Dear God,

Thanks for allowing yet one more day to experience this world of ours, with all its wonders and people. Last night I attended my regular f2f Relapse and Recovery meeting and found more recovery than relapse, thanks. I also observed that while the traditions are and always will be for me the protection of the steps, they can be abused by sincere but crazy people. It taught me to be retrospective in my use of them, thanks. I'm also happy that You allowed me to keep my mouth shut (yes, I did), well, almost!! I need to look at my involvement here on the internet, as my plate is too full and I find myself neglecting other facets of my life. Not smart, so I'll sleep on it and listen for Your directions. Meanwhile, may I know Your will for me for today and have the willingness and power to do same. Please watch over my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who still suffer, and of course the folks who don't agree with me. The question last night was, "What is most important in your life?," and a number of people put abstinence before You. Perhaps You might let them know that without You there is no long-term food relief. Well, it took me twenty some-odd years to get it.

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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