Thank you so much for stopping by the Special Angels Home On The Web. If You Haven't Done So Already, Please Let Me Know You Were Here!

12/27/00 08:32:57
Name: Nichole Simpson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: no
If not, what were you looking for?: cat scratch disease support groups

My three year old is suffering from complications to cat scratch. I'm trying to find info and support. Please email me if you can offer either.

12/11/00 01:12:13
Name: Lynette My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: no
If not, what were you looking for?: info on child born without a nose

I hope you do not mind me writing you this, but I am desperate for help! My son was born without a nose and has other special needs and I am trying to find info on rare birth defects, especially for children born without a nose. Any info you can give wou d be helpful. Thank You! Lynette

12/09/00 11:23:47
Name: parent2parent My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?:
Do you have any additional links for me?:

Hi was just searching out web sites with a similar interest to our own. We mainly provide support and information in the Pa area, but would be happy to try to answer any questions via email from our site :o). If you visit please sign the guestbook if ti e permits.

12/04/00 07:38:24
Name: D'Esprit
My URL: Visit Me


Random Acts of Kindness

12/03/00 06:28:25
Name: Chad Herron My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: I wasn't even looking
What you you like to see added to this page?: a link to the Yahoo! CMN club Do you have any additional links for me?:


11/28/00 00:06:35
Name: Chuck My URL: Visit Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes
Do you have any additional links for me?:

Enjoyed your site and found it very informative. Have a great day.

Please complete our Health Information Survey for a chance to win a free trip to Tahiti.

11/22/00 00:36:35
Name: rusty
My URL: Visit Me


11/11/00 00:31:18
Name: Janice Otto
My Email: Email Me


11/10/00 22:48:59
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: NO If not, what were you looking for?: Information on including a special needs child and how to deal with others questions and comments in a positive and non defensive way


11/02/00 19:58:12
Name: smcmhn My URL: Visit Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes and no
If not, what were you looking for?: prune belly syndrome and microcolon What you you like to see added to this page?: see above Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?:


10/17/00 18:37:04
Name: Elizabeth Baucom
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

RESEARCH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! What is the purpose of the research? Our purpose is to understand your experience as a parent of a premature infant in the NICU. One of the researchers became interested in this area because of her own experience of having a premature infant in the NICU Who is running this research project? Faculty and Master's Degree students from Nova Southeastern University What will be gained by this study? Findings from this study may make a difference in the lives of parents who have premature infants in the NICU in the future. If you would like to participate by filling out a short questionnaire, please contact Elizabeth Baucom by email at If you have any further questions please contact, Dr. Melissa Tovin at 1-800-541-6682 x1663.

10/10/00 14:14:20
Name: Special Education News My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes
What you you like to see added to this page?: Special Education News link Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: see above

Hello-- I'm not sure which section would be the best place to put it, but your visitors may find Special Education News useful. We cover all aspects of educating and caring for children with special needs from birth through 12th grade, plus some transition and co lege news as it comes along. Take a look at Thanks!

10/08/00 13:54:59
Name: Pete Froehlich
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

We invite you to visit our new web site: We manufacture pediatric therapeutic furniture for children with special needs. Our mission is to provide products that support your efforts to integrate children into everyday life. ur focus is upon early intervention for children with mild to moderate involvement. Our products are constructed of wood, durable and thus may be passed from child to child. We would like to be included in your list of resources. Thank you.

09/22/00 08:13:24
Name: kenya My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: movies that depict disabled children to show to my children to raise their self esteem What you you like to see added to this page?: a list of support groups for families
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no Do you have any additional links for me?: no, sorry

I was very impressed with the information provided. Keep up the good work!!

09/21/00 17:10:27
Name: kimberly
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Has anyone heard of a financial aid payment for disabled children? Not ssi, I already know about that. Social security is very hushhush about programs to help.

09/19/00 07:02:16
Name: Heidi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: Jourbert syndrome What you you like to see added to this page?: Jourbert syndrome also known as cerebellar hypoplasia
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no Do you have any additional links for me?: no

I have been unable to find anything out on this condition.and would like find out more and to find out if there are any other parents out there with children with this condition. Thank you

09/18/00 07:08:20
Name: Melanie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes
What you you like to see added to this page?: information about Epidermolysis Bullosa Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes

What a wonderfully informative site you have. I enjoyed my visit and will definately be back.

