Dear God,

Thanks for waking me up today to a beautiful, clear, crisp autumn morning. The air is so clean I can taste it, and it is abstinent air at that. To all my fellows who have not as yet put food in their mouths, remind them they are abstinent right now. While I'm thinking of it, please grant me abstinence from negative thoughts and from destructive behavior. Sometimes I forget that stinking thinking leads to all sorts of nasties. The woman You sent to run my life, to tell me what to do and how, when, and where to do it is going away for the weekend with her lady friends. Once again I'm left alone to sit here and watch football, hockey and the fights. YES!!!! Life is so good it's scary, and I must learn to accept it this way because it comes from You. I am at peace today. Let's keep it that way. I'll do my share. You are in charge of the results of my footwork. I'm off to Brooklyn today, and this will be my last Friday to do this, as I am beginning to feel tired again. Two days a week is enough. SHE said so. By the way, did You really make her a full partner? There are a couple of things You might look into: the listing of our online real time meetings with the WSO website and my increasing anger at them. I will do nothing to irritate the situation now that I know You are on the job. Please watch over my family, friends, fellow sufferers, those who have not found us yet, and of course the people in my life that aggravate the hell out of me. Geez why can't they just do it my way??

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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