Michael K. Barnett - 09/24/99 05:41:20
My Email:mbarnett@interaccess.net
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: NA
Dry or Clean Date: 9/14/91

The NA Basic Text you have does not match my 5th Edition. I am aware that some of the "approval form" documents were never copyrighted and assume that this is an electronic version of SOME edition of the BT whether never copyrighted or copyright lapsed. Can you identify for me WHICH Basic Text edition was scanned to make up your pages? I ask not for legal reasons but for curiousity only. Personally I think our primary purpose would be best served by distributing our text in every form possible regardless of whether the WSO gets money, property, or prestige.

warior-14(jeff shapiro) - 09/07/98 03:51:30
My Email:warior-14@webtv.net
Hardest Step 4U: getting started
Easyest Step 4U: sept1/98-one year
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: na
Dry or Clean Date: 1-year sept 1/ 98
Ideas For Our Page: read below

bob your gr8 can you put this saying on page and say i gave you idea a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step

linda jobes - 03/30/98 01:47:22
My URL:http://dontknow it
My Email:seattlemom@webtv.net
Hardest Step 4U: going out
Easyest Step 4U: talking
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: rape support

i love the support chat rooms help a lot

Bob - 03/10/98 05:32:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/2344
My Email:gr8ful4aa@hotmail.com
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA, NA, Al-Anon, OA, SAA
Dry or Clean Date: Jan. 15, 97


Pat - 02/08/98 17:39:22

I'm reading this from my WebTv and can't read the blue color words. That color is just not good for use with WebTv. BUT I love your site but did get stuck with a M0 message for quite some time

wayne s - 01/24/98 07:03:46
My URL:http://letitbee@webtv.net
My Email:same
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: ma marijuana a
Dry or Clean Date: thanksgiving96

likin it thanks alot

Julia - 01/14/98 16:03:59
My Email:Julia8@webtv.net

I am not a recovering person, I just wanted to write you a note to tell you how much I enjoy using your chat program it is the best one I have ever tried. Thank you for all of your hard work putting it together! Julia

shy - 01/12/98 23:28:13
My Email:shytype2@webtv.net
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: NA
Dry or Clean Date: 01-01-89

have been looking for recovery on line since I started am glad this arrived in my mailbox

David P. - 01/11/98 14:26:48
My Email:buddhaofbarter@webtv.net
Hardest Step 4U: 11th step
Easyest Step 4U: 1st step
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA/CA/NA
Dry or Clean Date: October 27, 1996

Sober in San Diego. I surf the AA chat rooms as AAdave or BUDDHAOFBARTER depending if I'm at work or home. I've been sober since my first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. I believe that it's easier to stay sober than to get sober.

Jimmyweb - 01/10/98 17:55:20
My URL:http://none yet
My Email:Jimmyweb@webtv.net
Hardest Step 4U: 1-12
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA,NA,Pysco-therepy
Dry or Clean Date: 1/1/83
Recovery link Ideas: none--evrything great
Ideas For Our Page: none--u've done a great job thus far Bob

Decidd to stop and thank you 1nce again for this wonderful irc--been a big help--helps to keep me sober--even when no one in meeting room--i read the steps!!!!!!wouldn't normally---and yes--for me--no steps are easy--i was out there for 20yrs-before God h d other plans 4 me--so reluctantly i follow suggestions from fellow AA's

Joe Deitchel - 01/04/98 09:13:15
My Email:finegold@webtv.net
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: All
Dry or Clean Date: 7/4/92

Just stopped by to take a look around, it's pretty cool, I like it. I would like to be notified of updates please. Thank you Joe

TEH Huiwan - 12/10/97 09:06:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/6133/
Hardest Step 4U: Stay cool when i'm irritated.
Easyest Step 4U: Goto sleep

It's indeed a very good page, esp for those who needed it...Keep it up!

R E alaa - 10/02/97 18:11:55
My URL:http://members.aol.com/realaa/
My Email:realaa@aol.com
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA
Dry or Clean Date: 10-29-77
Recovery link Ideas: Need Lutefisk page link
Ideas For Our Page: Big Book, Chat, etc.

Good start. Keep it up. go for the WOW award!

Stephen Decoste - 09/26/97 10:54:49
My Email:sgdeco@erols.com
Hardest Step 4U: 1st
Easyest Step 4U: 12
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: aa
Dry or Clean Date: 9-1-89


Polly Brown - 09/25/97 01:54:05
My URL:http://members.aol.com/PollyAB/
My Email:PollyAB@msn.com
Easyest Step 4U: 12
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA & ex-smoker
Dry or Clean Date: 6-10-84
Recovery link Ideas: Link to Gary's Karaoke http://members.aol.com/Hisname316/

Keep up the good work. I'll be tellin' my friends about it. Check out: http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/9098/

wayoutwilly - 09/25/97 01:43:23
My URL:http://members.aol.com/wowill
My Email:wowill@aol.com
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA, Overcomer, non-smoker
Dry or Clean Date: 10.29.77
Recovery link Ideas: Link to MRA and the Swenckfelder page
Ideas For Our Page: Chat room, AA Birthdays, etc.

Great start! I really like your opening page. Very catchy. Good stuff. Keep going for a reward. Also check out the whatisit at: RainForest/9125/ You can link to that if you like.

jerry nickel - 09/25/97 00:07:58
My Email:jerray5cent@webtv.net
Hardest Step 4U: one
Easyest Step 4U: ten
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA
Dry or Clean Date: 4-15-95
Recovery link Ideas: new 2 web

Good luck, I think 12 stepping in the cyber-hood is groundbreaking, in recovery. God bless

Ian Christie - 09/23/97 19:15:47
My Email:ian.chris@cableinet.co.uk
Hardest Step 4U: All
Easyest Step 4U: None
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA
Dry or Clean Date: 9/9/84
Recovery link Ideas: aamen@io.com

Nice one, guys, keep it simple.........

Marlene P - 09/23/97 15:53:00
Hardest Step 4U: step 4
Easyest Step 4U: step 1
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: AA CHURCH


Marlene P - 09/23/97 15:49:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/hotsprings/spa/2346
My Email:bahalips@webtv.net
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: aa
Dry or Clean Date: 12/11/1996.


Bob J - 09/23/97 10:33:46
My Email:ilbcnu2@webtv.net
Hardest Step 4U: step 3
Easyest Step 4U: step 1
AA,NA,Al-anon,other: aa na
Dry or Clean Date: Jan/15/97

God is not a doorknob

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