Holistic Alternative Health Care 

Standard Process

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  • Alzheimer's
  • Bed Wetting
  • ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder)
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Bladder Infection
  • Cystitis
  • Addison's Disease
  • Anemia
  • Bruising
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • AIDS
  • Allergies
  • Angina
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder)
  • Candida
  • Diabetes- TypeI &Type II
  • Go to Dr. Heil's Resume .


    This site was developed to give the layperson a general understanding of various disease entities and some of the more common holistic suggestions found to be beneficial in these conditions.

    An attempt is made to provide a system or framework in which you can determine which nutritional supplements are needed by your body. You must go through a process in order to properly regain and maintain your nutritional health. This process is not only for the elderly or ill individual but rather is meant for everyone. The young and healthy need to maintain their health....it is much easier than trying to regain health after it has been lost.

    Have you ever gone into a health food store, pharmacy, or supermarket to buy vitamins thinking that you were going to be healthier? Were you in search of the latest and greatest new vitamin around? If you did not see the results that you had hoped for it was because you did not use a SYSTEM or PROCESS to determine which nutrients you needed.

    The Nutritional Survey (NHS) supplies the system....this is the process that helps you to systematically regain and maintain your health. When you selected your vitamins did you use a system and follow the process? Or did you just hear about the vitamins from somewhere and think that it might be good for you too?

    Would your loved ones, the people that depend on you, want you to follow a system in the process of regaining and maintaining your health or would they rather you wantonly pick your nutrition on a whim?

    Please understand that none of these recommendations can take the place of face-to-face physician care. You should be under the care of your personal physician for any of these conditions. However, your personal physician may not understand the value or mechanisms involved in this information. Don't be disheartened with their negative remarks if this should occur.

    Where specific suggestions are made you must remember that nutritional supplements are not used to treat any specific condition. Rather, they give the body the nutritional building blocks that the body needs to function correctly. When your body has what it needs, in the correct amounts then the body can maintain homeostasis and function correctly.

    Homeostasis is the situation within the body whereby all organs and systems are functioning correctly and at full capacity. Most symptoms and conditions of disease or infirmity can be prevented (and many corrected) simply by creating the environment for the body to maintain homeostasis. For the body to maintain homeostasis it may be necessary to employ other holistic health care modalities such as chiropractic, acupuncture, dietary changes etc. in addition to nutritional supplementation.

    In any given condition there are usually a number of organs and systems not in homeostasis and is thereby not functioning at100% capacity. The steps necessary to regain homeostasis are multi faceted...in other words there is no " magic bullet". The road to regaining and maintaining your optimal health is a long and arduous one. It takes work, persistence, and dedication.

    Where specific nutritional supplementation suggestions are made I would suggest that you NOT take the supplements until a nutritional health survey (located at http://www.healthmc.com) has been successfully completed. The Nutritional Health Survey will have helped you restore some of the overall health to your body thereby allowing specific supplementation to best benefit you. Failure to follow this recommendation will result in a greater failure rate, as there is no "magic bullet" that is cheap and easy for most conditions.

    The myth of the "magic bullet" cure has been propagated by the AMA public relations machine and drug company advertising targeting the consumer. To prove this to yourself count the number of drug advertisements on television during any 1/2 hour program.

    In a book entitled "The Serpent on the Staff, the unhealthy politics of the American Medical Association" By Howard Wolinsky and Tom Brune it is stated that the AMA operates a huge public relations apparatus to get their message and news heard. Each week the PR staff sends news releases to over 4,000 medical and science journalists. This PR apparatus also dispatches video news releases based on the journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) via satellite to 340 TV outlets. Five days a week the AMA sends one minute medical reports to 500 radio station via satellite. With this amount of publicity being distributed every week it is absolutely no wonder that we are regularly hearing of the latest, greatest new cure.

    If you are looking for the "magic bullet" cure to your condition then you are doomed to failure. Regardless of whether it is the latest, greatest new drug, herb, or nutritional supplement you will likely fail. You need a system by which you can determine a course of action, follow that course of action, and then verify and monitor the results by measuring an outcome by using numbers.

    The system that I use in my practice is located at http://www.healthmc.com/and is known as the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS). Since the NHS system uses numbers it is ideal for the internet computer environment. Most aspects of holistic health care requires personal contact....the NHS does not as all information is reported by the individual in the form of numbers. These numbers are then analyzed by a computer program that was developed by hundreds of doctors using data from thousands of patients. This system will allow you to verify over time whether improvements are made in your self reported health status. The NHS system is performed every 2 months with an expectation of reduction in reported symptoms every time.

    When the NHS system has reduced reported symptoms as much as it can then you may want to try the other suggested protocols if there are any persistent symptoms. This is the most efficient and organized manner to approach the nutritional portion of your holistic program.

    If there is a condition or situation that is not covered at this site please email the doctor at drheil@clark.net. With your questions. It is a free service.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    ADHD primarily effects children though it can involve adults. It is a condition of the central nervous system . Behavior and learning problems is the result.

    Studies have shown definitively that food allergies often play a large role in ADHD.

    ADHD may include sleep disturbances, failure in school, inability to sit still, learning disabilities, easily frustrated, low stress tolerance, absentmindedness, forgetfulness, impatience, temper tantrums, mood swings, and self destructive behavior. All of these symptoms do not have to be present in all of the ADHD sufferers.

    The first line in holistic treatment is chiropractic evaluation. Most ADHD individuals have a subluxation complex in the upper cervical spine which may involve the cranial area. A chiropractic technique that is well tolerated by children is the ACTIVATOR method. Visit http://www.activator.com for more information on this technique. This site also offers a free referral service to help you find an Activator practitioner in your area.

    A recently published report by two Mississippi State University researchers and chiropractor Robert Leach shows that chiropractic may be potential non-drug treatment for children with hyperactivity. Results of tests conducted during the researchers' pilot study showed significant improvement in hyperactive children following chiropractic treatment. The paper appeared in the October, 1989 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.

    Nutritional supplementation should include 1 CalMa Plus and 3 Minchex daily for children.......adults should complete a Nutritional Health Survey at http://www.healthmc.com/ . The Nutritional Health Survey can benefit the child also....especially if a carbohydrate intolerance is involved.

    Dietary considerations should exclude all sugar and simple carbohydrates. A ketogenic diet such as that advocated by Dr. Atkin's may be beneficial but include plenty of fresh vegetables. Diet information may be found in these books:

    Dr. Atkin's New Diet Revolution-Dr. Robert C. Atkins

    Feed Your Kids Right - Dr. Lendon H. Smith

    The Zone Diet - Dr. Barry Sears

    Protein Power - Dr. Mary and Michael Eades


    More information can be obtained from :

    Attention Deficit Disorder Assoc. (ADDA)

    P.O. Box 972

    Mentor, Ohio 44061

    Children with Attention-Deficit Disorder (CHADD) 305-587-3700

    499 Northwest 70th Avenue

    Suite 101

    Plantation, Florida 33317


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net



    Acne is the most common of all skin disorders. Males are affected more often than females. While thought of as a condition of adolescence and puberty it can remain a problem to age 50 or 60.

    Customary treatment is with antibiotics. Numerous studies have shown zinc to be one of the most beneficial nutrients in acne treatment. Amounts of zinc used in these studies generally range between 90 and 135 milligrams daily for one to three months but a doctor must be consulted before using this amount of zinc.