09/13/00 04:18:29
Name: Theresa My URL: Visit Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: not really
If not, what were you looking for?: rare disorders What you you like to see added to this page?: information on brain cysts Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no

This is a very good idea - and it is certainly needed. A lot of work has obviously gone into this webpage. It would even better if there was some information on brain cysts and developmental disorders.

08/26/00 18:50:59
Name: Vickie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Well done & very informative website. My site is for health & family resources. I would like to add your link to my website. If you are interested, contact me by email & please include URL & info about your site or visit my website & submit your URL to ( uggest a site) Thanks, Vickie

08/24/00 21:23:39
Name: Ms. Nazario My URL: Visit Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: no
If not, what were you looking for?: Huerllers What you you like to see added to this page?: information on this deadly desease Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no


08/13/00 02:03:56
Name: Marci
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Please check out my web site,I thought it would be of interest to you.

08/03/00 05:49:51
Name: Katie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: Yep! What you you like to see added to this page?: My link :) Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: Yes, I do!
Do you have any additional links for me?: No, sorry!

This is a great site! I have two brothers and a sister with autism, and I have a webpage for siblings of disabled kids called Soda Pop Online. You can go to it by clicking to . Great job on the page! :) ~Katie :D

08/02/00 17:36:28
Name: Lynda Appell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: Yes If not, what were you looking for?: To see if I want to add this site to my disabilities resources site What you you like to see added to this page?: Some more information on autism spectrum disorder
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: Do you have any additional links for me?: no

May I please add your comprehensive, interesting, resourceful site to the family section of my Appell Core DisABILITIES Resources site. Plase let me know by either signing my guestbook(prefered) or by e-mail.

07/30/00 03:55:09
Name: Gina Levy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: not really If not, what were you looking for?: education & advocacy What you you like to see added to this page?: more on education
Do you have any additional links for me?:

Comments: brings parents and resources together for parents in Los Angeles. In addition and more importantly for your website, it has a wealth of information on special education issues such as IDEA, IEPs, Early Intervention, Parent Advocacy, etc You have a great site with lots of information on the various disabilities but not much on education and treatment issues.

07/18/00 04:47:17
Name: debbie johnston My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: developal delays What you you like to see added to this page?: developmental delays
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no Do you have any additional links for me?: noI

I,m looking for info on developmental delays in infants and toddlers. when the only diagnosis is developmental delay.

07/10/00 07:34:29
Name: sheila My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes
If not, what were you looking for?: bipolar disorder What you you like to see added to this page?: tourettes syndrom


07/04/00 12:28:23
Name: Neil My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: software for special needs kids What you you like to see added to this page?: links to free software
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no Do you have any additional links for me?: no


06/25/00 04:03:17
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: Hearing Loss, connective tissue disorders, heart disorders Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?:
Do you have any additional links for me?: not yet

Looks like a good site. Good information. My problem is that I am trying to find more informaiton on hearing impairment and the chalenges that parents and teachers face when dealing with a hearing impaired child. 2 of my 3 children have hearing loss th t continues to get worse. along with Marfan Syndrome and related heart problems.

06/20/00 23:57:30
Name: Claudette Letendre My URL: Visit Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes Do you have any additional links for me?:

Hello I haven't been here in a while and I thought I should come on over for a revisit and your site is still as lovely as ever and I would like to give you my Rose Angel Award very nice visiting you again and keep up the lovely work!

06/03/00 05:47:58
Name: Liz. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: wasn!t ;ooking for onformation just surfing What you you like to see added to this page?: anything you can find Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: Dont have a home page yet~~sigh.
Do you have any additional links for me?: not now

I think you did a very wonderful and helpful page for everyone mostly for parents with disabled children. I love folks like you that have others in mind and try to be helpful to them . you did a great job thanks and continue being helpful

06/02/00 19:59:22
Name: Edward Jagen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes If not, what were you looking for?: na Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes
Do you have any additional links for me?: no

Hi I loved your site and will tell everybody about it. Would you reveiw our site we are trying to stop crime and violence Peace Edward/Michael

05/28/00 06:00:52
Name: Sharon Rutherford
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

We have a product that may be of interest. It is a footrest for a childs safety seat. We invented the product for our own daughter, who is not a special needs child. But she was not comfortable in her car seat for extended periods. We found that elevating her feet made her more comfortable. A nurse happened to see the product and immediatly thought it was a medical device for special needs children. Therefore we are wanting feedback from parents of special needs children to see if you think it would be hel ful. Please feel free to email any questions or comments. They would be greatly appreciated. Our website is and email is Thank you and God bless.

