I’m glad you’ve come to Conners Corner. I hope you find it interesting, informative and fun.

First I should mention a bit about myself. I used to be very active in sports, especially track & field. I’m proud to say I came in 2nd place in all of Toronto and placed first in London and broke the record for the 220-meter run. I’ve taken up scuba diving, synchronized swimming, English riding and jumping, both water and snow skiing, just to name a few. Also I wanted to be an artist. I’ve always loved art with a passion and being creative, as well as having potential, my teachers tried to encourage me into taking art as my major. Something that I really wanted to do! Unfortunately my dad didn’t feel the same way and said he didn’t want HIS daughter to be a starving artist. (Sheesh...how’s that for confidence?) LOL So finally I gave in and took business instead, but my heart was never in it and I did everything I could to prove it to the world. (Oh! My poor frustrated teachers!) Sorry Mrs. Baldwin! Sorry Mr. Stewart! You know...I really DID think you both were awesome! I have always has a real passion for abstracts...I just love them! I enjoy drama, SCI-FI, cartoons like Roger Rabbit and Steven King thrillers. My favorite actor is whom else but, Mmmmm....Kevin Costner. HI KEVIN!!!!! I never could resist a good book, and was reading Steven King in the hospital while I was waiting to deliver my daughter and yes, my doctor DID think reading a thriller was odd while awaiting the arrival of a child...but hey...THAT’S ME!!!! I also liked to read autobiographies of people that I admired. In music, well... I've been told my tastes are strange...but I LOVE LEONARD COHEN! From the first time I’d ever heard his music I have been spellbound by his lyrics and his voice. I’ve loved animals ALL MY LIFE! We’ve had everything from your average cats, dogs and basic varmints...to skunks, a squirrel, a horse, a ferret to even a pet bat and a spider monkey. Right now I have 2 dog, 3 cats, 9 cockatiels and 2 parrots. I’m hoping soon to be able to get pictures up in my pet section. Perhaps I’ll be able to include a couple of pic’s of my 2 fantastic ‘Rug Rats’... *grin* (no silly...I’m talking about my son and daughter!) So keep checking in and see the fun I live with. I’ve always been spontaneous and can also be (am) quite stubborn. I have a very serious side to me that I rarely let out except to a chosen few...but my home page is going to change all that. I’ve decided to expose myself to anyone who might be interested. As you can see, I’ve led a pretty normal life (or so it would seem right?) but, all that I loved doing in the past is just that...the past. Due to having Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Polymyalgia Rheumatica (and all the conditions associated with them) I’ve needed to learn how to reconstruct my life. It hasn’t been easy and I basically isolated myself for 5 years searching for answers and mourning my old life. Now my legs will never win me races. They can barely hold me to climb the stairs or prevent me from walking to the store at times without feeling like they are falling off. Dancing gives me chest and body pains and I need to recuperate for a few days afterward for one night of fun. Sports are out. Allergies have turned into asthma. Steadiness and good vision are a factor in art, so that leaves that out too. That’s when I turned to my computer and came on the net to find others in my situation. I get angry and very frustrated when people say that I am addicted to the Internet. I’m NOT! The net is my source of socializing, communicating and my ‘lifeline’ to my on-line support group and Renesis’, the Renegades and other good friends I’ve met. My computer IS my link to reality to the real world, as I can’t keep up the pace of what Chronically Normal People (the Healthies) view as normal. I can come out and talk on PowWow or ICQ when it’s the best time for me. Also e-mailing and surfing the web...when it’s good for me. This is the one thing I have that I can control to adjust to my lifestyle and needs. I try to live day by day and enjoy simple pleasures that I once took for granted. Home lives with family have changed for all of us. Responsibilities have shifted and although I am the one with FMS/CFIDS, it has effected us all. We’ve all had to make adjustments and sacrifices. The more people can understand makes it easier not only for the sufferer but also for their families as well. Well, if you're still listening and reading this, then perhaps it will give you a better insight of others that are in a similar situation. If this can help you understand even a little better...then this will be all worth while as ‘understanding’ plays a major role in our lives and something that’s not readily available to us. That ‘little’ you know about us, the ‘better’ you help us and we need your understanding!
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* animated .gif (c) Kitty Roach
Background Graphics by Windy's Web Design
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