LINEAGE: Dr. Usui...reconstructed by Lama Yeshe Drugpa Thrinley Odzer...
ORIGIN: Reconstructed teachings from Dr. Usui's written notes, letters to his students and the Buddhist material he studied and taught including a secret and rare Buddhist Tantra - The Path of the Thunderbolt of Transcendent Light That Heals the Body and Illumines the Mind. The teachings place Usui as a Buddhist and is known as the "Kind Physician Bodhisattva". The actual teachings of Dr.Usui and his senior students, and Buddhist material are being translated from Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese and are being reconstructed by Lama Yeshe Drugpa Thrinley Odzer, the current Spiritual advisor of the Men Chhos Rei Kei Institute. Lama Yeshe is a recognized Drugpa Kargyu Lama of the Drugpa Kargyu Order of Bhutan, and a former Shingon Buddhist. He received full Shingon empowerments in 1989 from the noted yogi and Shingon practitioner Dr. Ajari Werrick. Lama Yeshe is the Spiritual Director and a Teacher in the Institute. Lama Yeshe (Dr. Richard Blackwell, son of General George Blackwell) holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and resides at his Hermitage near O'Brien, Oregon.
What is Men Chhos Rei Kei? Men Chhos Rei Kei is a system of spiritual healing based on the reconstructed teachings from the Buddhist Tantra "The Path of the Thunderbolt of Transcendent Light that Heals the Body and Illumines the Mind". What is the Institute for the Study and Propagation of Men Chhos Rei Kei? The Institute is a teaching organization, registered in the same manner as any private school or University, the sole purpose of which is the promulgation and teaching of Rei Kei as found in the Buddhist Tantra "The Path of the Thunderbolt of Transcendent Light that Heals the Body and Illumines the Mind", and the notes and correspondence of Dr. Usui and Dr. Watanabe which were purchased in 1946 by General George Blackwell, while in Japan.
DEGREES or Levels: As of April 2000 there are 3 official levels with Reiki attunements: Equivalent to Reiki 1 - Mastership training. Plus advanced levels can be studied by all who take Vajrayana Buddhist Refuge - as they were taught by Dr. Usui. Here is a website for further information on the training
See Men Chhos Rei Kei International, Inc. to contact teachers of this branch or see the website
Usui-do does not hold the belief that an attunement can pass on a lineage; attunements are simply ceremonies. The ability to practice and pass on the system is inherent in every human being and has nothing to do with the use of (or knowledge of) any symbol, attunement, mantra or mudra. The system has no 'masters' and no concept of a 'grand master' or 'lineagebearer'.
ANCESTRY: Both Dave King and Melissa Riggall claim the following ancestry by training: First Connection: Mikao Usui, Toshihiro Eguchi, Yuji Onuki (Agadir, Morocco - 1971). TJR: Mikao Usui, Chuujirou Hayashi, Tatsumi (Japan - 1995). Dave has also attended a workshop in the Vortex Reiki system of Toshitaka Mochizuki in Japan (1995) as well as several Western variants.
ORIGIN: Most of this information originates directly from Yuji Onuki Sr., who studied with Usui's student Eguchi in 1971 and from one of Chuujirou Hayashi's students, Tatsumi, who died in 1996 at an age of over 90 years. This information does not originate from Mrs. Takata, any of the Western lineages or with the Usui Gakkai. The system has no connection whatsoever with Indo-Tibetan energy work or Tibetan vajrayana Buddhism. The whole system is driven solely by the intent of the practitioner who has at his/her disposal a number of 'tools' that affect the way the energy is directed. The original purpose of the Usui healing system was to heal the whole person (body, mind and spirit). It treats the SELF but may be used to treat others through the self.
DEGREES: There are seven levels of achievement. Levels are named in the same manner as the rankings of Japanese martial arts:
Sho-dan: (7 transformations, 3 symbols) each student is reminded of their connection to the system by means of four 'connecting transformations' or 'attunements'. These provide a complete connection and are a fundamental part of the process. The workshop focuses on the self. This level approximates to the combined Western First and Second Degrees (shoden and okuden).
Ni-dan: (1 transformation, 1 symbol) This level contains material not contained in the Western Reiki systems. It does contain some of the material given out at the "master" level of the Reiki Alliance and in "level 3A" of the Reiki Training Center in Michigan. This level concentrates on self empowerment and requires a good practical understanding of the sho-dan level.
Shichi-dan: These levels take the form of an apprenticeship to those students showing promise during earlier levels. A holder of go-dan (5th dan) may teach up to ni-dan. To train a teacher requires roku-dan (6th dan) or higher. Shichi-dan is also known as shinpi-dan.