    A very successful nutritional protocol includes using 10 Thymex, 6 Cataplex A, and 3 Lac-Enz for 12 weeks. Sometimes Chezyn, Wheat Germ Oil Perles, and Zinc Liver Chelate are necessary to offer additional support. These are all Standard Process products and more information is available at http://www.healthmc.com/ on each of these products.

    In addition to zinc, the following program has been producing good to excellent results in 92 percent of patients. ( see #1 and #2 references below.)

    -Avoid inorganic iron and female hormones as both are antagonistic to vitamin E

    -Avoid Iodine and commercial soft drinks with brominated vegetable oil as they aggravate acne.

    -Avoid over 1 glass of milk per day ( Hormones in milk can aggravate acne)

    -Avoid excess Vitamin B12

    -Take 50,000 IU of water soluble Vitamin A twice daily before meals. Do not use this amount without the advice of a physician.

    -Take Vitamin E 440 IU twice daily before meals.

    -Take B6 (pyridoxine) 50mg once or twice daily for premenstrual or menstrual related acne.

    -Apply benzoyl peroxide (5%) gel at night after washing gently with a non-medicated soap. In Australia, some dermatologists use 5% tea tree oil gel.

    -Follow a well balanced diet low in fats and sugars.


    1. Ayres, S. , Mihan, R. Acne Vulgaris: Therapy directed at Pathophysiologic defects. Cutis 1981; 28:41-2.

    2. Werbach, MR. Nutritional influences on mental illness. Tarzana, CA: Third Line Press, Inc., 1991: 267.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net




    Five million kids suffer from asthma. The number of kids with asthma has almost doubled since 1983. Why is the number increasing? Because we are treating the symptoms while ignoring the cause of asthma.

    Asthma involves the bronchi and bronchioles the tiny tubes that carry air to the lungs. When a person has asthma their bronchi and bronchioles go into spasm, close up and fill with mucous. They feel like they are being strangled. They struggle to get air into the lungs and once it is in they cannot exhale; the air is trapped behind the mucous.

    It's sometimes described as being underwater and not able to swim to the surface in time. Asthmatics struggle for every breath.

    The asthma attack or spasm can last for several hours. In its most severe form, status asthmaticus, the attacks last for days and even weeks and can result in death. Over 5 million Americans, a third of them children, suffer from asthma. What can be done for them?

    Modern medicine offers no cure. The best it can so is give temporary relief of symptoms by the use of drugs. Many asthmatics feel condemned to a life of drug taking without ever getting rid of their condition. However, many asthmatics are turning to the drugless healing of Chiropractic combined with nutritional supplementation.

    According to Dr. Daniel Wise, a Phoenix Maryland Chiropractor with a large pediatric practice, most asthma sufferers are suffering unnecessarily. Dr. Wise utilizes the Activator Methods of Chiropractic care (http://www.activator.com/) in conjunction with nutritional supplementation. He points out that Pneumotrophin in tandem with a Drenamin is very beneficial for asthmatics when combined with a comprehensive program of chiropractic care. However, he cautions that other nutritional factors may be present and therefore recommends that a Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) is completed by all asthma sufferers and the suggestions followed nutritional program. The NHS can be found at http://www.healthmc.com/.

    Chiropractic successes with asthmatics are well documented. And yet its purpose in caring for people is not to treat disease, asthma included. The purpose of Chiropractic is to remove nerve interference or spinal stress from the body. You might say that chiropractors care for the person who has the disease rather that the disease that has the person.

    As early as 1921, Henry Winsor, M.D., performed autopsies on 70 people that had respiratory disease. Dr. Winsor found spinal abnormalities associated with breathing in all 70 cases. An article recently published in "Spinal Manipulation," a chiropractic journal, showed that patients with a history of asthma or bronchitis are more likely to report respiratory improvement after chiropractic treatment.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Candida ( Yeast)

    Candida Albicans is a parasitic yeast-like fungus that inhabits the intestines, genital tract, mouth, esophagus, and throat. While this fungus normally lives in our body it can become a problem when it overpopulates. When this occurs, it causes an infection throughout the body weakening the immune system. The symptoms of candidiasis cover a large range.

    The most common cause of candidiasis is antibiotic use. Other causes may include pregnancy, corticosteriod use, advanced cancer, and AIDS. Antibiotics kill both friendly and unfriendly bacteria. Examples of friendly bacteria include lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidus. When these friendly bacteria are wiped out, an environment is created in the intestines that favors the growth of undesirables such as candida albicans.

    Overgrowth of candida albicans in the gut is part of the dysbiosis syndrome whereby the normal gut flora has been altered. When sugars are eaten ( or anything easily converted to sugars like carbohydrates), they eventually reach the bowel where they ferment into alcohol. In some cases, the blood alcohol level can be raised to levels where the person in considered to be legally drunk. This is the "auto-brewery syndrome" and has been reported in medical journals ( Hunnisett, A, Howard, J, Davies,S. Gut Fermentation syndrome: a new clinical test with initial observations and discussions of clinical and biochemical implications. J Nutr Med 1990; 1:33-38.)

    Very often, food allergies are present in people with candida infections. Some people with candidiasis may go on to develop environmental sensitivities also. Many cannot tolerate contact with rubber, petroleum products, tobacco, exhaust fumes, and chemical odors. Symptoms of food allergy or environmental sensitivities can mimic those of candidiasis thus making diagnosis difficult.

    If candidiasis is suspected, the diet must be fruit free, sugar free, yeast free, and low in carbohydrates. A good source of information on this type of diet can be found in Dr. RobertC. Atkin's book entitles " Dr. Atkin's New Diet Revolution".This book also contains a discussion of candidiasis.

    In candidiasis, underlying illness such as immune system dysfunction or diabetes must be ruled out. As always you should see your personal physician for any suspected disease or condition.

    Nutritional supplementation may include taking 12 Cataplex A&C, 8 Zymex, 3 Cal Amo, 3 Black Radish, and 3 Lact-Enz per day for 12 weeks. This must be combined with a proper diet as discussed above. The Zymex may need to be continued for 1-2 years following this course of nutrition depending on the individual. As always, it is advisable that a Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) at http://www.healthmc.com/ is completed and the suggested nutrition followed for 6-8 months before any other nutritional program is instituted for best results.

    For more information on candida visit http://www.yeastconnection.com/information.htm


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Type I Diabetes

    In Type I diabetes your pancreas cannot make insulin therefore glucose cannot enter the cells. Normally, food is converted into glucose, a form of sugar. Glucose is carries by the blood stream to the cells of the body. Insulin ( which should be made by the pancreas) allows the glucose to be absorbed by the cells. This is how the cells get energy to burn in their normal functions.


    In Type I diabetes the pancreas does not make insulin. This allows the glucose to stay in the bloodstream and is called hyperglycemia ( or high blood glucose or high blood sugar). Without glucose in the cells, your cells cannot make the energy you must take with insulin.

    Without glucose, your cells try to get energy from stored fat. However, fats leave a waste product called ketones. A build-up of ketones will cause a dangerous condition called Ketoacidosis.

