Danny's Letters to God
Goodbye to the Grumpies

Dear God,

Not too sure about being happy this morning as this day has been full of aggravation, and it is only 10:30 a.m. Yes I know that if there were no bumps in the road I could not appreciate the smoothness of same, still, well You know. With a minimal notice our management people informed us our building was to be power washed this morning, much junk to be moved. It is junk because it is hers, not mine. Before another word is spoken here, allow me to thank You for my waking up. Thanks for my nephew’s injuries being repairable by surgery, and all that I have.

Amazing, as this is printed the grumpies are oozing out of me, thanks.

I have a rather lengthy list of honey do's from the woman You sent to run my life. Normally she would be asleep when my morning reading and writing is accomplished, however my world has become upside down these past several weeks. Seems as though she bristles at anything that diverts my attention from her. I'd run away from home but I'm not allowed to cross the street by myself. You want to come along? Ok, take a deep breadth and surrender the day,now. I'm glad that is done. Whew.!!

Sometimes bad things happen to good people, please take special care of them. I'm going to wash my pan and patties, scrub up my store bought teeth and sally forth into today. Grant me the wisdom to know and power to do Your will just for today. Watch over my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who do not read and study the AA BB and those I could do without.

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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