Articles on Reiki Ryoho Page 3

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blue spiral Distance Reiki
blue spiral Why are Reiki Symbols and Lineage of Value?
blue spiral Real Symbols?
blue spiral Attunement Method Variations
blue spiral Dis-ease a Simple Explaination
blue spiral Is it possible to block/deny attunements?
blue spiral How can I possibly do more than 1 hour of Reiki?
blue spiral Who is attracted to learn Reiki?
blue spiral MORE ARTICLES


blue spiral Distance Reiki

Sending energy absentee to people, plants, animals, or the Earth, etc.

It is taught in reiki training that Reiki is an intelligent energy that goes to the cause of the problem or to the greatest need. If this is so, we simply need to give the energy parameters to home in on and allow it to work for the highest good of all concerned. Example: if we say heal Joe of cancer, we put our ego and expectations into it. Maybe Joe has greater needs then to be healed of cancer. Maybe cancer is the byproduct of thought forms or patterns that he are not aware of. We simply send Reiki to Joe for the highest good, and know that in it's infinite intelligence, it will do what is necessary to help Joe.

In our experience, we have found that it is necessary to direct the Reiki energy, by giving it a target to connect to. If we just send reiki to Joe, then all the Joe's in the world will share in the energy. If we say Joe in MN, there may be 100,000 Joe's in MN. By adding a last name we begin to home in on the target even more. But, there still may be 500 Joe Blow's living in MN, so by giving city, age and condition, the person who is in need will receive the full energy/treatment from us. The more parameters, the better the chances the person in need has of receiving the energy. It is our intent which directs and focuses the energy. By giving the energy parameters like Joe Blow, age 42, living in St. Cloud, MN, experiencing pancreatic cancer, we are not telling it what to do; just where to go. Thus, we allow the energy to go to the cause of his cancer and bring it to balance. It may not cure the cancer, until the original cause/thought-form which created the cancer is eliminated.

Why would we need so many specifics when we tell the energy where to go? You may say reiki worked when I sent it to an animal that I saw in the zoo, or an accident victim being transported in a helicopter and I didn't have the animals/person's name, age, etc. to work with. In our understanding, if we are in the presence of someone (person, animal, plant, etc.), or have been in their presence before (i.e., friend/relative/acquaintance, etc.), we have knowledge of their energy and can easily direct the reiki to them. It is not important that we understand this concept with our left brain; rather to just simply allow this wisdom/knowledge to work. If we have never met someone, or talked to them on the phone or even on the computer, we are not aware of their unique energy. We don't know anything about them, therefore, we are less likely to be able to effectively target that particular person, to direct the energy to them.

We have had our hands get hot while standing in a grocery store check-out line or in a movie theater. We feel that we are in the presence of a person (in their energy field) who is calling for energy/help (on a soul level) and Reiki automatically flows through us to them (original committment to help anyone in need). Sometimes our friends and family call upon us at a soul level and energy flows to them without our need to direct it. Again, that is because the original committment to be of service to the Universe and all who are requesting assistance in their healing process. Sometimes our hands stay hot for days, and it is not until later that we find out what was going on. In these cases, we are familiar with their energy or are in close proximity to them; different from sending reiki absentee to someone we are not in the presence of or previously met. We feel that the same committment to help is accepted by all who learn Reiki. My (Adonea's) purpose for learning reiki was for my own personal spiritual growth, not to heal anyone or anything. Now I happily send reiki freely to any and all who ask, knowing that it will help to connect them to that which they truly are (God-Self); and in time will bring to balance all that has been out of balance.

It is also our experience that Reiki can be directed specifically to any cause: including personal/planetary karma, fear, hunger, even personal energy blocks that limit joy, peace, happiness, unconditional love, acceptance, tolerance, compassion, etc.

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blue spiral Why are the Reiki Symbols and Lineage of Value?

We have found that you can attune a person by intent, focus and visualization. And you can attune a person to symbols like a circle, triangle and square. If you call the circle the power symbol, the triangle a mental/emotional symbol and the square a distance-sending symbol, it would work. But, we have also found that there is something to be said for lineage and the number of people using the same system; the more people using the system and symbols and the same practical techniques, the stronger and more focused the intent becomes; thus the more energy that is available to be utilized by the practitioners. We also know that there are multitudes of beings (guides, masters, angels, avatars, etc.) who, though not in physical form, guided the practice of Reiki itself.