See Usui-do (Traditional Japanese Reiki Association) to contact teachers of this branch of Reiki. Or visit their website: for further details.
LINEAGE: Mikao Usui, Toshihiro Eguchi, Goro Miyazuki, Mieko Mitsui, Takahashi, Toshitaka Mochizuki, Shingo Sakuma... Mieko Mitsui also took training with Dr. Barbara Ray.
ORIGIN: This is another branch of Reiki which originated in Japan. It mentions Hayashi and Takata as having learned Reiki, but the lineage is Eastern. The only Western influences came from Mieko Mitsui who also studied The Radiance Techinque. The teachings are very similar to The Radiance Technique but with a simpler approach. Satya Reiki is found most widely in India.
DEGREES or Levels: 3 degrees/4 symbols. First Degree: 3 or 4 attunements; teaches brief history, Japanese version of the principles, 12 basic hand positions (with 4 additional variations), 10 characteristics of Reiki, benefits, how to give a good treatment, Reactions to Reiki (21 day purification), uses of Reiki in everyday life, and Reiki Marathons. Second Degree: 3 attunement (one to each symbol); teaches the 3 traditional/original symbols and appropriate Mantras/sacred names; how to draw/use. Grounding, purifying and neutralizing energy techniques, mental/emotional balancing and distance treatments are taught. The benefits of group distance treatments, and many techniques of self-help/helping others are also covered. Master Degree: 1 attunement/1 symbol; teaches how to attune to all Degrees, how to use/draw symbol/mantra and several techniques for its use, a Reiki Meditation technique similar to the one taught in Usui/Tibetan Reiki, and the same breath empowerment technique taught in The Radiance Technique and Seichim (not Microcosmic Orbit).
Various Independant Reiki Masters teach this branch of Reiki.
The Eastern Lineage of Usui Reiki via Venerable Seiji Takamori
LINEAGE: Usui - Hayashi - Sensei Takeuchi - Venerable Seiji Takamori - Dr. Ranga J. Premaratna (Lineage Head).
ORIGIN: This a is distinct lineage of Reiki, not a modified or reconstructed or channelled form. The name was given by Ranga Premaratna to help distinguish it from other lines of teaching. The name translates as "Reiki: The Path (Integration) of Compassion (Karuna) and Wisdom (Pragna)". Reiki Jin-Kei Do is the practice of Reiki with compassion and wisdom in a balanced way and applying them to one's life. It then becomes a way of life rather than just another healing method. The lineage is also a spiritual one because it emphasizes the practice of meditation as a daily practice with Reiki. It also focuses on compassion (and loving kindness) and opening of the heart through meditation and Reiki. The teachings differ from the Takata lineages due to the transmission via a line of Buddhist Reiki Masters - consequently, there is an emphasis on Reiki healing on various levels of body/mind/spirit is an aspect of the progress towards Enlightenment or spiritual fulfillment.
See their web site: Dr. Ranga Premaratna to contact teachers. Or email Dr. Premaratna at:
LINEAGE: Part of teachings & transmission from Usui via - Hayashi - Takeuchi - Takamori - Premaratna.
ORIGINS: Claimed to be from Buddhist Lamas of Nepal, Tibet and Northern India. Ven. Seiji Takamori (a Buddhist monk) researched Reiki and specific meditation practices transmitted to him from Dr. Usui. He found a complete system of spiritual discipline which related to healing, and recognized in this the original practices relating to Reiki. These transmitted teachings from Usui and the Lamas are taught in 4 stages under the name of EnerSense-Buddho. They involve a meditational practice and empowerments, and use ancient symbology, mantras, yantras, Buddhist deity visualizations, marma point healing, chi-nadi exercises, Buddhist teachings and philosophy. The teachings are direct transmitted teachings and are not modified, reconstructed or channeled and are considered to be further studies in the Lineage of Takamori: Reiki Jin-Kei Do.
See their web site: Dr. Ranga Premaratna to contact teachers. Or email Dr. Premaratna at:
LINEAGE: Maggie Larson (Shimara)...
ORIGIN: This is a system developed by Shimara it includes information and attunements similar to Tera-Mai® material, plus addition of channeled symbols, and the elemental/solar rays energy.
DEGREES or Levels: Reiki is in 3 degrees plus training in other energies
See Golden Age Reiki Academy to contact teachers of this branch of Reiki. Or visit their web site: Golden Age Reiki.
LINEAGE: Unknown, Dr.V. Sukumaran...
