Please Practise Safe Sex!

We responded to a seizure call with the fire department also enroute for lifting asssistance. We arrive on scene and found a lady in her mid twenties in an upstairs bedroom lying on the bed under some blankets. I was asking a male subject that was there with her what her medical history was and asked what she was doing at the time of the incident. I waited a few moments and said, sir can you tell me what she was doing when this happened? His face turned red and said well we were having sex and I thought she was having a orgasm and when she started foaming at the mouth I knew it was more than an orgasm so I called you.

Good thing it wasn't oral sex or we would have had 2 patients!

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This page is copyrighted © 2001 by Paula (I never got your email address!) & Jim Sadlemyer. Updated 29 December 2001