Lisa Verachtert's Home Page

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Early on the morning of Tuesday, November 11th 1997, Our beloved Natasha was taken from us by a sudden illness. While we are thankful for the short time that this lovely little lady was with us, we will always be sad for the void that has come into our lives.

Our Natasha (close-up Photo)
Natasha, You stole our hearts and have them still!

Primary Immune Deficiencies
Our Ferrets Page
Jason's Pages (He's loony!
A Blank button, Used for ballence etc., etc., Or is it?

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Created: Saturday, April 26, 1997, 9:22:58 PM
Last Updated: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 - 7:11:46 PM

This page was designed by Lisa M. Verachtert. This page was coded and maintained (when I can) by Jason C. Verachtert

These pages are constantly being revised to include new content and new standards. Please forgive the dust!

No Guadalupe Fur Seal's were harmed in testing this product!