ORIGIN: Claimed to be introduced by the International Institute of Reiki (a unit of Indian reiki foundation). Also affiliated to World Newlife Reiki Foundation, UK.
DEGREES or Levels 4: Reiki I, 4 attunements, Aura scanning (Human energy field), Aura/ chakra cleansing & disposal Self healing, Newlife Reiki meditation - completely guided, Treatment positions for various diseases, Health facilitators increasing healing power, Daily routine. Reiki II, 1 attunement,Traditional plus 20 extra new powerful symbols, Distant / Absent healing, Newlife Reiki instant techniques (Reiki circle, Golden ball healing). Reiki IIIA: Master healing symbol, plus 15 intensive symbols, Laser Newlife Reiki energy crystal grid, psychic surgery, Intensive Healing Techniques, silver cord meditations etc. Reiki IIIB: By appointment. We have heard that this branch of reiki teaches 150 symbols.
Visit their web site: New Life Reiki. Or see International Institute of Reiki for more information.
LINEAGE: John Williams - Gary Jirauch...
ORIGIN: Originally called Blue Star Celestial Energy. John Williams a Reiki Master from South Africa channeled this energy from his guide Makuan in January, 1995. Blue Star Celestial Energy, as described by John Williams, is a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man-the Rainbow Bridge-enabling the adept to utilize this potential and to function at expanded levels of awareness. Makuan retrieved the knowledge of the Blue Star Celestial Energy System from Os-Mo-Ro-Pup, an Ancient Egyptian Mystery School source. Maintaining a profound sense of balance between mind and heart is the key to the utilization and manifestation of this energy. It is said to be the vehicle for bringing peace and planetary healing as fast as it can happen. Blue Star is not primarily concerned with immediate benefits, such as health, protection, financial gain, and other matters pertaining to the needs of everyday life. Rather, it is aimed towards the growth, evolution, and spiritual development of its practitioners (sounds like Reiki). It protects against the psychological fragmentation which could threaten the psyche during its exposure to multi-dimensional experiences of inter-time travel. In April, 1995 John initiated Gary Jirauch to this energy. Gary modified the system and changed the name to Blue Star Reiki.
DEGREES or Levels: 2 Levels. Designed for Reiki and Karuna Reiki Masters. Level 1 is called Os-Mo-Ro-Pup Practitioner and Level 2 is called Master Level. 1 attunement for each level. 14 symbols added by Gary. The Celestial Energies of Blue Star healing may be translated or used at many levels, essential to the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Here is a website that has a little more information about Blue Star Reiki
LINEAGE: Usui - Hayashi - Takata - Ethel Lombardi....
ORIGIN: In 1983 like today, Reiki was going through a process of change. Masters of the system were deciding how Reiki was to be presented; some sided with Barbara Ray and some with Phyllis Furomoto. Ethel Lombardi, one of the master initiated by Takata, rather than taking sides chose to developed her own system which she called Mari-El. Mari represents Mary, Mother of Christ, and El one of the names of God. It is said that Ethel only taught one person how to teach the system and that Mari-El is no longer being taught. An advanced student in Mari-El developed yet another system called Radiant Heart Therapy.
DEGREES: One degree with additional classed for advanced techniques. During the first class one attunement was given (very similar to Reiki attunement); and 3 symbols (different than Usui Reiki and called distance, power and Higher Self connection), the symbols were not secret. Also taught were hand positions, a method of doing distance treatment and a series of energy lines to be traced on the client's and practitioners body before doing a treatment (similar to Light Body Activation). In advanced classes, new techniques to use the energy and for clearing were presented. The energy is gentle and heart centered. One technique that students of the system were taught was to walk this gentle energy into the Earth for healing and transmutation.
LINEAGE: Eric Bott - Bill Pentz. Eric took reiki from Hunan & Lino Alelyunas who studied with Frank A. Petter. Plus Karuna Reiki - Rand.