    Interesting reading for the diabetic may include:

    Dr. Atkin's NEW Diet Revolution - Robert C. Atkin's

    A Challenging Second Opinion - John A. McDougall

    Eating 4 Your Type - Peter D'Adamo

    Protein Power - Michael and Mary Eades

    Dr. Bernstein's Diabetics Solution - Richard K. Bernstein

    As always, the healthier body will function best even in difficult situations such as Type I diabetes. Diet, exercise, and nutritional support are important. While Diaplex is often used to support the system regulating insulin the Type I diabetic may want to go beyond this. Cataplex GTF, Lact-Enz, and Pituitrophin should also be investigated.

    If blood glucose levels reduce then less insulin must be used. Be vigilant and closely monitor for these changes. It is a major advantage to have lower blood glucose levels. The subsequent lowered insulin needs results in less complications. The hemoglobin A1c test may be particularly helpful to show you how your blood glucose levels are doing over time.


    As was covered in the Overview section, the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) should be completed first at http://www.healthmc.com/. This is especially important for the Type I diabetics that are trying to maintain optimal health to avoid as many problems as possible.

    The Type I diabetic will want to contact the International Association for Medical Assistance for Travelers at 716-754-4883 before travelling. This service exists to help you.

    More Information is available at http://www.diabetes.org/


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Type II Diabetes

    Also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ( even though many Type II diabetics are on insulin), Type II diabetes is a disease that makes it hard for your body to turn food into energy.

    Normally food is converted into glucose, a form of sugar. Glucose is carries by the bloodstream to the cells of the body. Insulin ( which is made by the pancreas) allows the glucose to be absorbed by the cells. In this case the glucose stays in the bloodstream and is called hyperglycemia ( or high blood sugar or high blood glucose). Without glucose in the cells, your cells cannot make the energy needed to keep your body running smoothly.

    Hyperglycemia occurs slowly and can be caused by eating too much food, eating sugary foods, when you're sick or under stress. If your blood glucose level goes up too high, you may go into a coma. Hyperglycemia may cause no symptoms, or symptoms may include: blurry vision, increased thirst, the need to urinate often, itchy dry skin, or a tired feeling.

    It is important to control diabetes to limit problems such as nerve problems (neuropathy), blood vessel disease (arteriosclerosis), kidney disease (nephropathy), or high blood pressure (hypertension). Eye problems such as retinopathy ( damage to the blood vessels in the eyes), Glaucoma ( pressure in the eyes), or cataracts (clouding of the eye's lens.

    Diabetics must monitor their blood glucose level as part of their daily routine. Other tests include glycated hemoglobin test or the hemoglobin A1c test may be done in your doctor's office every 6 months. You may also need to test your urine for ketones. Keep a record of these tests.

    Working with a dietician, daily exercises, and proper nutritional supplementation is important. Recent studies performed at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, in Beltsville, Md. Shows that chromium picolinate helps control diabetes.

    A nutritional supplement called Diaplex is often used for both diabetes and hypoglycemia by supporting the system regulating insulin. However, it should be used in conjunction with the Nutritional Health Survey which can be found at http://www.healthmc.com/ . Other resources can provide information, educational programs, and other services. They exist to help you.

    American Diabetes Association 1-800-232-3472

    National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse 1-301-468-2162


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    AIDS ( HIV )

    There is a ton of information on the internet about AIDS and HIV infection. This information is constantly changing and being updated as more is learned about this condition. Therefore, this discussion will concentrate on what can be done to try and strengthen the immune system.

    It appears that a weak immune system allows the retrovirus to infect the body. Studies have repeatedly shown that immune compromised individuals are at a greater risk of contracting AIDS. Once infected with HIV, only 50% to 60% actually developed AIDS. It is our contention that a strong immune system can help in preventing HIV infection and reduce the progression to AIDS if HIV infection has already occurred.

    Some antibiotics have been shown to alter the immune response. Tetracycline was shown to inhibit the ability of white cells to destroy bacteria and delay the white cells form moving to the site of infection. Sulfonamides inhibited the microbiocidal antibody production. Antibodies have also been shown to increase the likelihood of repeat infections. Such evidence seems to suggest that antibiotics may limit the body's ability to recognize and destroy invading organisms. You may want to consider this in trying to rebuild your body's immune system.

    Drugs (legal and illegal), alcohol, smoking, and synthetic vitamins can lead to toxic overload. If these poisons cannot be excreted by the body they are stored in the liver, body fat, or lymph nodes. This toxic overload negatively impacts the immune system impeding recovery.

    Acupuncture, on the other hand is being investigated as a means to stimulate immune response in AIDS and other immunosuppressive disorders. However, acupuncture is usually not used as a sole therapy. Combining acupuncture with nutritional support of a substantive nature is recommended.

    Herbal preparations show promise but as of now no definitive results are forthcoming. More research is needed for this promising area.

    While synthetic vitamins can be detrimental to the body, whole food nutritional supplements contain the co-factors found in the foods that they are made from. Concentrated whole food nutritional supplements allow us to consume whole foods in quantities much greater that would be possible if they were not concentrated. A discussion of this important distinction between synthetic vitamins and whole food nutritional supplements can be found at http://www.healthmc.com/ . The Nutritional Health Survey can also be found at this site and is an excellent tool to use in regaining or maintaining your health. Do not waste your time, money, and health on synthetic vitamins.

    Sleep is often neglected aspect of both healing and maintaining the health of the body. Sleep is the time when the body heals. Give the body as much sleep as it needs.....when it needs it. Clean living and doing what is required by the body is the way to regain or maintain the integrity of the immune system.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net



    Alzheimer's disease is a common form of dementia. A dementia is where an individual experiences a decline in intellectual and memory functioning. While often thought of as a disease of old age it can effect people in their forties.

    Currently, over 4 million suffer from Alzheimer's disease in the U.S.. It effects over 10 percent of the Americans over age 65 and over 50% of those over age 85. Dementia is the 4th leading cause of death in those over age 60. Death usually occurs within 5-10 years of diagnosis.

    Once considered to be a psychological condition, it is now known to be a degenerative disorder with specific changes found within the brain. New memories cannot be formed and old memories cannot be remembered.

    Not all dementia's are Alzheimer's disease. Hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) , brain tumor, hypothyroidism, advanced syphilis, and stroke can also cause dementia.

    High concentrations of aluminum have been found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. These aluminum concentrations have been found to be especially high in the region of the hippocampus, an area of the brain strongly involved in memory. Aluminum is commonly found in cookware, antacids, anti-diarrhea medicines, buffered aspirin, deodorants, douches, food activities, and shampoos. These high concentrations of aluminum are controversial as it is not known whether it is the cause or the result of neuron dysfunction.

    While the cause of Alzheimer's disease is not known the possibilities include aluminum and /or mercury toxicity and nutritional deficiencies. Many nutritional deficiencies may result from the depletion of essential nutrients caused by modern food processing methods. Malabsorption syndromes, medications, and alcohol abuse may also exacerbate these nutritional deficiencies.

