Dear God,

Well, the big medical scare is over and now, of course, the food is calling me. Thanks for caller ID, as my years of listening for that still small voice is paying off. How many times in my existence have I climbed a mountain of problems, only to trip over the grains of sand in my shoes? Another lesson well-learned and being used. The weekend is upon us, and one of our fellows this morning reminds us that our disease takes off no weedends or holidays, and works very hard to grab us again. The 12 steps to recovery could just as well have been called the 12 steps to change. It is well said that "You had better change the man you came in with, or he will surely drag you back out." I believe this with all my heart. I do dislike change, but there you have it. Do it or die a slow death from obesity. Helluva choice! My bride and two daughters are going to vacation down in the Florida Keys for a week. Please take good care of them and return them safely to me. I guess I'll just wait for the next bump in the road and ask all my loopie pals to come. All you cowards, hold this coward's hand. Grant me the knowledge of Your will and the power to carry it out, and watch over my family, friends, loop pals, those who still suffer, and especially those I really don't care for.

And Why Not?
The Recovery Group

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