Who am I?


I realize that this is a bit more funky than the usual background, but it is a page about me, so I thought I would make it as interesting as possible since you have taken the time to read about me...Now that I think about it, why are you reading this anyway, if you are that starved for entertainment then go and look at the favourites page instead... No deal, Ok, I'll carry on.

My name is Ian Tilly, I am 20 years old and live in Durban South Africa. If you want to know more about my city, then go to htp://www.durban.org. It is not actually where I live, but I don't think that the suburb of Westville has a web page yet, but I will keep you informed. I am studying Sports Management at the moment, it includes Sports Marketing, medicine, Psychology, Event management etc. I know that sounds a little like a CV, but if anybody has a job in that field going then you know who to write to:)

My interests are pretty wide and varied, so be prepared. I love horses, I am passionate about them. Although I will never be a championship rider, I love riding. I enjoy rock-climbing, but I don't do it as much as I used to, perhaps I go out once a month to play in the mountains. I love most things that take place out of doors, as long as there is sun I am fine.

My interest in Diabetes is probably what you are all interested in, certainly more than my personal life at any rate. I have been Diabetic for 2 years. I was diagnosed on the 19th June 1995 after all the usual signs, Moody, thirsty, increased toilet activity. Sounds very clinical doesn't it. In truth when I wasn't trying to kill my family I was in the bathroom with a glass of water attached to my bottom lip, at least that is what it felt like. I was never very sporty at school, in fact for most of my life I was over-weight. Now I am 6ft1 and have a 9% body-fat index, a huge turn around, that is why I am so interested in helping Diabetes, it changed my life for the better, and I think it can do that for everyone else as well.

I am lucky enough to work with the South African Diabetes Assoc. on all of the camps in my area, and last year I was sent by Lions international over to Australia for the International youth Diabetes camp, that was a blast, and more importantly was very important because it changed my outlook on diabetes education, I learnt more over in Australia then I learnt in my 2 years of being Diabetic here, I learnt that the only way most Diabetics will learn something is if they are taught it by another Diabetic. I am sure that most of the parents reading this page will understand the "But you aren't diabetic" syndrome, it is unfortunately true, and also the reason for this page. All the people in this site are diabetic.

Well, that's me, I hope you enjoyed meeting me. Now go back and look at the rest of the sight.

Ian Tilly 20/07/97

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