One Day at a Time


Came to believe ...
That a power greater than ourselves ...
Could restore us to sanity.

Step Two

What a powerful statement! There's a power greater than me. At first glance it seemed so frightening. As I looked at my situation, it seemed impossible ... who or what could be greater than God? (Besides me, that is.) To be restored meant I must be crazy. After all, that is what insanity means. My Higher Power happened to be my sponsor, and she was just mean enough to be that power if only until I opened the door just a small crack.

One day, when my ears were open and my mouth shut, these words came from another sufferer, "God can." I thought to myself, "What a jerk! What does "God can" mean?" Several days later, when my body was clean and my mind receptive, those words meant a great deal to me. They do to this day. God can if I let Him. God can take away my compulsion to overeat. God can remove my desire for nicotine. God can take away the desire for booze. Yes, God can.

I no longer worry about what I can't accomplish because, yep, you guessed it, God can. So now, when my day begins, I think of what I may do right and do it for today. That which I cannot do right, well, I just let God handle that ... a pretty good team, God and I.

One Day at a Time . . .
I let my Higher Power restore me to sanity.

~ Danny ~

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