05/22/00 23:05:55
Name: Lynda Appell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: Yes If not, what were you looking for?: This site to see to add to my site What you you like to see added to this page?: Fine as is.
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: Yes please see above Do you have any additional links for me?: no not at the moment

I'd like to know if I can add your site to the families resources section of my site. Its LA DisABILITIES Resouorces. Core Comprehensive general and specific disabilities resources

05/15/00 13:06:28
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: NOT YET,BUT LOTS OF OTHER INTERESTING IDEAS
If not, what were you looking for?: HELP WITH A VAN FOR MY SON


05/12/00 09:27:58
My URL: Visit Me


05/05/00 00:06:42
Name: June My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have any additional links for me?: See my comments

Why not link to the Dyspraxia Foundation website. I've included their URL above. If you would like me to e-mail you some information, please contact me June - Dyspraxia Foundation North London Support Group Co-ordinator

05/04/00 04:19:12
My URL: Visit Me
Do you have any additional links for me?:


04/22/00 19:13:30
Name: Judith My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: very informative
What you you like to see added to this page?: a list of chat rooms

I receive an email from Kim and she sent me this address web site, She asked to go to the guest book and signed in. :) This web site is beautiful and laid out nicely. so many interesting sites to see on here!!! :)) Keep up the good work Kim!! Judith

04/22/00 01:44:50
Name: Nancy Melvin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: my daughter is multi-catagorical, would like to discuss why she became handicapped before I post something, since I do not want to scare or in anyway misguide a parent What you you like to see added to this page?: this is my first time here and so far this is a great site and I will share it. I am a parent advocate for disabilities and may have resources that you are unaware of that will be helpful no matter wDo you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: not at this time Do you have any additional links for me?: I have address, I will need to check to see if they have an internet site to make sure I do not give a false address

Hi, my daughter, Shalana, who is now 18 became disabled at age 4 months due to a severe reaction to DPT immunizations. I am not against immunizations but my daughter was more than severely damaged because of this and had a respiratory arrest and stroke at age 2 1/2. She was on the ketogenic diet and I think that parents should know about this diet, don't get me wrong, it is not an easy diet to do but although it did not help my daughter (she did not start on it til she was 16 1/2, it has made alot of diff rence that without the diet would not be as possible to achieve. I do belong to alot of orginizations here in Indiana and throughout the US, and it would be nice to have a readily available list for all parents to get the most that they can for their chi dren. I tell my daughter everyday (she is now 18 and will need assistance with everything that she does for the rest of her life)that she is my most precious gift. If it is possible I would like to be able to help provide some organizations that have be n helpful to me and to parents that I know. I am more than appreciative to have found this page and it was due only to the fact that Andrew was mentioned on WKKG 101.5, Columbus, IN radio station with Big Mike that I even knew about the Make A Child Smil homepage and then I found this link.( let me know if I can help spread the word to parents who may not have access to various organizations that can be of help. I am very sincere in this. Thank You Nancy Melvin

04/16/00 23:21:43
Name: Kim Flowers (or silly) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?:
Do you have any additional links for me?: Please feel free to link to my home page too.8-)

This is a REALLY KEWL web page.8-)

04/11/00 17:32:20
Name: debbie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes

i think this is truly a very special thing that is for our precious kids. we all need to stick togather and give our support where needed and wanted. god bless you all.

