One Day at a Time


Condemn the fault and not the actor of it.

William Shakespeare

How many times do we beat ourselves up because we have failed to attain the goals we have set? We are human and suffer from a disease that renders us helpless and out of control. Is it any wonder that we fail in trying to dominate such an unforgiving beast?

It is not ourselves we should be angry with, but the disease and how it affects our actions and reactions. Often our only failing is to realize that we cannot achieve recovery alone. We need help. Without it we are weak and defenseless. This disease would have us believe we are failures, but in reality all we have done is open the doors to our enemy. These doors can be closed again; the disease not only manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable eating, but negative thoughts and actions against ourselves and those around us.

It takes no more time to think positively than it does to think negatively. Our only job is to remember that we have a disease. We can choose to forget it, we can choose to beat ourselves up when we left the door ajar or we can choose to forgive ourselves and begin again.

One day at a time ...
I will work on forgiving myself.
I am worth forgiving.
You are too.

~ Sue ~

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