Danny's Letters to God

Dear God,

It's pretty chilly here this morning, and I am not a happy camper. No coffee this a.m. No nothing probably until mid-day. This would not usually bother me, but because the medics said so I must be ticked off. I have holes in my socks, and I'm going to wear dirty underwear to the hospital and call my mother to tell her so. Out of all the uncomfortable tests and some downright painful ones, I am fearful of this one. Please take away my fear, as it is not like me to fear anything except the return of my disease to power. I was just about to ask You why and realized it's none of my business. OH well!!

I'm sure that somewhere in this world there is a man who would be willing o trade places with me. One of these days I will be told the outcome of all the testing and the doctors will tell me to go home and lose some weight, and all will be well. At that space in time, I will start to prepare my defense for killing them. Just a little nervous joking here. My mind is full of me today and I don't like the feel of that, so maybe You could send a person my way who could use my help in some way? AND WHY NOT??? Meanwhile, You could watch over my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who still suffer, and of course the folks I don't like too much. Stay with me today and hold my hand.

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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