04/07/00 19:39:48
Name: MDSC My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: NO
If not, what were you looking for?: TEACHING TOOLS FOR DIABETIC DD ADULTS. What you you like to see added to this page?: OR E MAIL ME PLEASE

I need information and materials for educating my adult DD clients particularly about their diabetes. I need a visual aid, i.e. a book as my client is also deaf. I prefer not to use children's literature if at all possible. Thank you

04/07/00 17:26:22
Name: Eva Looker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you you like to see added to this page?: ashberger diesese

i am trying to find information on ashberger

04/05/00 14:00:08
Name: Doris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes What you you like to see added to this page?: Make a child smile organization Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes
Do you have any additional links for me?:

I really enjoyed your page !!! Please visit our homepage and the "Make a child smile" site.. Its a wonderful place also.. My sons name is Andrew and he is one of the April featured kids. God bless you and thanks for sure a wonderful site.

03/27/00 15:40:06
My URL: Visit Me


03/21/00 02:43:09
Name: Faye Millwood My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
If not, what were you looking for?: info/parents with experience with young children with lennox gastaut What you you like to see added to this page?: sensory integration issues and epilepsy Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no

Thank you for any help

03/15/00 21:49:15
Name: Sprite
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Your pages are very informative. I enjoyed my visit here.

Random Acts of Kindness

03/11/00 17:32:07
Name: Donna McDonald My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes What you you like to see added to this page?: no Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no


03/05/00 17:19:45
Name: Judie Zyra My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome What you you like to see added to this page?: cycilc vomiting Syndrome
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no Do you have any additional links for me?: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Home page

As a rae genetic disorder often misdiagnosed the more people educted the better, thank you

02/26/00 18:53:20
Name: ELise My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: late talking children, developmental speech delays What you you like to see added to this page?: yes
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: not yet Do you have any additional links for me?: not at current time


02/25/00 22:31:18
Name: Kim Flowers (or silly)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I'm SO glad that we are all doing something to spread more awareness about autism, etc.:-) I really like your page.:-)

02/20/00 22:45:38
Name: renae My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes
Do you have any additional links for me?:

well done site!

02/14/00 18:41:14
Name: Robin Lunsford My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: some, not all
If not, what were you looking for?: Epilepsy, Horner's syndrome What you you like to see added to this page?: epilepsy

I am having a difficult time figuring our all of my daughter's diagnosis. She has a seizure disorder, severve behavioral problems, Horner's syndrome, hypothyroidism, and was IUGR and 30 weeks. I am expecting another child and I am trying to find what th risks of having another affected child are. I feel that in many ways we are blessed that Lizzie, (Our daughter) is so incredibly functional, and in others ways I wonder how I oculd handle another "problem" child I will continue searching to find as much as I can. Thank you for having this page available. Robin Lunsford

02/13/00 22:11:41
Name: Tammy Smith My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: some of it
If not, what were you looking for?: Hydrocephalus What you you like to see added to this page?: stories about kids with hydro

My daughter was born with a grade 3 IVH, and while you have information on SpinaBifida, there are alot of kids out there that only have hydro.You have really done a great job though.

02/07/00 02:29:10
Name: will
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hi you have a very interesting site keep up the good work

01/31/00 22:03:25
Name: Teri My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes,congenital cmv


01/30/00 18:52:56
Name: Bev Hanson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: No If not, what were you looking for?: Fragile X Syndrome What you you like to see added to this page?: Fragile X Syndrome
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: No Do you have any additional links for me?:

This is the leading cause of mental retardation in males. There are many parents sruggling to find out what is wrong with their child and this syndrome may be the answer. There are many other links to Fragile X Syndrome and many great sites. I feel you need to add it to your site. It may help someone who is looking for answers, as my family was in the past.

01/24/00 17:06:41
Name: Paula_42 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: SIDS Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no


01/24/00 17:05:45
Name: Paula_42 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: SIDS Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no

I lost a 4 month old grandson to SIDS almost a year ago and i need some information to help me cope and understand why babies have to die so young....thank you

01/23/00 16:17:54
Name: Carebare094 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: No If not, what were you looking for?: 1p36 What you you like to see added to this page?: deletion syndromes
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: not yet Do you have any additional links for me?: not yet

My daughter was born with a deletion syndrome known as chromosome 1p36. We are trying to find others with the deletion to start a support system. Your site has been given to some of the others who have this disoder to put them in touch with others who und rstand. The site is very helpful.