    Because of the incomplete knowledge as to the cause, or even the ability to diagnosis Alzheimer's disease, it may be beneficial to try 6 Minchex, 6 Pituitrophin, 3 Hepatrophin, and 1 Ferrofood per day.....always. The goal is not to cure Alzheimer's because there is no cure. Rather, the attempt is to stop or at least slow down the progression of the degeneration. As covered in the Overview section, it is prudent to complete the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) protocol in order to monitor progress. The NHS ( found at http://www.healthmc.com/) also supplies a system by which other nutritional deficiencies can be identified and corrected. This is important with a disease entity such as Alzheimer's where the exact cause is not known. If multiple causal factors are involved, as is suspected, then all nutritional deficiency situations must be covered as much as possible.

    A report in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that the mental deterioration of Alzheimer's disease can be slowed significantly by high doses of Vitamin E....an antioxidant. While Vitamin E did not reverse the disease among patients with moderate Alzheimer's, it did slow down the disability rate by an average of seven months.

    The search is on for methods to diagnose Alzheimer's more rapidly and at an earlier stage. Earlier detection may allow people to make decisions about future care and other matters.

    More information on Alzheimer's disease can be found at the Alzheimer's Association, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL. 60611. Telephone numbers: 1-800-272-3900, or 1-312-335-8700.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is the most common variant of motor neuron disease. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease...named after the famous baseball player that contracted this disease.

    The cause of ALS is not known. However, a clustering in the western pacific (where it is 50 times more common than in other areas) in conjunction with the occasional occurrence of an ALS syndrome many years after a poliovirus infection raises the question as to whether the disease may be a slow virus infection. Studies have not been able to confirm this.

    The principal symptom is weakness that begins in the upper extremities and is often one sided at the onset. The weakness and muscle atrophy are usually the first apparent in the small muscles of the hand. There is a loss of fine motor control that results in clumsiness.

    The course of ALS is unremittingly progressive. Patients survive from 3-5 years although the survival rate may range from 1-10 years..

    No specific treatment for ALS is known to medical science. Nutritionally, it is worthwhile to try 12 Cardio Plus, 6 Ligaplex II, and 3 Whole Adrenal per day to be continued always. As many factors may be involved, the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) found at http://www.healthmc.com/ will be useful. The NHS will also provide an objective means by which progress can be measured over time. Patients should maintain their mobility, and their morale may be helped by an active hydrotherapy exercise program.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net



    Allergies come in many forms and all are miserable to suffer from. An allergy is an inappropriate and exaggerated response by the body's immune system. Otherwise harmless substances cause an overreaction of the white blood cells in an attempt to fight the invading substance.

    The substances that cause the overreaction are called allergens. Allergens can be any substance. Common allergens include dust, pollen, drugs, chemical, metals, and food additives. Others include mold, certain foods, animal dander, and grasses.

    The initial response is to identify and avoid the offending allergen. Since this may not always be possible let's investigate what else can be done to eliminate or make allergies more livable.

    An unbalanced body is a major factor in the allergic response that is elicited to an allergen. Therefore, holistic healing practices such as chiropractic and acupuncture can be very beneficial in this regard. These healing arts should not be looked upon as a "cure" for allergies but rather as modalities to be used in normalizing overreactive aspects of the body. Information is available on these healing arts at http://www.activator.com/ for chiropractic and at http://www.acupuncture.com/ for acupuncture.

    Rotation and elimination diets are helpful in the area of food allergy. Occasionally a ketogenic diet such as that found in the book, "Dr. Atkin's New Diet Revolution" by Dr. Robert C. Atkins can be helpful. If the carbohydrate reduction on such a diet offers some relief then investigate the possibility of a Candida Albicans (yeast) infection. For a discussion of Candida go to the Candida section of this site.

    A major factor in any allergic situation is liver congestion. This situation is also known as "sluggish liver". This is not a liver disease but rather a situation whereby the liver is not performing its blood cleansing function at maximum capacity.

    The liver acts as the "oil filter" of the body. It cleanses the blood of waste products, poisons, and toxins so that they may be removed from the body. When the liver becomes overloaded it cannot perform this function at 100% capacity. This reduction in cleansing allows poisons and toxins to remain in circulation in the blood stream. These circulating poisons make tissues, such as mucous membranes, very sensitive to allergens or irritants. Substances that may not have been an allergen before now become one due to these hypersensitive tissues.

    The liver can become sluggish because of poor dietary habits, alcohol or drug use (both illegal and prescription drugs are toxins), or disease. Environmental pollutants can be toxic to the body.

    A large spectrum of nutritional support has been investigated for use in helping to alleviate allergic reactions. Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 and B12, Vitamins C and E, Calcium, magnesium, oleic acid, linoleic acid (GLA), and fish oils (EPA) have all shown promise in certain aspects of allergy symptom relief. Because of the plethora of nutritional support that can be used it is suggested that you simplify the task by following the recommendations as outlined in the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS).

    In this nutritional system biochemists have taken these factors into consideration in formulating the whole food nutritional supplements, and holistic doctors have developed the system to implement their use. Since the research and system were developed to make complex decision making simple, why not use it? The discussion of the Nutritional Health Survey can be viewed at http://www.healthmc.com/.

    Seasonal allergies can often be helped by the use of Allerplex and Iplex. Both are Standard Process whole food nutritional supplements. Use Allerplex (2 per meal and 2 at bed time for adults....children are 1/2 dose) for sinus allergies above the eyes. Iplex at the same does is used for sinus allergies below the eyes. These symptoms may also include "tired eyes" from strain, Iplex is also used by many people for the common cold where it appears to be helpful in reducing the length of a cold.

    Education and experimentation are the key to reducing or eliminating allergy symptoms.


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    Addison's Disease

    Addison's Disease is the clinical syndrome resulting from inadequate production of a single hormone, cortisol. When this results from lesions directly involving the adrenal cortex (where cortisol is made) it is known as "primary adrenal failure" or Addison's disease. If, however, it is due to another hormone (ACTH) failing to stimulate cortisol production then it is called "secondary adrenal failure".

    The adrenal glands are a pair of triangular shaped organs that sit on top of the kidneys. Each gland weighs less than 1/5 ounce.

    Addison's Disease is uncommon. The most frequent basis for Addison's disease currently is termed "idiopathic adrenal atrophy". Evidence is mounting that suggest this is an autoimmune disorder directed against the adrenal gland. Addison's disease is commonly associated with the loss of other adrenal steroids other than cortisol...particularly aldosterone.

    The predominant feature of adrenal failure is hypotension (low blood pressure). Weakness is a universal complaint that progresses to profound exhaustion that limits normal activity. Weight loss is also common to poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

    Hyperpigmentation (darkening skin) is the single most characteristic finding of primary adrenal failure. The skin darkening is generalized but is most intense over sun exposed areas. On the skin, freckles and moles become more intense, the nipple areole darkens, recent scars are heavily pigmented, and the elbows and knees become a dirty brown color.

    Nutritional supplementation should be initiated as soon as possible in Addison's disease to try and minimize the dependence on cortisol replacement therapy. A good regiment to try includes 3 Whole Adrenal, 6 Arginex, 6 Cyruta, and 3 Drenatrophin per day for 1 year period. Both physical changes as well as blood laboratory findings should be monitored during this time. The Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) found at http://www.healthmc.com/ is an important tool to use in order to ferret out contributing nutritional factors effecting this condition.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    There are a number of disorders listed under the general heading of anemia. For this discussion we will limit ourselves to three types, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, and sickle cell anemia.

    IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA is the most common type. About 10-15% of women in their reproductive years have iron deficiency anemia. Even when overt anemia is not present, absent or depleted iron stores is very common in these women. Pregnancy, infancy, and adolescence are other critical times of life when iron deficiency is frequent. The importance of iron deficiency cannot be down played just because it is common. Serious situations such as anemia caused by blood loss from an unrecognized and neglected gastrointestinal tumor must be investigated.

    Iron deficiency results in a decrease in the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry throughout the body. While this is serious in itself, anemia can be an early sign of a more serious disease such as major illness including cancer.

    The most common cause of iron deficiency in adults is blood loss. This can be due to long term blood loss from lesions of the gut such as peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis from long-term aspirin use, and diverticulosis. In women, blood loss from menstruation accounts for most instances of iron deficiency anemia.

    Dietary lack of iron is an important cause of iron deficiency but only in children under 3 years of age. A prolonged milk diet, containing little iron, may be the most common cause of iron deficiency in these children.

    Pregnancy and the birth process may lead to a temporary drop in iron reserves. Most of this iron drain occurs in the third trimester, and cannot be made up rapidly enough from dietary sources. Therefore, iron supplementation is necessary to prevent iron deficiency in most women. This problem is worse when the woman enters pregnancy with depleted or absent iron stores due to previous menstrual loss.

    Symptoms may vary according to age. The older person may experience difficult or labored breathing, heart palpitations, or angina. The younger patients may exhibit vague symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. The skin and mucous membranes will be pale. The nails may be spoon shaped.

    A good nutritional regimen for iron deficiency anemia includes 3 Chlorophyll Complex per day for 2 months then reducing to 1 per day for another 3 months, in addition to 1 Ferrofood per day for 3 months. In the older adult stomach acid may be reduced therefore a betaine hydrochloride tablet at each meal will help in both iron and calcium absorption. Other beneficial supplements in addition to the above may include Sesame Seed Oil and Zypan.

    As always, the Nutritional Health Survey located at http://www.healthmc.com/ is a useful tool in determining related nutritional deficiencies.

    PERNICIOUS ANEMIA is a severe form of anemia that is due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Persons with this disorder cannot absorb any form of B12 from the gastrointestinal tract. This malabsorption is caused by the lack of intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is secreted by the stomach and is necessary for vitamin B12 absorption. This usually occurs in middle aged and elderly people.

    While the cause of this lack of intrinsic factor is not known an autoimmune process has been implicated.

    Other causes of poor absorption of B12 include damage to the distal ileum ( the portion of the small intestine where absorption of B12 actually occurs). This damage can be caused by diseases such as regional ileitis, use of alcohol or certain drugs and antibiotics. The vitamin B12 may be used by bacteria in the gut or tapeworms such as diphyllobothrium latum found in Scandinavian countries.

    While intramuscular injections of hydroxycobalamin may be necessary, the informed individual can help themselves quite a bit by using 1 Chlorophyll Complex Perle, 12 Hepatrophin, and 1 Ferrofood per day. Other beneficial supplements include Cataplex B12, Betaine Hydrochloride, and Folic Acid B12. The individual may have to see which supplements work best in their case. When a satisfactory combination is found it should be followed for life.

    SICKLE CELL ANEMIA (SCA) is a genetically determined hemolytic anemia caused by a mutation in the DNA. The damage in SCA is caused by vascular obstruction and widespread organ damage.

    This vascular obstruction can cause a crisis whereby the blood vessel obstruction is caused by the rigid, tangles, sickle shaped red blood cells. This obstruction causes major pain to the point of immobility. The person may also be jaundiced, with fever, rapid heart rate, rapid and shallow breathing, high blood pressure, and abdominal tenderness.

    Another type of crisis is seen mainly in children and results in a sudden, massive, painful enlargement of the liver and spleen. This is a serious situation with a high mortality rate. Children may also develop a hand foot syndrome which includes painful, swollen, and tender hands and feet.

    All of the organs and systems of the body can be effected in SCA including the central nervous system, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, spleen, and intestines.

    Management of SCA is conducted by managing the many complications involving each organ and system. This is performed nicely by the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) as various symptoms are listed and nutritional suggestions made to support the involved body system. The NHS can be viewed at http://www.healthmc.com/. In general, 10 Immuplex and 3 Hepatrophin for 1 year can be used to support the blood and immune systems. Additional support can be found in Chezyn, Congaplex, Desiccated Spleen, and Zinc Liver Chelate.

    As always Catalyn should be used as a broad nutritional support to help all other supplements do their job in a more efficient manner.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Hardening of the arteries. The real name is arteriosclerosis when it involves the small arteries and atherosclerosis when it involves the large and medium size arteries.

    Arteriosclerosis (we will use the terms arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis interchangeably for most of this discussion) can result in high blood pressure, aneurysm, stroke, angina, dementia, heart attack, and early death. Predisposing factors include diabetes, obesity, poor nutritional habits, lack of exercise, and smoking.

    You should be under the care of a vascular specialist for arteriosclerosis and you should keep them informed of what you are doing. The first thing that should be done is to secure an ultrasound study of the carotid arteries in the neck. The ultrasound is to determine the amount of artherosclerotic plaquing clogging the arteries. We use the arteries in the neck because they are easy to get to and ultrasound is non-invasive. This will act as a baseline in helping us to determine if our holistic and natural intervention is having an effect.

    Diet is the basis of holistic care in arteriosclerosis.....both in what we eat and nutritional supplementation. You will want to read two books: 1) Dr. Atkin's NEW Diet Revolution by Robert C. Atkin's, M.D. and 2) Protein Power by Drs. Mary and Michael Eades. If you decide to follow the dietary recommendations in these books you will still want to keep as much fat out of your diet as possible. These are not fat free or low fat diets but it is a good idea to consume a lean piece of meat instead of a fat laden one.

     In using a ketogenic diet as advocated by Dr. Atkin's ( Dr. Atkin's is a cardiologist) you will usually see a reduction in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, weight, and chronic pain. Therefore, you will also want a baseline on these factors to monitor your progress.

    Exercise such as walking is always important in maintaining the body. It is doubly important when you are working to regain and maintain your health.

    Diet alone is only half of the equation for attempting to reduce or eliminate arteriosclerosis. Nutritional supplementation is necessary to draw the fats out of the arteries and stop more from being laid down. Twelve Cyruta, 8 Cataplex E2, and 8 Orchex per day for 3-12 months is the regimen to follow. Circuplex and Partoid are also beneficial additions to the above in the event that Cyruta cannot be tolerated by the individual. If the ketogenic diet gives a feeling of wellbeing then Cataplex GTF and/or Diaplex can be helpful as an insulin/sugar/carbohydrates handling problem exists.

    Following six months on this regimen another ultrasound study of the carotid arteries should be performed. If there is a reduction in artery clogging, or it has gotten no worse, then continue for another 6 months. When the desired level of atherosclerotic plaque reduction has been reached reduce the level of nutritional supplements to 2 Cyruta, 2 Cataplex E2,and 1 Orchex per day forever. You should also maintain a ketogenic diet on the "maintenance" level as described by Dr. Atkin's for the rest of your life. DO NOT stop doing the things that got you to this point.

    There is no "cheating" on this diet and nutrition supplementation....you MUST be strict in your approach to regaining your health or you will suffer the consequences of ill health and early death.

