Welcome to Julia, David, Evangeline and Enoch's Web Page!!!

Evangeline in Greek means "a Happy Messenger"!

Enoch means "Walking with God"!

Updated on 6 January, 1999


Evangeline Chinese and Engline Name

Guess who is mother and who is daughter

Enoch Birth


11 months old


10 months old


9 months old


8 months old


7 months old


6 months old


5 months old


4 months old


3 months old


2 months old


1 months old


For Evangeline's birth photos, please click below

Click below for Evangeline's 1998 calendar

. Jan .. Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May.. Jun.. Jul.. Aug.. Sep.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec

Click below for everything about Evangeline

. Before Birth .. Just Born .. Great Mother .. Great Father .. Back Home .. Gifts .. Funny Faces

Click below for other photos

. Church Life!!! .. Home at Coogee!!! .. University Life .. Our photos .. Friends1 .. Friends2 .. Friends3 .. David at Work!!! .. First Photo Gallery .. Photo Gallery 1 .. Photo Gallery 2 .. Photo Gallery 3

  • Click here for my comments

  • More About Myself ... David



    • Architect, Hassell Group, Sydney
    • Religion

      • Baptised to be a Christian (Protestant) on 18 Oct, 1992


      • Date of Birth: 7 November, 1968, remember my Birthday!
      • Favourite Car: Ferrari 355 GTS
      • Hobby: Photography
      • Sports: Fencing, Badminton, squash, table tennis