01/20/00 09:43:01
Name: Joe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: No If not, what were you looking for?: Information on duchenne muscular dystrophy and information on if there is financial help in obtaining a van to transport your child in for parents who can't afford them. What you you like to see added to this page?: See previous question.
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: No Do you have any additional links for me?: No

I think your web page is great but financial assistance is a concern for many people. Not so much handouts but help to those who have a special needs child like myself who needs financial assistance in obtaining a van to transport my son. If you can help e find something in that area, it would be well appreciated. Thank you.

01/17/00 22:39:24
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: not yet, haven't went to the end yet
If not, what were you looking for?: Cerebral Atrophy

Thanks for doing all this, it must have taken some time, even although I haven't found anyone with Cerebral Atrophy its nice to see we are not alone.

01/13/00 21:47:49
Name: sharon early My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes

thanks so much just seeing your site helps to know we are not alone in this please link our page we would love that it is still being edited so excuse typing thanks

01/13/00 17:53:44
Name: Marsha Davis My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: no
If not, what were you looking for?: sacral agenesis, kyphoscoliosis, and spina bifida (congenital) What you you like to see added to this page?: yes, if you can Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no
Do you have any additional links for me?: no

My 10 year old daughter LIZ has Sacral Agenesis, kyphoscoliosis, spina bifida, and possibly restrictive lung disease. I would like any information on the combination of these defects, also the growing affects of a child with these defects. Liz's dr. has offered not much hope for her and i am very frustrated, there has to be someone that can help her. Liz has started having a little trouble breathing, nothing major yet, but her dr. says she will get worse and that she will have to learn to live with it. I think this web site and any web site that can help someone any possible way is great.

01/07/00 02:51:53
Name: Elaine
My URL: Visit Me

Great page with lots of helpful information!!!!

Kindness in Action

01/07/00 02:37:58
Name: RuthB
My URL: Visit Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: YES

Great idea reaching out to others when you know and understand is the best medicine,I am at the other end a parent dealing with a chronic illness,it does help to reach out to others!!

Kindness in Action

12/30/99 02:24:12
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: no If not, what were you looking for?: a site for medical equipment exchanges between families that no longer needs a piece of equipment and transferring it to another family
What you you like to see added to this page?: equipment exchanges


12/12/99 23:40:51
Name: Marjorie Young My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: yes What you you like to see added to this page?: treatment services & resources Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: yes
Do you have any additional links for me?: yes--see homepage

I am a registered speech-language pathologist working in private practice and my preferred areas of practice include working with cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities,hearing impairments, and developmental language delays. I w rk in the Greater Vancouver, BC area, and my home page lists links to other SLP's and services which may be of interest to families and caregivers of "Special Angels". Keep up the good work. I look forward to hearing from you. Marjorie Young

11/29/99 18:29:05
Name: Neko red1 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: no
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: No home page

my daughter was born with esophageal atresia/tracheoesphogeal fistula and VSD (this condition also is related to VATER) but thankfully she only has the VSD out of the syndrome. I have been looking for other support groups or health related chat rooms conc rning this. If you can help me, please email me.

11/29/99 18:25:56
Name: Neko red1
My URL: Visit Me


11/21/99 22:30:04
Name: Sharon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you find the information you were looking for?: lots of good stuff, but there's nothing on LDs If not, what were you looking for?: Learning Disabilities, my specialty What you you like to see added to this page?: Do you want some help constructing a page about LD?
Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: Yes, mine, see above Do you have any additional links for me?: LD Online, NLDLine, a few others yes

Hi Rebel, finally got around to visiting your site, have you been to mine yet? I really like your layout, very clear and colorful, if I can help you add an LD page, let me know! Sharon

11/15/99 15:14:53
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: No
If not, what were you looking for?: Tactile defensiveness/hyposensitivity Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no

My son has recently been diganosed as having tactile defensiveness or HYPOsensivity, (as opposed to HYPERsensitivity) Any information or links you can direct me to would be appriciated.

11/10/99 16:03:04
Name: Ari Rivera My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you find the information you were looking for?: no
If not, what were you looking for?: info on Tri-soma 18 Do you have a homepage that you would like to be linked here?: no

My niece was born with Tri-Soma 18 (an extra chromosome) we live in Florida and I would like to have my family attend a support group with other families with children with this disease. Can you help us? My niece has outlived all doctors expectations. he will be 12 in January.

10/25/99 22:42:20
My URL: Visit Me


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