2 Bad Stories

Newsgroups: rec.drugs.psychedelic

First of all please take me seriously though I bear the leprosy of an AOL address. Here is my dilemma. About 9 months ago I took my first shroom trip before a concert. It was about noon and I was really exited and ready for the experience. Four of us split a quarter. About two stems and a cap each and consumed them in a peanut butter sandwich. Then we walked around in the field behind my friends house for about an hour waiting for the effects. After about forty-five minutes I began to have the sensation that trees were sucking me in via the wind and I was drawn into this grove of trees. I climbed a tree and looked around. The day was absolutely beautiful and everything looked fresh and new. Then, I was walking around the field with my friend and we were both well on our way into the trip. I said something about how good this stuff is and there really has to be something bad about it or everyone would do it. Shortly after that we went back inside his house and started watching tv. It was really crazy. We watch Fantasia with the music all the way up and then watch Nightmare Before Christmas for a while. That is kinda when the bad trip began to set in. I started thinking how long everything is and how their is so much time and very little to do. I wandered around the house with the feeling that their was something I had to do but couldn't quite figure out what it was. Then, waiting for the ride to go to the concert I became fixated on a digital clock and it seemed like two hours where the clock didn't change. I felt as if I were stuck in time. I also began to feel I would be stuck like this forever. When the ride finally arrived we were off. The car ride was quite insane, I became catatonic and couldn't relate to anyone. I heard little snippets of conversation such as "the way shrooms work is that they contain just enough poison to trip but not to kill you" that was a really great thing to say. I began to be very uncomfortable sitting their and was fidgeting into different possition, I also pulled my shirt away from my body a bit and my stomach seemed to come out with it. I began to prey for my sober mind back and was experiencing muscle contractions and tremors. I would have said take me to the hospital but I couldn't talk. When we arrived at the concert I became aware that I was very thirsty, when I took a drink from the gatorade bottle I felt myself being sucked into the opening. Everyone crowded around me and asked if I was alright which made me feel even worse. It slowly faded after about 8 hours in the middle of the concert and I was euphoric in my sobriety. That was my first psychedelic experience and possibly the most intense experience I have ever had. I have not tripped or shroomed since but have smoked alot of pot with none of the anxiety or ill effects. I have also read extensively on the safety of psychedelics and how to avoid bad trips. Now I am considering shrooming again but do not know if it will be better this time. If you have a bad trip is it possible to have a good experience the second time? Or are first trips often scary and intriging? I think my problem was that I thought too much instead of letting myself go. I dunno but would really appreciated feedback and recommendations via e-mail or posting.
Thanks much.------------------

I read about your shroom trip and have to tell you that i can relate. At the moment i am coming down from a very long night (few hours) of my frist shroom experience. I had tripped once before...bad bad bad. But I thought that srooms would be different. I was wrong. I guess i should tell the whole story. A friend of mine and I split an 8th. We ate them (2stems, 2caps each) at about 7pm. He had done it before...i hadnt and he knew that..i also told him about the acid (2 hits alone in a dark room, need i say more). So he was the master of the night as far as i was concerned. We smoked a joint after to kick it in but i can't tell what is what anymore so it may be bullshit. Then we thought it would be cool to pass time by going to the movies. OK THEN! so we were off on our little adventure. We walked so far it seemed and crossed 2 really busy streets at night to get there. We picked a funny one..Tu Wong FU i think and went in around 9. At this point all was very cool. But the movie didn't start till 9:35 so we were the only people in the lobby xcept for the people working there. I was a bit paranoid but remembered the last time and just cleared my head of worry. So we went and sat down in the theatre all alone. We had so much fun. We were laffing and telling stories and seeing shit all over. There was movie trivia on the screen and that was not fun to read but great to watch. THEN ANOTHER COUPLE WALKED IN! I told him that we had better leave because i was laffing so hard and going bonkers.... plusssss i had somewhere eles to be. I convinced him to leave by giving him 10 bucks to cover the ticket cost and we snuck out the back door so nobody would think anything weird was going on. We decided to sit on a hill by to parking lot for a while....that was ok for a little while.. I was so great at that point but it came in certian frames. Some frames were good and others bad. All of the frames were a different idea or emotion. Things that just happened seemed to take place years ago. Id say we sat on the hill for seriously 5 months...but i think it was only 30 minutes in REALITY. I kept asking him what time it was and he told me not to worry about it. That's cool. Then i started to feel really sick. I was ok and then i wasnt...over and over. He could not tell if i was serious and he kept asking me if i was really going to throw up. I started to think about if i really was and i didn't know. THAT WAS THE BAD TIME! I threw up a little bit and kept smoking menthols. I told him that somehow we had to leave...or sleep there.. Every fucking car had blue lights so i started to make myself believe we were at K-mart so i would not be scared. I kept talking and he would laff and i was having all these revalations. I told him and he said he understood but i started to doubt him. I still can't tell if i was higher than he was or not. So anyway we got up somehow and found the right way.. At one point after i threw up i made myself come down for a sec by thinking that i was walking down stairs...that felt good to me (to come down a bit) but he kept telling me not to. So we were walking so many different places...it changed with each conversation. I had to find a sober person to talk to that had done this before. First we had to stop in his room and pee. Paranoia..and i started to feel like you felt in the car. The door was closed...nin was playing and i could not take that...there were voices everywhere. I sat down at his computer to play and i pressed the power button...well it was already on and i ended up erasing a paper he was working on. That's when he freaked me out... he was upset and he didn't blame me but i blamed myself.. nothing was right i felt sick again. He was foolin with stuff. So we left and i tried to talk to him about it. It was hard. We ran into a friend of mine and i said im shrooming and i don't want to anymore. It was the truth..my pyhsical body felt sick..but i could not decide if i was or not. Then Chad left me to go work on his paper and i was with my other friend. But i was totally comfortable without him..go figure. I took some niacin which aborts trips (mentally). I thought i was choking on the pills but i didn't know if i was or not. I was scared. My friend was on the phone buggin me out. I felt the niacin kick in right away and took a shower. I waws going crazy... i thought i would never know what was real again...i was so gone. So i called my friend and i felt better. I just crashed out with a big blanket. I could not were my own clothes. I thought i was the root of all problems. I will never take drugs again. I talked to my TRUST frien and she made things good. The thing i hated about it is i was coming down and i thought people were fuckin with me and treating me bad. Then i remembered chad. So i called him and he was a mess. He was in his room freaking out...so he come over. He felt like shit to. I am afraid to take acid or shrooms agian. I dont't know why but i just can't handle it. For some reason i am frustrated. My friends all talk about these great trips but i can't say it was a fun experience on the whole.. I don't want to be stuck like that...I was thinking i could be at one point. So maybe it was a bad batch. Personally i think its becaues of the person i am in reality..i am such a realist and everything is cut and dry to me. YES or NO? That is where i went wrong but i don't know if it was something i can control. so there it is...even now i am aching all over and sleep sounds great...but the story had to be told...i think you understand.

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