What is a Beef Ambassador? Well, basically, they inform the public about the benefits of beef and the cattle industry. And believe me - there are a lot of benefits! The contest consists of a three to five minute speach about any aspect of the cattle industry that interests you - nutrition, economy, environment, or you can do it all. It is open to everyone in the United States between the ages of 15 and 19 as of January 1st. If YOU are interested in becoming a Beef Ambassador there is ccontact information at the bottom of the page to help you get sstarted. You can also contact your local extention service or Cattle Women. If you aren't sure how to do this, e-mail me and Iwould be glad to help!

Here are just a few brief examples:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Economy
  3. Environment
  4. Convenience
Beef is packed with nutrition! One three ounce serving provides 42% of your RDA for protien which builds, mantains, and repairs your body's tissues. Beef is also loaded with iron which your body needs to move oxygen around your body. Studies show many women, children, and athletes don't consume an adequate amount of iron in their diets. And everyone is concerned about fat. Beef sold today has 21% less trimable fat than in the 1980's, and 40% of all beef cuts have no external fat. In a typical 2000 calorie diet, the American Heart Association suggests a daily fat intake of 67 grams. The average 3oz serving of trimmed beef contains only 6.3 grams of fat.

Beef plays a major role in America's economy. American agricultural products generate more than $100 billion in business activity each year, and the cattle industry directly employs more than one million people and creates an additional two million related jobs. The cattle business is the largest job provider in agriculture, and every year consumers spend an average of $195 per person on beef.

Recently, a study performed at the University of Minnesota showed that sediment and phosphorus losses in soil could be reduced by applying cattle manure to farm fields. By using various farms' methods researchers first applied the quivalent of 25 tons of steer manure per acre. When runoff was collected, it was discovered that sediment loss was only half as great as in uncovered soil. Phoshorus losses were also cut. Soil scientist, John Moncrief, suggests that the organic compounds in manure cement small particals together, forming larger ones which are less likely to erode.

Beef is convenient! Cooking a beef patty only takes about 7-10 minutes on the grill, stove top or broiler and only 4 minutes in the microwave. So as you can see, cooking something like a hamburger is as simple as cooking your meat in a matter of minutes, throwing it on a bun with some lettuce and tomatos, and you've got a great tasting American meal in minutes. Safety is important when cooking meat, though. For extra saftey tips check out this Guide to Safe Handling and Preparation.

BEEF AND CATTLE MYTHS There are common misconceptions about the cattle business. One is that too much land is being taken up by cattle grazing when it could be used for growing crops to feed hungry people. Actually, ninety-two percent of land in the United States classified as grazing land is not suitable for growing crops. If it weren't for the cattle on the land, it would have no food value whatsoever. Plus over two-thirds of the feed fed to animals is undesireable or unedible to humans. And, also, ruminants, animals with four stomachs, create more edible protein than they consume by converting non-protein nitrogen sources, like urea, into high quality protein food for humans.

This contest consists of giving a 5-8 minute speech about any aspect of the cattle industry. The Cattlewomen will even give you a packet with all of the information needed already in it. Information must be factual. It is really very easy, and there are so many perks!

Interested in becoming a Beef Ambassador?
If anyone is interested in this contest they should contact their local extension service, local cattlewomen or write or call:
Carol Abrahamzon, National Beef Ambassador Coordinator
(507) 724-1318.

Information may also be found at the National Beef Amabassador website sponsored by the American National Cattlewomen, Inc.

THANKS FOR VISITING! Here are some great links to other beef related pages:
  • Links to the beef and cattle industry
  • Don't eat meat? Curious about how cattle is used in food, households, medicine and transportation?
  • Yummy Beef Recipes

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    Ramirose Attebury Wendt