Dear God,

The sun is breaking through a thin layer of clouds on this chilly Sunday morning, and for some reason I'm trying to remember how long ago these morning talks of ours have been shared through this medium of electronic magic. Yesterday, I watched a three year old use a computer without a thought. I was almost speechless, almost. I can not begin to tell you of the gratitude that envelopes me today for all the wonders I have been permitted to experience in my life, and there is I'm sure, more to come. Thanks so much for yesterday with the baby sister and her family. Even the ride to Jersey was easy, however the trip home was full of accidents, and thanks for keeping the women talking about the children so as not to be teling me how or where to drive. When they do that, all they drive is me, nuts that is. Once again, my being is full of peace and wonderment at the life You have provided me. There is some sadness for all of the time wasted with my face in the food and my heart in hate, resentment, envy, sloth and jealousy. Ugh!!! Let's not do that anymore. Today is Yours to do with me as You will, only don't forget the football games. Yes, I know that's why I have VCR machines all over the place. OK, OK, You are the boss. Just give me the strength to do whatever You send my way. Watch over the woman You sent to run my life, whose gentle snoring can be heard in the next building. Please keep an eye on my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who still suffer, and especially those folks I don't much care for. More than anything, allow me to spend this day without hurting You.

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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