New York State Nurses Association Legislative District #40 Web Site

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New York State Nurses Association Legislative District #40 Web Site

Your Host and Legislative District #40 Coordinator is
Kathy Smeland Pebler, RN

Legislative District Links

NYSNA Endorsed Bills
NYSNA Practice and Governmental Affairs Legislative Alerts
NYSNA "Legline"; 24 hour a day 800# to NYSNA NYSNA Political Action Committee Page Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet
United States Senate Directory United States House of Representatives Official Web Page of the White House
New York State Governor's Office and Other Agencies New York State Senate New York State Assembly

Hello, and welcome to the New York State Nurses Association Legislative Senate District #40 Web Site. The New York Nurses Association is a professional nursing organization dedicated to the advancement of nursing practice and the promotion of safe patient care issues. As Legislative District Coordinator it is my aim and duty to become familiar with the current representive to this district, Senator John Bonacic. As LDC, I will keep myself available to the Senator as a resource on nursing and health care issues. I'll be calling, writing, and visiting him regarding specific legislation, and to inform him of practice issues relevent to the nursing profession today.

If you are interested in volunteering as an LDC yourself, or would like to become more involved as an LDC supporter, feel free to e-mail me to explore your options. You may also choose to investigate your options on your own. All I did to become an LDC was to visit my state nurse's association web site and look for an e-mail address specific to the legislative department. When I found this, I e-mailed my request to find out where I fit in. I was contacted by one of the nurses in the Legislative Department who told me what my options were to become active and involved. Becoming an LDC is sort of an entry level position which many nurses have grown from and have gone on to more involved positions. It's a jumping stone toward the direction I'm intent on following.

I would guess that all anyone needs to do is visit your SNA on the Web to investigate opportunities for yourself. You can find out if your SNA is on the Web by visiting: State Nursing Associations on the Web. There are quite a lot of them on the Web. If you see your SNA, but don't see a specific legislative department, I would simply e-mail the webmaster or some other generic e-mail addy. If you don't see your nursing association on the Web, you may still find out where to write or call them by visting this web site: State Nursing Association Addresses and Telephone Numbers. Be patient in waiting for the reply. As with all large organizations, the response time seems longer.

To Contact the Honorable John Bonacic, Member of the New York State Senate:

write to him at: 279 Main Street, Suite 202, New Paltz, NY 12561, phone #914-255-9656; or Room 815, Legislative Office Building, Albany, NY 12247, phone #518-455-3181; or e-mail him at BONACIC@SENATE.STATE.NY.US

Thanks for visiting. Come back soon, as I continue to update this page. Please e-mail me for more information:

Kathy Smeland Pebler, RN, NYSNA LDC: You can also locate Kathy on ICQ via her ICQ #2279746.

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