Doulas of East Central Indiana

Contract/Letter of Agreement and

Description of Doula Services

A doula is a trained professional woman who accompanies women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. The doula provides emotional support, physical comfort, and as needed, communication with the staff to make sure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions as they arise in labor. She will provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning, and other comfort measures.

The doula will meet with you and your partner once before you go into labor to become acquainted, to explore and discuss your priorities and any fears or concerns, and to plan how you might best work together. The doula will explore with you your own best ways of coping with pain and fatigue of labor and how you and your partner foresee working together. You and your doula might decide on other meetings and will probably want to remain in touch by telephone. The doula will inform you of times when she is unavailable for labor support. To cover those times, she will arrange for a back-up doula whom you may also meet if you would like.

When you are in labor
It is preferable that you call your doula when you think you might be in labor, even if you do not need her yet. She can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone. She will usually need approximately one hour to get to you from the time you ask her to come. Except for extraordinary circumstances, she or her back-up will remain with you throughout your labor and birth.

After the birth
Your doula will remain with you for a short while after your birth-until you are comfortable and your family is ready for quiet time together. She can also help with initial breast-feeding if necessary. Your doula will make another contact with you after the birth (either through the mail and a phone call, or a visit in person) where she will review the birth with you and get feedback from you about her role.

What doulas do NOT do
As a doula, she does NOT:

A $300 fee for the services is charged. A down-payment of $150 is due at the pre-natal meeting. However, this fee is negotiable should your financial situation deem it necessary.

I/We have read this contract describing the doula's services and agree that it reflects the discussion we had with her.

Date ______________________
Client's Partner

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