    The above mentioned nutritional supplements can be ordered from Health Maintenance Corporation. Their web site is located at http://www.healthmc.com/. The Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) found at this site is an important tool to use in helping to determine a systematic approach to your nutritional health.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net




    There are many types of arthritis but for this discussion we will restrict our focus to Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.....the two most common.

    Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. It usually involves pain, swelling, stiffness, joint deformity, restricted range of motion, and heat from the injured joint. More than 50 million Americans suffer from some type of arthritis.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

    RA is thought to be an auto-immune disease where the body attacks its own tissue. Inflammation results, and the tissue surrounding the joints is damaged or destroyed. These damaged tissues are replaced by scar tissue which leads to crippling pain and disability. It is estimated that 2.1 million Americans are afflicted with RA which includes juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which includes young children. Two thirds of these are women.

    RA is often associated with physical or emotional stress, poor nutritional habits, or infection. The protomorphogen theory states that IN THE NUTRITIONALLY UNHEALTHY BODY an abnormally high amount of protomorphogens will be deposited in the collagen of the body. This high level of protomorphogens in the body will trigger an immune response. This results in the body's own antibodies attacking the collagen in the joints.

    Diagnosis of RA is made by use of blood tests with x-ray verification.

    The hands down choice of nutritional support for the RA sufferer is a product called RUMAPLEX. Rumaplex was formulated after consulting with hundreds of doctors. Their experience in using nutritional supplements for RA is reflected in this product.

    Other nutritional support may include 10 Immuplex, 6 Cataplex F, and 6 Cholacol II per day for 3 months. Reduce to a maintenance dose thereafter if results are seen. If the complaint includes swollen joints, acute joint pain, or pain all over the body try 3 Whole Adrenal per day. If results are seen then change to 6 Drenamin per day always.

    Recently studies in both America and Europe (involving the University of Massachusetts Med. Center in Worchester) found that Borage Seed Oil, rich in the essential fatty acid GLA (gamma linolenic acid), relieves arthritis pain and inflammation. Give at least 2 months for Borage Seed Oil to work....possibly up to 6 months will be needed.

    As these conditions can be due to long term nutritional deficiencies the Nutritional Health Survey ( NHS) is very important to complete. Find the NHS at http://www.healthmc.com/. Information on the other nutritional products mentioned here can also be found at this site.



    Osteoarthritis is the disease of wear and tear. In this disorder the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones degenerates due to excessive wear and tear. While this wear and tear can be as a result of injury, the most common cause is subluxation of the joint. A subluxation is the misalignment of bones. This is what the Doctor of Chiropractic finds and corrects on your visit to the chiropractic office.

    There are two ways in which the subluxation causes osteoarthritis....not enough movement in the joint and too much movement in the joint....and subluxation will cause both.

    Too little motion involves the joint which is subluxated. A subluxation not only involves the bone being misaligned but also the lack of movement in that joint. The joint is "stuck" out of place. If the joint is not freely moving then the flow of fluid through the joint is reduced. This fluid is what carries nutrients to the cartilage covering the ends of the bones in the joint. The lack of nutrients to the cartilage allows the slow starvation of the cartilage and it dies. This death of the cartilage cells is the beginning of osteoarthritis.

    Studies have shown that a subluxated joint shows signs of cartilage cell death within 6 days of being subluxated. When your Doctor of Chiropractic tells you to visit the office regularly ( no less than once every 6 weeks) it is because they want to help prevent osteoarthritis. This is preventive health care at its best...not allowing a health damaging condition to begin. A gentle chiropractic technique that is well tolerated by everyone (including infants and fragile elderly) is the Activator method of chiropractic adjusting. Information on this technique and the Activator adjusting instrument can be found at www.activator.com. This site also offers a free referral service so that you can easily find an Activator practitioner in your area.

    Too much joint motion occurs at the joint above and below the subluxated joint. This is a result of too much motion in these joints in response to too little motion in the subluxated joint. The result is excessive wear and tear of the joint.

    In addition to regular chiropractic care you will want to try both glucosamine sulfate and chrondroitin sulfate. While this has gotten much exposure in the press recently, it may fall into disfavor because of 2 factors not often mentioned.

    All use of analgesics must be discontinued if this is tried. Analgesics completely negate the ability of these products to rebuild the destroyed cartilage. The press also fails to mention that these products should be taken with vitamin C. A natural source of vitamin C is best ( and as usual, the best costs more!). The vitamin C should contain either bioflavinoids or rutin. %500 mg vitamin C with these products at meal time should suffice. Give these products at least 3-6 months before evaluating their usefulness.

    Another good regimen to try for osteoarthritis involves taking 6 Biost, 6 Ligaplex II, 6 Cataplex F (women take Cataplex F Perles and men take Cataplex F tablets), and 3 CalMA Plus per day for 3-12 months. If results are seen continue with a maintenance dose of these nutritional supplements forever.

    Information on these Standard Process products can be found at http://www.healthmc.com/. This site also offers a free E-Mail service where you can ask the doctor questions.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net



    Bed Wetting

    Bed wetting, or enuresis, involves urinating in bed habitually and involuntarily. While acceptable in the very young it is not well tolerated by those past a certain age. There are a number of suspected causes of bed wetting. In reality, it is most likely a combination of these.

    Unless an underlying condition such as diabetes or urinary tract infection is involved the first area to check into is whether this is a chiropractic problem. Recent studies show a strong correlation to enuresis being a result of subluxation. A check-up with your Doctor of Chiropractic can rule out this possibility. Other causes may include psychological, behavioral, food allergy, nutritional deficiency (especially in combination with spinal subluxation), high fluid intake close to bedtime.

    Do not spank or scold a child for wetting the bed. It only complicates the problem. Rather, give rewards in the morning for not wetting the bed. This is a form of behavior modification and can be combined with other techniques of behavior modification.

    Restricting fluid intake at least 1 hour before bedtime when combined with a "potty call" 2 hours after falling asleep can be effective in some cases. This is an activity directed at the symptom and not the cause. Find the cause of bedwetting if possible as there may be related but yet unrecognized symptoms associated with this situation.

    Nutritionally, you can try 6 Arginex, 6 Albaplex, and 6 Thymex per day for 3-12 weeks. In difficult cases, add 6 Cardio Plus per day. Since there can be a number of possible causes for bed wetting, the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) can be a major asset in excluding additional causes. Look at the NHS for free at http://www.healthmc.com/ and see how many of the listed symptoms are related to your case. If there is enough to warrant it, submit it for analysis and follow the suggested nutritional protocol.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    A bruise occurs when small blood vessels beneath the skin are broken. The blood collects under the skin and turns "black and blue". Bruising often occurs as a result of bumping into hard objects. This is not a problem and is quite normal. However, bruising easily, and profusely, is not normal and should not be allowed to progress without questioning its cause.

    If bleeding or bruising occurs with minor trauma such as brushing your teeth, you suffer nose bleeds easily, or bruises appear without knowing how you bumped yourself, you must investigate the cause. This can be an early sign of more serious health problems such as leukemia or cancer and must be evaluated by your personal health care provider.

