One Day at a Time

~ FEAR ~

Some of your griefs you have cured
And the sharpest you still have survived ~
But what torments of pain you endured
From evils that never arrived.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As a compulsive overeater, I have lived my life in fear. I have feared the apparent cruelty of the surrounding world. I have feared to challenge the unknown and sought safety in familiar "surroundings." I feared to have ambition and dreams.

My whole life I've battled with an increasing waistline. Yet I realized that my fears of responsibility in a life as a "slim" person sabotaged my efforts causing me to stagnate in a world of pain and darkness.

Worrying over a situation doesn't change the outcome! My fears simply prevented me from moving forward. They clouded the real issues and distorted the true answers to problems. It would be far better to put the energy expended on worrying and fearing an event into overcoming it if it were to happen!

Surviving a situation provides added armor for the next battle. Overcoming a fearful predicament puts confidence in my stride towards my next goal. Faith is the opposite of fear. Having faith in my choices, abilities and ambitions will provide the steadfast pathway ahead.

One Day at a Time . . .
I try to remember that fear and worry only serve to chain me to the present. Faith can break the shackles and enable me to walk on to where I was heading.

~ Nancy ~

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