One Day at a Time


Every action of our lives
touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin

When I first read this quote, two thoughts came to mind. The first thought was that I owed it, not only to myself, but to all the other compulsive overeaters in the world, to recover from my disease. If, with the help of my Higher Power, I can recover from compulsive eating, then others will know that recovery is possible for them as well.

The second thought had to do with Bill W., Dr. Bob and all the other Twelve Step trailblazers. Did they realize that what they did in 1935 would have such a far-reaching impact on the world? Did they know that they would set in motion a program that would bring hope to addicted people everywhere? My guess is that they did not know, and probably would have scoffed at the very idea that they were starting a global recovery program that would empower millions.

I have written Edwin Chapin's quote in my Big Book to remind me of those who went before me and of those who will come after. It is my tribute to the eternal value of the Twelve Step program.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will remember that the things I do today
will have a lasting impact on the future.

~ Jeff ~

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