    Once these more serious conditions have been ruled out the most likely cause of these occurrences is capillary fragility. Capillary fragility occurs from weak collagen in the capillary walls. This is usually a consequence of vitamin c deficiency but may also be cause by anemia, malnutrition, heavy smoking, aspirin, cortico-steroids (prednisone is common), or anti-clotting drugs.

    If you want to supplement your diet with vitamin C remember to buy the best that is available. Being cheap and buying a synthetically manufactured ascorbic acid tablet (sold as vitamin C) is almost totally useless and can actually be detrimental. For a more in-depth discussion of why you do not want to use synthetic vitamins visit http://www.healthmc.com/.

    A proper vitamin c tablet should be extracted from a natural source and contain either bioflavinoids or rutin ( a proper supplement will have both though they may not be listed on the label). Begin with 500mg per meal and increase to 1,000mg per meal. If you begin to experience diarrhea reduce the dose as you have gone over your body's ability to handle this amount. Wait a week and try to increase the dose again after your body had adapted to this level of vitamin c.

    An excellent source of natural vitamin C is Collagen C. Cyruta-Plus is a wonderful product for this purpose also. Take 12 per day (building up to this level) for 3-6 weeks and if results are evident take a few each day as a preventative measure. Cataplex A-C-P can also be useful in this respect.

    As other nutrients can contribute to this condition, or be related as a more involved nutritional deficit, a Nutritional Health Survey (NHS), is always suggested as a starting point to cover all bases. The NHS can be found at http://www.healthmc.com/. Take the NHS for free and see how many of the listed symptoms apply to you. If there is a sufficient amount then submit the NHS for analysis and follow the suggested protocol to recover and maintain your health.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Bladder Infections

    Bladder infections, or urinary tract infections (UTI), or cystitis....it doesn't matter what you call it. UTI is more prevalent than ever.

    UTI is more prevalent in women because of anatomical reasons. The female urethra is short compared to a man's and therefore lies close to the vaginal tract and rectal opening...both are areas naturally high in bacteria. If the women's immune system is working properly this is not normally a problem. However, stress (both physical and emotional), physical injury, or nutritional deficit reduces the immune response allowing infection of the urinary tract.

    Bladder infections usually involve an urgent desire to urinate. Even though the bladder has been emptied the urge to urinate is strong. The urine itself may be cloudy with a strong, unpleasant odor. There may progress to a kidney infection if left untreated. This is a much more serious situation so should not be taken lightly.

    A high water intake helps to flush the urinary tract regularly throughout the day thus keeping the bacteria from becoming firmly established. This will only help if the woman takes the time to urinate frequently throughout the day. Cranberry juice is particularly helpful in the diet as an acid in this juice will help to acidify the urine making a hostile environment for the bacteria to survive in. Only pure, unsweetened cranberry juice should be used. Avoid commercial cranberry juice cocktail drinks as these contain sugar. All sugars should be avoided including natural sugars as are found in fruit juice.

    In men, bladder infections may be a sign of more serious problems such as prostatitis so this should be investigated and ruled out. Recurrent bladder infections in either sex should be thoroughly investigated.

    The usual nutritional protocol is Renafood , taken 2 per meal and 2 at bedtime until symptoms have dissipated for 3 days. This is used in conjunction with cranberry juice. Additional support may be found in using Cataplex A or Cataplex A-C-P with A-C Carbamide though this much is usually not needed if renafood is used.

    Recurrent bladder infections which cannot be traced to a physical anomaly such as a restricted urethra should be considered an immune system deficiency. The Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) will help to guide you in the process of regaining immune system health.

    Separate supplements that are of value in supporting the immune system include Chezyn, Congaplex, Immuplex, Desiccated Spleen, Zinc Liver Chelate, or Drenamin. As this can become confusing the NHS is a great help in forming a plan to base your nutritional regimen on. The NHS can be found at http://www.healthmc.com/.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net



    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It even sounds scary. It is definitely scary to those who suffer from it because each breath is a battle.

    COPD may be a consequence either of primary airway disease, typified by chronic bronchitis, or of parenchymal disease, represented by emphysema. These two diseases have many overlapping characteristics.

    The airway obstruction found in COPD can be compared to flow obstruction in a water pipe. If deposits on the pipe wall reduce the size of the opening in the pipe or if the walls of the pipe have been squeezed together in some areas, the resistance to flow will occur, Turbulence will develop offering more resistance to flow, thus further reducing transport through the pipe. This concept describes an airway partially obstructed by mucous or narrowed by spasm in chronic bronchitis, it does not explain the airway obstruction that occurs in emphysema.

    In emphysema, the force available to drive the air from the lungs is reduced due to weakening of the lung and airway tissues. There is not enough pressure to overcome the air pressure outside of the lungs and the person cannot exhale easily.

    COPD is a major cause of disability in the USA. Studies suggest that 10-15% of the adult American population have chronic bronchitis. According to the Social Security Administration, COPD ranks second only to coronary artery disease as a cause of disability.

    Chronic airway irritation from cigarette smoking is the primary cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Air pollution can play a significant role in COPD, especially in smokers. Exposure to a dusty atmosphere is associated with chronic bronchitis.

    COPD is usually a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In most cases a chronic, productive cough has been present for years. The patient may admit to having a "smoker's cough" for years. Having repeat "colds" for long periods of time is common.

    Emphysema is an abnormal enlargement and destruction of the lung tissue itself (the alveoli). Emphysema is only about 1/3 as prevalent as chronic bronchitis. Activity limitation is present in 35% of emphysema patients, whereas only 5% of the Chronic bronchitis sufferers reported activity limitation. One form of emphysema occurs as a direct result of chronic bronchitis.

    In a relatively pure case of emphysema there is a gradual difficulty in breathing (dyspnea) upon exertion without evidence of a productive cough. Over the years, this progresses to shortness of breath at rest, fatigue, and weight loss. The patient will develop a "barrel chest" in response to the extra effort needed to breath. As the disease progresses, the patient may begin to complain of neck pain from constant use of the neck muscles as an aid in breathing. This neck pain from emphysema is a common complaint in chiropractic offices.

    The COPD sufferer must be under the care of a pulmonary specialist initially. Oxygen and access to emergency services is paramount. Base line pulmonary function tests should be done to help monitor progress. While medication can be of limited success in treating such a disease it is helpful in maintaining life. This does give a person time to institute other therapies. These therapies may be strongly opposed by the pulmonary specialist.

    The COPD sufferer MUST stop smoking and remove irritants from their environment. If they do not stop smoking they are choosing to die.

    Nutrition for the COPD sufferer should include 8 Pneumotrophin and 8 Emphaplex per day (2 of each per meal and 2 at bedtime) for the first 2 months and then reduce this to 2 of each per meal for the next 12 months. If results are seen in improving pulmonary function tests, continue at 4 Pneumotrophin and 4 Emphaplex per day ( 2 of each at breakfast and 2 each at dinner) for life.

    As the nutritional health of the entire body is eminently important to anyone the Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) should be completed and the suggested nutrition taken concurrently with the above mentioned supplements. Find the NHS at: http://www.healthmc.com/.

