One Day at a Time


Most folks are as happy
as they make up their minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln

It was 7 years ago this month that I began my journey of recovery. I was over 320 pounds then. The process included Twelve Step recovery, therapy, and completely changing my life. I ended a relationship after eight and a half years and moved 2300 miles away from all my family and friends. I had no idea the journey I was about to embark upon.

I've learned how ignorant I can be, how wise I am, how humility is not humiliation, but teachability. I've learned how to walk through my fears. I've been shown how my HP and God are in all things, and that Spirit follows and supports me with each and every step I take. Some of those steps go forward, some backward, yet with each there is progress.

I've never forgotten the pain. Some days it's as bad, if not worse, than others because I don't have the food to numb me up or to hide behind. Yet I can always see hope and joy all around me.

I now weigh 220 pounds. Somehow I've lost 100 pounds of my old self, and am beginning to see the new me. The new me is still losing weight. The new me is also incredibly beautiful, deserving, loving, and worthy ... all things I thought I wasn't. I'm slowly, gently, learning with each day I live well ... that I AM WELL! I'm only as happy as I am choosing to be.

One Day at a Time . . .
I pray for complete surrender.
I ask for patience, abstinence and peace.
I reflect on where I've come from,
and remember to embrace the deepest gratitude
for where I am now. Today I am well.

~ Melanie S. ~

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