ORIGIN: Saku Reiki is a comprehensive wellness program built around Reiki, vibrational healing, nutrition, exercise, herbs, crystal healing, and other natural remedies to help heal the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Saku Reiki is based on the cumulated knowledge and experience gained from running a specialty clinic that focused on physician referral patients that did not respond amply to traditional medicine. HISTORY: Mr. Eric Bott, a licensed practicing German Electrical Engineer, began an extensive personal quest earning practitioner degrees in Old World European healing techniques including nutrition, exercise, vitamins, herbs, and minerals, homeopathy, Bach Flowers, and muscle testing. His healing interests moved him from an electrical engineer to a registered nurse working in a surgery environment. From there he came to the United States to start a new life living in a commune dedicated to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. There he earned his registered nurse license and learned more of helping others through use of diet, exercise, herbs, minerals, spices, Shiatsu restorative circulatory massage, accupressure, and reflexology. He apprenticed under two very powerful energy workers, Hunan and Lino Alelyunas who had studied with some of the most profound Spiritual Teachers of our age. They had traveled extensively in India, Nepal. Indonesia, Thailand, Europe, Japan, and Australia gathering knowledge of various Spiritual Traditions including Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Shamanism and Reiki. They felt there was far more to Reiki energy and left that commune to pursue this type of healing with their lives. They went from being early Tera Mai and Karuna Reiki Masters off to study in the Far East under Frank Arjava Petter becoming true Reiki Teaching Masters in the Usui Healing Method (Usui Shiki Ryoho). From there they went on to Nepal and apprenticed under a monk whose life's work was the study and teaching of energy healing. He shared with them many of the roots to Reiki including some very powerful non-Reiki energy healing techniques.
Meanwhile Eric Bott, RN. also left that commune and became chief advice nurse helping patients with life style and nutritional counseling for one of California's oldest and best known preventive medicine clinics. Mr. Bott had such success his physicians sponsored him to open up an alternative healing facility. Eric teamed up with Martin Mulders, MD, DO, Ph.D., a Dutch immigrant who earned his MD and Ph.D. in Europe then picked up a D.O. to practice medicine in California. They chose to locate their facility above Grass Valley, California high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains where healers have been drawn for generations. Many physicians referred their more difficult cases to this team. Mr. Bott accepted each new patient as a challenge to find the right healing approach. He kept working on improving his healing abilities becoming a crystal, light, and energy healer working with techniques used by the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. He found himself drawn back to Reiki because it worked consistently and began to seriously apprentice with his prior Reiki Teaching Masters who had returned from their studies abroad. He became a Teaching Reiki Master himself and incorporated this wealth of knowledge into their healing facility creating a formal training program covering nutrition, herbs, exercise, crystal and mineral healing, vibrational healing, and Reiki. The program was named the Saku Reiki Healing Method in honor of the Saku master energy symbol brought back by Eric's Reiki Masters and this program being based primarily on Reiki teachings.
DEGREES: Saku Reiki first and second degrees are traditional Reiki I and II degrees as taught in the Usui Healing Method (Usui Shiki Ryoho). The Saku program adds healing the body through nutrition and other physical means to the Reiki I program and key energy symbols from Tera Mai and Karuna Reiki to the Saku Reiki II degree. The Saku Reiki III degree is an intense multi-day course that includes a full traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master degree, plus a series of initiations where the rest of the Tera Mai and Karuna teachings and symbols are shared. Those wishing to go on from there take the Saku Reiki IV and V degrees that focus on additional energy and vibrational healing techniques and symbols to get individually well so as to be able to most efficiently help others. The Saku Reiki VI degree imparts the powerful Tibetan Saku master symbols and energizing techniques and starts the student on the Saku Ascension Program and the Saku Teaching Master Apprenticeship Program. Both are a multiyear program requiring considerable hands-on guidance working with a master to refine healing, teaching, and attunement skills.
LINEAGE: Yosef Sharon...
ORIGIN: This system comes out of Israel. Yosef Sharon developed it and says "Sun Li Chung Reiki has all the systems and all the symbols in all the dimensions. Most of the knowledge I got by channeling. At first from Mikao Usui himself, till the cosmic level, and then from the council of nine, and later from the Brotherhood of Light, the Peladian council, and the crystal council." Yosef has not been attuned by a Reiki Master, rather he claims to have received all the attunements and information from his guides. The symbols are said to be put into your aura, but none are actually given. Rather it is claimed that they come to the practitioner/master as needed.
DEGREES: 5 degrees; thousands of symbols. Reiki I: No symbols given, hands-on treatment taught, class length 6, 3 hour days. Said to be attuned to the energy in all 16 levels of reiki. Reiki II: 1,600 symbols (100 in each of the 16 levels), connection to guides, channeling, treatment with guides, class length 12, 3 hour days. Reiki III/Master: 4,800 symbols (300 in each of the 16 levels), attunements from guides only, mental, emotional and spiritual surgery, working with energetic complements, detachments of complements, and attachment of healthy complements, meditation and the colors of Reiki, class length 12, 4 hour days. Reiki IV/Master: no descriptions given. Reiki Grand Master is said to be passed only to one person who will take over Yosef's roll or be his heir.
Follow the link for the history as told in Sun Li Chung Reiki. We are sorry but we have no contact information for this form of Reiki.
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