milk thistle,2 caps daily. I know I should take more of these 2 herbs, but they are very expensive, and I figure what I can take is better than none. Any suggestions?

Debbie Steele - 12/20/98 14:36:06
Your diagnosis: ADD, depression
Your kids' diagnosis: Infantile Refsum's Disease
What worked?: PT, OT, speech, hearing aids
What didn't work?: the school district!
Has Dr. Mom helped?: N/A
What else should I know?: Sarah has a progressive genetic syndrome
Muriel, I am so excited to have found your page. I have been reading and taking in as much as possible. I would like to give you my daughter Sarah's award from her page. Please visit her and let me know if you would like the award. Debbie

Jon Hykes - 12/03/98 02:12:21
Your diagnosis: BERSERKER
Your kids' diagnosis: ADD/ allergic
What worked?: love and patience with elimination of food coloring, and potatoes
What didn't work?: Ritalin and politically correct thinking.
Has Dr. Mom helped?: Immensely! She got us to an allergist.
What else should I know?: How to circumvent the correctness Nazis
Keep up the good work, an continue spreading the message about the current medical thought on AHDD.

Trisha Cummings - 09/14/98 15:27:57
Your diagnosis: Blonde!!!
Your kids' diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy - Right Hemiplegia
What worked?: E-stim assisted Pt and TES
What didn't work?: conventional methods and outdated thinking
Has Dr. Mom helped?: Yep
What else should I know?: I thought you knew it all!!!
Thought after long last I'd sign in officially. Love all the work you put in on your pages. Great Links - Cute kids - especially Devin!!! Hugs sweetie!!!

Constance M. Reynolds - 08/23/98 17:28:58
Your diagnosis: ADHD
Your kids' diagnosis: ADHD
What worked?: Dexadrine & behavioral management
What didn't work?: Dexidrine & behavioral management--at times
Has Dr. Mom helped?: yes

Judy - 08/15/98 20:23:11
Your diagnosis: allergic (can I say I was a gifted child without sounding conceited? LOL)
Your kids' diagnosis: allergic/gifted
What worked?: Homeschooling!
What didn't work?: The usual processed 20th Century diet.
Has Dr. Mom helped?: Always helpful to know someone interesting :-)
I loved your husband's entry - very sweet :-) I'd love to have a family photo with as many children as you but I need my husband to stay sane ;-) Tell your husband that if he hasn't had any signals from ETs yet I have met an alternative life form that couldn't possibly be from this planet - if he wants to make contact I can get my sister-in-law to write him a letter LOL. Just kidding. ;-) Wonder
what he thought of the movie 'Contact'? I liked it!

Amico mom to Jason Adam - 07/12/98 05:45:00
Your diagnosis: none
Your kids' diagnosis: mild CP & CVI
What worked?: anything !
What didn't work?: I don't know
Has Dr. Mom helped?: not yet but later must be !
What else should I know?: everything, of course !
I put your site in my favorites ! It's really cool !

Dr. H. Paul Shuch - 07/05/98 18:34:12
Your diagnosis: terminal devotion
What worked?: it's incurable.
Has Dr. Mom helped?: More than she'll ever know...


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