One Day at a Time


I've lost so much weight
that I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.

Erma Bombeck

I have lost and gained the same weight so many times I've lost count. Lack of willpower was never an issue with me. I've whipped myself into shape many times. There was nothing I didn't do in order to lose weight. What finally turned the tide for me was when I quit relying on my own power, turned my focus away from my weight problem and toward "trusting in God and cleaning house," as the Big Book states.

I did step work under the guidance of my sponsor. I passed along to others the lessons I'd learned. I did service work. I kept practicing a conscious contact with the God of my understanding. I went to meetings and talked to others. I journaled. Then, one day, I looked up from the tasks at hand to discover I was abstinent. God did for me what I couldn't do for myself.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will do the footwork and leave the results up to God.

~ Shirley G. ~

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