News Update

[1999 10 06]

It is an incredible thing what bees can produce for us. Another excellent nutrient source that comes from bees is a substance called royal jelly. Just like it's counterpart, bee pollen, royal jelly produces an age-retarding, longevity enhancing effect. Not only that, but it helps maintain health, beauty and youth. It is also said that royal jelly contains every essential nutrient necessary to support human life. You can read more about this fascinating substance here.

[1999 09 27]

Buzzzzz...buzzzzz...that annoying buzzzzz. When a buzzing bee gets near us, our first instinct would probably be to swap the pesky bee. But in actuality they should be our friendz. Not friendz az having one az a pet, but friendz in what they provide for us. Bees, especially honeybees, provide one of several excellent substancez known az bee pollen. Bee pollen haz MANY elements of nutrients in it. Honeybeez are an important part of our livez in strength and energy building. Becuzzz of this excellent substance, there iz an article on it which you can read here.

[1999 09 20]

Do you like blueberries? Did you know that blueberries affect your brain? Affecting your brain so much that it can make you into a genius? Well...maybe not to that degree, but it can have beneficial effects. To read on this study, you can click here.

[1999 09 19]

Many of us love the taste of honey - that sweet, golden goo. How many of us would love to put that sticky substance onto our bodies? Well, researchers do and recommend that - in this case, for treating wounds and burns. It is said that honey is a better healing substance than any other medicine found in hospitals. If you are interested in this subject, you can click here.

[1999 09 07]

It is stated in Daniel 7:25 that the little horn shall "think to change times and laws." Notice that in that passage, everything has to do with God: God's people, God's time, God's law and God's enemies. Many people are indignant that the law mentioned here refers to God's law, because it does not explicitly say that it is the ten commandments. Truthfully, this is not good reasoning. But as you will see, it is a FACT that the law spoken here refers to the ten commandments. Here is a quote from Daniel and the Revelation, page 135, that comments on this: "What laws and whose? Not the laws of other earthly governments; for it was nothing marvelous or strange for one power to change the laws of another, whenever it could bring such power under its dominion. Not human laws of any kind; for the little horn had power to change these so far as its jurisdiction extended; but the times and laws in question were such as this power should only think to change, but not be able to change. They are the laws of the same Being to whom the saints belong who are worn out by this power, namely, the laws of the Most High. And has the papacy attempted this? - Yes, even this."
The Roman Catholic Church has admitted to these changes of God's law in their documents regarding the catechism of the Catholic Church. Special thanks to Rigo Olmo for these documents. If you are interested in the changes of God's law shown in the catechisms, you can click here.

[1999 08 26]

It is said that heart disease is America's number one killer. How would you feel if you knew that a way to significantly reduce heart disease risk is just simply walking? Recent studies have shown that by just brisk walking, that is equal in doing vigorous activities such as aerobics, jogging or bicycling. Heart disease, in fact all forms of diseases, have concerns with all people. If you would like to know more about this recent research, you can click here.

[1999 08 25]

Recent studies have shown that vitamin C may be able to indirectly prevent disease and cancer from forming in the human body. Indirectly in the sense that it doesn't go out to destroy germs or any bad things in your body, but in strengthening your immune system significantly by reducing the amount of stress hormones that goes into your body - hormones which weaken our immune system. We must admit that at least one time or another in our lives, we develop some sort of physical and/or emotional stress due to any type of work, school and the like, so this affects everyone. If you're interested on the type of tests researches have done, click here.

[1999 08 22]

About a half a year after Pope John Paul II sent out his apostolic letter 'Dies Domini,' a Brazilian Catholic Bishop wrote an apostolic letter directed to the Vatican. This apostolic letter involved an additional in-depth study and follow-up to 'Dies Domini.' This new letter contained nine points in which there is a zero tolerance action for those who keep any other day holy besides Sunday. As you read, points eight and nine are most severe in punishment. Then you will realize that this prophecy will soon come true: "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Rev. 13:15,17. The events on this earth are clear and happening very quickly, and we must be prepared for Christ's second coming by taking this into heart: "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Mat. 24:13. Information on this apostolic letter can be found in more detail in the August 1999 issue of the 'Messenger,' and also here.

[1999 08 19]

Many of you know that, in July of 1998, Pope John Paul II sent out a letter enforcing the Sunday rest. He says that the Second Vatican Council has the power to give people a day of rest, and what's better, is that at the same time we can celebrate the resurection of Christ. The Papacy admits that they have changed the Sabbath day from the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week, now terming the first day as the Lord's day, beginning in the early centuries. They also claimed that God blessed and hallowed the first day of the week. No where in the Bible exists such claims and changes, but can only be found in human interventions. There is no authority in the Bible where such actions are executed, but the Papacy claims to have this authority. Hearken onto Christ when He said, "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men." Mat. 15:9. If it is evidence you want regarding the deliberation of the Sabbath change, then the apostolic letter called 'Dies Domini ' can be found in more detail here.