It is our further understanding that all in the Universe is brought together by focused intent/thought; the stronger the focus, the greater the chance of manifestation into this realm. Where we place our intent, there is our reality; or (and this is one of our favorites) "The Universe is continuously re-arranging itself to give us the manifestation of our picture of reality". So the more Reiki practitioners focus on the practice of Reiki and the attunements, the stronger and more effective the system becomes.

Similarly, we have come to understand that the originators of the Reiki system placed within it certain parameters: the energy of Reiki cannot be used to harm or manipulate anyone or anything; it can only be utilized for the good of all concerned; there is a measure of built-in protection when utilizing the system; and the energy comes through the practitioner rather than from the practitioner. These parameters have been held to, followed and kept sacred for thousands of years, creating a very strong focus and intent indeed. This is one of the reasons why Reiki is so effective. A loving, caring desire to be of assistance helps too!

The Reiki symbols are not necessary to give an effective treatment; they do however assist all practitioners to more clearly focus on the energy as it is funneled through them. The symbols unlock certain frequencies within Reiki and these intensify when utilized. Have you ever drawn the symbols out in front of you and then stepped inside of them? Each has a very different energy and can be felt and differentiated with practice, openness of mind, and the passing of time.

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blue spiral Real Symbols?

What are the real symbols? We have found 22 variations of the Usui Master Symbol, 18 Distance, 10 Mental/Emotional, and 10 power symbols (and the count get larger seemingly everyday). Do they all work? Well, some seem to be stronger than others. We have drawn and played with most of them and used dowsing rods on them. One in each group came out stronger for me [Adonea] than any of the others. Why? Personally, I think that the symbols you were attuned to originally are most likely the right ones for you. All of the symbols we found have energy, and unless they were unrecognizable from the original versions, were usable.

Here is a story to help clarify this thought: We met a man recently that said he was a Reiki Master; he was proud and boastful of his mastership. He told us that he was attuning people simply by placing his hands above and in front of them, asking them to be sensitive to the feeling of the energy, and to hold onto the memory of what they were experiencing and Viola, they were attuned. He further told us of his healing methods and how he was attuned by his initiating Master (who was only a second-degree practitioner). He did not have the Usui Master Symbol, rather a symbol which is taught by some Raku Kei Masters (personally, I don't think that it alone will initiate one to the energy of Reiki). He demonstrated his power/energy by visualizing and beaming the symbols to us. We could feel only a little energy and none from the Distance Symbol; when he showed us the symbols, we understood the Distance Symbols was only partially drawn, so it was not tapping into the fullness of the energy that it represents. We talked extensively about Reiki and shared the energy with him. He then saw the true value of the attunement process by experiencing it first hand. He recognized the strength between a fully attuned Reiki Master and a second degree practitioner. He ceased his practice of "attunements" until he learned more. Point of Story: The symbols do have energy; when altered, the energy is also altered. It this bad? No, but is the symbol tuning into the full potential of Reiki? Reiki can do no harm; but neither can it do the greatest good unless the fullness of the energy is utilized.

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blue spiral Attunement Method Variations

We have found that there is not just one way of doing anything. As Reiki masters, we were taught an attunement method and as we became more comfortable with it, we intuitively added, subtracted, or changed aspects of the initiation. That was the intelligence of Reiki communicating with us - a gift from Spirit. If we then taught our newly improved version of the attunement process to our students, it would no longer follow the original teaching. We have found that different attunement methods connected to different frequencies of energy. Some are very etheric in nature, others very earthy, yet others more heart centered. Because of the differing sensitivities of each person, there is probably one attunement that is more strongly felt by them over all the others. It is our experience that most students are drawn to a particular teaching master according to the amount of energy they feel emanating from them, and not necessarily because of the advertisements for classes. Energy is the key to understanding this plane of existence, and we are all in the process of becoming more sensitive to greater frequencies; one day we will understand Reiki and other modalities of energy work; until then we will keep searching and practicing.

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blue spiral Is it possible to block/deny attunements?

