What makes me upset?

By the grace of God, I am alive and healthy, without having to undergo a Bone Marrow transplant. However, unfortunately, not nearly enough people are on the bone marrow registry. I cannot stress enough how important this is. I was told half way through my first treatment that there is no match for me in Australia or internationally. I wasn't feeling very good about that, as you can possibly understand. The way the system works here is like a points system. The points are up to 6, if there is a 4 point match in marrow between a donor and a patient, the marrow can be successfully transplanted if no complications arise. Sibling matches, surprising as it may seem, are very uncommon. In fact there is a better chance of finding a match in an unrelated person as there is to a related one.

I have seen stories on people who have been waiting for bone marrow matches, but, unfortunately, the wait was too long and they had their life taken away from them. All because someone in the world was afraid of donating bone marrow. If I could, I would have no hesitation in donating marrow, but I can't do that because I have had Leukaemia. If I donated it, they would not accept it.

Next time you go outdoors, whether it's to go shopping, to the corner store or to see a movie, think about the enjoyment it gives you to be able to be outdoors. At the same time, think about bed-ridden Leukaemia patients who look like they are about to die with black under their eyes, frail bodies, mouth ulcers and no energy. Think about the one thing they need; BONE MARROW. All they ask is about 1 or 2 hours of your time to undergo a bone marrow extraction. You think it will hurt you? It will mostly feel very unusual and a bit itchy for about a week. Think about how much pain they are in and how much pain their families and friends will be in if the patient's life is cut tragically short. Out there is a match for a Leukaemia patient waiting for a marrow donor. Who knows? That person could be you.

Please consider being a marrow donor. What would you do if one of your loved ones had Leukaemia and needed a marrow transplant? Would you be upset with me if I was a perfect match and decided not to donate my marrow to save the life of your loved one because I was afraid? I think you would be. Please donate Bone Marrow, it really is a life-saver.

Here is an email from a person who I turned around concerning donating bone marrow:

"I accidently stumbled upon your site when doing a 'random' pick on a search engine. After I read it, I decided to become a bone marrow donor. Just thought you wanted to know that your site does effect people. I am also going to encourage my family and friends to become bone marrow donors as well." It was from a gentleman by the name of Derek Jackson and he has just qualified for my legends book.