Josephine Grant's Home Page

~Josephine Grant~
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B.S.WK. (Hons.)
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Family Solutions Centre,
Templestowe, Vic.
Australia 3106

+ 61 (03) 9846 2610


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Josephine Grant of Family Solutions Centre in Templestowe offers brief, solution-oriented counselling for individuals, couples or families, who may be experiencing problems with relationships, career or the management of life transitions.

Training and supervision for professionals working in the 'people-helping field', as well as hypnotherapy is available at the Centre.

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With some seventeen years of experience in social work and family therapy, together with personal life experience of parenting and family, she is able to assist people to explore and rediscover their own rescources and strengths - or in other words - their own solutions - to current or past dilemmas.
Adolescent issues, conflict within the family, depression, eating or sleeping disorders, anxiety, lack of confidence, school problems, problems with the workplace, alcohol or drug abuse, quitting smoking, loss and grief, post-trauma stress, sexual abuse, attempted suicide..... in fact, the entire spectrum of issues people may have to deal with over their life.

Guess it all seems rather like magic... but when one applies some of the most recent innovations in counselling/therapy, situations which may have previously seemed impossible become part of the past, and people are able to become more aware of their resources and strengths, and to move in a preferred direction in their life.

The approach used is as brief as possible - sometimes just one or two sessions - and generally clients begin to feel more comfortable from the beginning. As their confidence grows, changes in their communication with others generally follows. As people begin to see themselves differently, focussing on their successes rather than their failures, quite profound changes frequently occur.

Because the therapy is generally so brief, after hours appointments are available usually at quite short notice.

Next page - "Dieting Under Stress"

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