You say you are worried about not being connected fully to Reiki through the attunement you received? Not to worry; more than likely, the attunement took just fine. Some teaching masters call upon etheric Masters, Teachers, and Guides to assist them with the attunements. It is our understanding that it is these beings that are actually re-connecting energy strings and pathways; we mortals actually have little idea/knowledge that these even exist. If newly initiated, nervous masters forget something while performing attunements, it is the etheric being that fill-in and correctly connect the students to the energy, and the attunement is fully passed on. If you are a newly attuned Reiki Practitioner and you do not feel that your hands get hot or feel them tingle, remember that each person's sensitivity is different. If you want to test yourself to see if you are indeed connected to the Reiki energy, give several full body hands-on Reiki treatments (minimum of one hour using the hand positions) to friends who you know to be sensitive to energy. Ask them what they are sensing; do they feel tingling, heat/cold, throbbing; are they sensing colors or hearing unusual tones; are they feeling dizzy, nauseous, light-headed? If they describe any of these sensations, then you are connected to the Reiki energy. We personally had one student who denied Reiki, tested everything about its claims and blocked the first three of four first degree attunements. We specifically asked the etheric Reiki beings to show her the fullness of the Reiki energy, and to give her an experience that would convince her of it existence. She did have a feeling of energy and saw gold circling her during the last attunement. Once again, the guides came through. We have not heard from her since then, but we trust that Reiki works through her everytime she places her hands on herself or on another. Whether she is aware of it or not, she gave herself a beautiful gift when she took first degree and we believe that she eventually will come to understand the fullness of what she received (may be in this lifetime or another).

If someone feels denied an attunement, perhaps on some level s/he does not feel worthy or ready for the changes in their life. Or perhaps their gift of sensing has not developed yet. Most attunements to Reiki do take, and it becomes apparent over time. It is also possible that the attunement is not in the highest interest of the practitioner, and will activate after some purification happens. Many people have a lot of dysfunctional patterns and programs deep within them, and until some of this is cleared (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) and there is a readiness to deal with the purification that will happen, then the attunement may be delayed for a better time. Remember, the more Reiki you do on yourself (first degree) and others (second degree on), the more the channels will open and more the energy will flow; hence, the more it will be felt. It also seems the higher the degree of attunement, the more it can be felt and sensed. We highly recommend that you ask your attuning master to re-attune you often or find one that will (barter often precludes the need for money).

How an attunement is performed can determine the strength of sensation. Sometimes distance or group attunements are not felt by students; whereas, they may feel a personal hands-on attunement. But, once sensitive to the flow of energy, distance or group attunements are quite often felt to be as strong or stronger than personal ones. If the attuning master was properly trained/attuned, they are more than likely passing on the attunements successfully. Sometimes masters experiment with new attunement methods, but if they are calling upon the etheric helpers, then the attunements should take. If group attunements are being given, sometimes each participant shares in the energy (not strongly felt); but, if done with proper intent and help from above, there is no reason why the attunements should not be felt. The stronger the energy of the master (based on time, understanding and practice), the more the attunements are felt, even by students new to energy study.

We have come to understand that Reiki is not a healing technique...but rather, a spiritual discipline/pathwork and healing is a by-product of energy purification and balancing. It guides one to enlightenment (increased awareness beyond the bodily sense organs), raises our vibrational frequencies beyond this dimensional plane, and opens one to the Divine gifts (Light, Peace, Love, Wisdom, Truth, Beauty, Harmony and Balance) that are our birthright.

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blue spiral Disease: A Simple Explanation

We have come to know that all dis-ease is but a lack of energy and balance within all of the fields of a body. This can cause the organs to mis-fire, throwing off the chemical, electrical, magnetic and nutrient balance. In time, such an imbalance will lower the immune system's defenses, causing the body to begin the process of deterioration. There are three stages in the process of dis-ease: 1.) inflammatory or subacute; 2.) acute; and 3.) chronic. Any illness can go through any or all of these stages, in no particular order. When a person is not feeling well, their energy is focused in the area of attack, and there is usually not enough excess energy to move the condition through the different stages; lymph fluids accumulate around the imbalance, turn to sugar and stagnates, causing the energy flow to be blocked and the nearby organs to malfunction. Reiki practitioners help to replace and store enough energy in all of the bodily immune organs/systems (placement of hand positions), moving and eliminating toxic materials, helping the body to move through the various stages, returning the body to balance and good health. It is really the programmed picture of perfection within our cells that help our bodies to heal, and not the Reiki or energy practitioners. And Reiki is the catalyst that causes change. We should be eternally thankful that we can be an integral participant in the process of healing with each person that requests assistance. It is this gratefulness that calls and holds the Reiki energy in the Earth plane for all to use;. and it is the etheric beings that assist us in channeling this energy that starts the process of healing; this is Reiki and we are thankful to the work of all previous masters/teacher/guides for creating such a great system.

