Danny's Letters to God
Your Way

Dear God,

Good morning. Let's do this life thing again today and allow me to try to do it better than yesterday ... although yesterday was pretty good. So far so good with the tempest of Guideline 14 except I still have one more huffy situation to try to alleviate and if it is Your will things will turn out just the way they are supposed to. What a great gift You gave me to realize that I'm responsible to do the work but the results belong to You. Now thats how one can spell relief.

Back to important stuff, me. Today will be filled with much "honey do" stuff and also important things like setting up the closing on the 2.1 million dollar closing for the co-op mortgage, having the oil changed in the woman's car and doing the white wash. The woman You sent to run my life tells me the mortgage can wait so I'd better do the oil change and most importantly the wash and "don't forget to change the sheets." Now thats another question. How come sheets have to be changed when they don't look dirty? Go figure.

By the way, thanks for the food fix up. One day of Danny's controlled Super Bowl Sunday eating is enough to convince me once again that my way is not the right way. What once was a problem ,knowing which was my will or Yours is now easy to know. Your will is the difficult one to do with the great results ... mine the opposite. Every now and then I just have to try You on for size and I always pay a price. When do I stop pushing? It's a good thing You are more powerful than this disease as I was certainly unable to stop poisoning myself until You were called upon. As the food went into my body, the body reacted to that food with nausea but still it was ingested in spite of the rejection. Amazing! Only when my God was called upon did the self destruction cease. Thanks. Let's do it again just for today. You give me the knowledge of and the power to do Your will and I will attempt to carry it out.

Please watch over my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who still suffer and the people I don't like.

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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