    The COPD sufferer will want to begin playing the harmonica.......yes, play the harmonica. This will exercise the lungs and muscles involved with breathing. You do not have to be musically inclined...just blow on the harmonica! A study showed that playing the harmonica actually increased the ability of the lung to perform the function of breathing. A minimum of 15 minutes playing time per day is required. This may be done in 5 second increments throughout the day if needed until the lung tissue responds and breathing becomes easier...just make sure that it totals a minimum of 15 minutes per day. Keep a record of your harmonica playing time...both as to time per session and total time played per day. As your condition allows increase the playing time. The more that you play the more benefit you will see.

    When you are able, within one week of beginning to play the harmonica, begin to walk for exercise. This may entail walking around your living room only, and then progress to outside walking. Never walk more than you are able to, rest often, and take your time...you're not in a hurry. Always think of walking in a circular route...whether to the front door and back to your chair or around the block. However, rest when you need to. It is very frustrating to have to rest often during your walk and this leads to abandonment of the program. Keep your spirits up and you will succeed.

    Begin this program as early as possible. The longer you wait the more difficult it will be to achieve results. You must give 1-3 years to reversing some of the damage that took many years to accrue.






    Dr. Heil is a Doctor of Chiropractic in private practice for 13 years. The emphasis of his practice is preventive care. During the 9 years that it took him to obtain his Doctor of Chiropractic degree he also successfully completed the requirements of the Department of Chemistry and Nutrition at the National College of Chiropractic, located in Lombard, Illinois.

    The National College of Chiropractic is fully accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, as well as the Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Chiropractic Education.

    Pre requisite courses in organic chemistry prior to entering National College entitled Dr. Heil to enter courses in:

    Biochemistry I: the study of the structure, function, and properties of various biomolecules- amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes, coenzymes, vitamins, and hormones.

    Biochemistry I laboratory: The study of properties and reactions of biologically active compounds that are involved in the process of human metabolism.

    Biochemistry II: Considers the enzymatic reactions of the central metabolic pathways of anabolism and catabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, and proteins, fatty acids, nucleotides, and nucleic acids. Including abnormalities in metabolism as they relate to hereditary disorders and disease states.

    Basic Nutrition- Nutritional requirements of the body, food sources of nutrients, and the biochemical utilization of nutrients in homeostatic metabolism were covered.

    Clinical Nutrition I- This course was concerned with nutritional requirements during physiologic stress, evaluation of nutritional status, evaluation of diets, diagnosis, and treatment of deficiency diseases, and diet and menu planning.

    Clinical Nutrition II- In this course the nutritional and dietary management of human diseases was considered.

    Since graduation in 1984, Dr. Heil has attended many courses yearly in a post graduate education capacity. Most were based on the clinical applications of nutrition while others included nutritional therapies as an adjunct to the main course topic.


    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Slippery Rock University, 1978

    Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, National College of Chiropractic, 1983

    Doctor of Chiropractic, National College of Chiropractic, 1984



    International Academy of Occupational Health Consultants

    American Chiropractic Association

    Maryland Chiropractic Association (MCA)

    MCA Board of Directors, two terms

    Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research


    In private practice since 1984 emphasizing preventive health care for the entire family.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

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    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net


    Angina Pectoris

    Angina pectoris is a severe attack of pain over the heart or in mid chest region. It is easily confused with gas pain resulting from indigestion.

    Angina pectoris (commonly referred to as "angina") is often produced by ischemic heart disease. This means that the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle itself are clogged and not able to supply oxygen rich blood to meet the needs of the heart muscle. Angina is not caused solely by clogged arteries (atherosclerosis) but can also be due to coronary artery spasm. Coronary artery spasm occurs more often when atherosclerosis is present. Coronary spasm may be caused by mechanical, neural (nerve), or chemical factors. It is not known whether spasm can occur in a coronary artery that is totally free from artherosclerosis.

    Angina pectoris is produced when the lack of oxygen getting to the heart muscle activates pain message carrying nerve fibers. There may be referred pain to the arm, neck, jaw, or back from these nerve fibers.

    The hallmark of angina is a history of chest pain brought on by exercise or emotion and relieved by rest. Because the chest pain is from a visceral organ it is often difficult for the person to pinpoint its location. The discomfort is often described as pain, heaviness, tightness, or squeezing sensation. The frequency of the discomfort may vary from day to day in spite of similar degree of exertion.

    Angina is a warning sign that you have a heart condition. These warnings should be taken seriously as there is a 12% to 16% chance that you will suffer a non-fatal heart attack within the next 5 years.

    Nitroglycerine tablets or surgery are the usual treatments given in relieving angina symptoms and pain. To reduce the factors actually causing the angina is a little more involved but well worth the effect. Why cover up the pain when you may be able to banish the conditions causing the condition?

    You should be under the care of your cardiologist for angina and let them know what you are doing. The first thing that should be done is to secure an ultrasound study of the carotid arteries in the neck. The ultrasound is to determine the amount of atheroscerotic plaquing clogging the arteries. We use the arteries in the neck because they are easy to get to and ultrasound is non-invasive. This will act as a baseline in helping you to determine if your holistic and natural intervention is having an effect.


    Diet is the basis of holistic care in angina.....both in what we eat and nutritional supplementation. You will want to read two books: 1) Dr Atkin's New Diet Revolution by Robert C. Atkins, M.D. and 2) Protein Power by Drs. Mary and Michael Eades. If you decide to follow the dietary recommendations in these books you will still want to keep as much fat out of your diet as possible. This is not a fat free or low fat diet but it is a good idea to consume a lean piece of meat instead of a fat laden one.

    In using a ketogenic diet as advocated by Dr. Atkin's ( Dr. Atkin's is a cardiologist) you will usually see a reduction in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, weight, and chronic pain. Therefore, you will also want a baseline on these factors to monitor your progress.

    Diet alone is only half of the equation for attempting to reduce or eliminate angina pectoris. Nutritional supplementation is necessary to draw the fats out of the arteries and stop more from being laid down. Twelve Cyruta, 8 Cataplex E2, and 8 Orchex per day for 3-12 months is the regimen to follow. Circuplex and Parotid are also beneficial additions to the above in the event that Cyruta cannot be tolerated by the individual. If the ketogenic diet gives a feeling of wellbeing then Cataplex GTF an/or Diaplex can be helpful as an insulin/sugar/carbohydrate handling problem exists.

    Following 6 months on this regimen another ultrasound study of the carotid arteries should be performed. If there is a reduction in artery clogging, or it has gotten no worse, then continue for another 6 months. When the desired level of atherosclerotic plaque reduction has been reached reduce the level of nutrition supplements to 2 Cyruta, 2Cataplex E2, and 1 Orchex per day forever. You should also maintain a ketogenic diet on the "maintenance" level as described by Dr. Atkin's for the rest of your life. DO NOT stop doing the things that got you to this point!!!

    There is no "cheating" on this diet and nutrition supplementation.....you must be strict in your approach to regaining your health or you will suffer the consequences of ill health and early death.

    The above mentioned nutritional supplements can be ordered from Health Maintenance Corporation. Their web site is located at http://www.healthmc.com/. The Nutritional Health Survey (NHS) found at this site is an important tool to use in helping to determine a systematic approach to your nutritional health.


    To contact the doctor with any questions or comments mailto:drheil@clark.net

    Go to Dr. Heil's Resume Go back to Symptom List or Overview

    Dr. Heil writes for e-zines and newsletters. If you are interested in a holistic health related article please contact : mailto:drheil@clark.net