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blue spiral How can I possibly do more than 1 hour of Reiki?

It was our first Reiki master that so unconditionally gave 8 daily hours of Reiki to an AIDS patient that taught us so much about Reiki. She would sit for hours doing hands-on treatments, moving only to stretch, use the bathroom,or eat. She would continue the treatments, however, using absentee techniques during these times. When the medical staff requested access to the patient for purposes of administering tests and medications, she would stand back and "beam" Reiki energy to the patient. She did not treat for 8 hours as a whim, but rather, the patient's immune system was so weakened, that it took that long before it would hold an excess of energy. She did this for the practice and to research what Reiki could do with on-going treatments; she often abandoned her family and her own personal desires, committing completely to the patient's needs. She taught us that if we were willing to answer the plea for help, that we were to commit to the person's complete recovery or their passing. In the AIDS case above, the service lasted for six months; the patient not only was cured, but no longer tested positive for HIV. So we have come to understand that Reiki is not about 1 hour or three consecutive treatments, or anything that relates to time and expectation. It is about being willing to work with a client until s/he is filled with energy, change occurs, and the condition is corrected.

It is difficult to imagine doing hours of hands-on energy work, but from personal experience, we have found that if you hold each position until the energy stops flowing, you will have a deeper understanding of Reiki and how it works. This requires more time with a chronically imbalanced client; the longer a condition has existed, the more damage that has likely occurred, and therefore, complete recovery will take some time to accomplish. A client that has only superficial injuries or short-term symptoms will not require as many continuous treatments or length of treatments. The same for absentee treatments as well; the more severe and lengthy a condition, the longer the treatments, daily and over time. We often do absentee treatments on upward of a hundred people, for 8 or more hours daily; as time and activities allow.

We personally have done as many as 11 hours of self-treatment, and if you think that one hour feels good, just imagine how your body will respond after 11 hours. It is truly a humbling and enlightening experience. We were required to keep a journal on 100 clients, keeping a log on the number of hours per treatment, number of treatments, and results. We often found ourselves working 10 or more hours in a day, and sometimes several such days in a row. We can say that this practice helped us understand what could be accomplished with Reiki, when it could flow unimpeded by "time restrictions". We challenge you to the same stringent practices and know that you will come away with a greater respect and understanding for what Reiki is and what it can accomplish.

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blue spiral Who is attracted to learn Reiki?

We have come to understand that life is continuous, and we have consciousness that exists whether we are in or out of embodiment. So we feel that most Reiki practitioners today probably practiced the art in one or more previous lifetimes. It is so strongly imprinted in their cellular memories, that it becomes a way of life for them. These people eat, breathe and talk Reiki continuously. When we come into this existence with such a strong desire (addiction) to learn about Reiki, we believe that they will pick it up rather rapidly, and then begin to search out all the information that is available on the subject. If none is available, then they will probably write volumes about their understanding of it for others to read. Surely, this is more than a passing fancy; these people are being driven by their inner Spirit and from unseen forces not visible in the physical realm, to seek out information, to set a precedent for others, to keep the wholeness of a system intact and working. These people often have dreams where they perform Reiki treatments; perhaps even spending a lot of time out-of-body, out there, searching other dimensions for links to the energy technique.

This (in our opinion) also explains why there are some young children that are so open and knowledgeable about the flow of energy and techniques of healing; they are spiritually remembering their studies and interests and seeking additional learning. These young "ancient ones" are showing us that we do not have to accept limitations and restrictions of adulthood or of those in false power, but rather to remain pure, simple and connected to the Creative Force of the Universe, channeling the fullness of who we are in the image of the Creator. It is in the remembering that we are healed and whole and one with all that is. The practice of Reiki is one path to that place of being; we can use it to become more aware of all levels/dimensions of ourselves, our connectedness/oneness to all peoples, our potential of perfection through disciplined practice and study of energy. Reiki is this and more. If you are strongly drawn to it as a way of being, welcome back; the more people that become practitioners, the more healthy and balanced our humanity will become.



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