Newsletter of the Prader-Willi Syndrome Arizona Association (PWSAA)

_____________________ Volume II - Issue 3 - August 1997 _____________________

In This Issue:
  • Calorie Counter Corner
  • Surfing PWS
  • Awareness Day Photos
  • Letter from Darren
  • Aspartame Alert
  • Letters from Canada
  • PWS Seminar
  • Meet Our Mascot:
    "Miss Willi Nilli"
    She has some new
    recipes for you!

    THE PREZ SEZ ...

    As I watchied the NBA playoffs, I was reminded of the power of the human spirit.

    Almost no one gave the Utah Jazz any chance of winning the championship. When the Chicago Bulls won the first two games many thought the series was over. The Jazz, not wanting to be humiliated, won the next 2 games in covincing style. Many felt the tide had turned, especially when Michael Jordan was sick for game 5. Sick with a stomach ailment, he played 44 minutes out of 48, scoring 38 points and personally leading his team to victory. The final game went back and forth. Utah led most of the game but Chicago pulled it out in the final minutes.

    Guts, determination and perseverance were hallmarks of this series. One team had to win and one team had to lose. There were no losers when it came to wanting to win. Both teams were winners. What does the high priced high-pressure world of basketball have to do with us? A lot.

    Many people look at our children, siblings or grandchildren and don’t give them much of a chance. Be it by not giving them the credit they’re due or making it nearly impossible to access services.

    We persevere against overwhelming odds. We are the underdog never willing to admit defeat or let the other team beat us down. We may not get exactly what we want when we want it but we know we fought the good fight. We are ready to come back the next time win or lose.

    Our loved ones with PWS show the same courage. Fighting the overwhelming urge to eat and with help winning. They lead us to realize what perseverance really is and in their own ways are as important to our families as Michael Jordan or Karl Malone are to their teams.

    We are a team, parents, siblings, relatives and people with Prader-Willi syndrome. We don’t always agree. We don’t always get along. But in the end, we come together to win the championship, we live life as full as we can each and every day.

    We celebrate the small triumphs with the same vigor of world champions. It is our spirit that makes life the best it can be, that keeps us in the game, not willing to give up. Remember we are the winners, we are the champions. --John Ewish

    Check out the PWSAA site.

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