This is not an endorsement of any belief system, religion or spiritual practice. I find the meditation beautiful,plain and simple.The version presented here is slightly different-my own "brand" you might say.

This is the visualization used by Patrick Zeigler to "put one in the flow" of SKHM. It is normally used in a group-but try it as a personal meditation.You can use the gif to help you focus.

I want you all to see yourself sitting in a circle, and visualize everyone holding hands. Take a moment to see or feel everyone within this circle. Take several deep breaths. I want you to feel what's going on within your own body. I want you to bring in energy through your crown down into your physical body at this time. Notice any tension or lightness in your body. Notice which area feels the most dense and which area of your body feels the lightest. Place your right hand on the area that feels dense, and place your left hand on the area that feels light. Now connect the area that feels tight and dense with your breath. Breath into the area with the most density. Feel your breath going all the way down to your lower abdomen and expanding to the upper part of your chest. Now bring awareness to the center of your being, your heart center. Breath into your heart. With every breath, feel your heart expanding. Allow yourself to feel all the sensations within your heart center. When I say heart center, I'm not talking about the physical heart, but the spiritual heart. Don't judge the sensations you are feeling in your heart center, just observe and allow yourself to feel them. If you don't feel anything, then allow yourself to feel the numbness. Let your heart expand even more. I want you to visualize vase or an Egyptian vessel within your heart center, and begin to fill the vessel with breath and awareness. Allow this to grow and expand. Begin connecting the awareness of your heart center with your crown. See the vessel or vase within your heart expanding and connecting with your crown from your heart center. At the top of your head see a young flower bud that is slowly beginning to open. Feel the petals. Above the flower bud is a bright, clear, golden sun. See the rays of the sun reaching down and touching the flower, and as the sun's rays touch the flower, see each petal opening to receive the light of the sun. Allow this light to channel through the flower, through your crown down to your heart center and the vessel....allow it to expand even further. Bring awareness into the heart, and allow the light and your awareness to enter every crevice of your heart center. You may experience an outward expression of emotion and that's okay. Allow this expression to connect to the throat center....allow this expression to flow freely to your throat center, so you can express yourself in a safe space freely and without judgment of yourself. Everyone else in the circle will respect each other's space, so judgement of others will also begin to diminish. Breath in and allow yourself to feel this. Take your awareness from your heart to your belly now take your awarness down to the base of your spine, down your legs and through the soles of your feet into the Earth Mother. Imagine roots beginning to grow deep into the Earth Mother. Feel your connection with the Earth Mother. Allow yourself to become aware of why you're here and on this planet. Make a commitment at this moment to commit to being here fully. Allow every bit of your essence to be present in this precious moment. Feel your essence going through your heart center to the Earth Mother. Begin receiving energy from the Earth Mother through your roots, feel it moving up from your roots through your body to your heart center. Feel the Earth Energy mixing with the Energy of the Heavans within you at your Heart Center. Notice your arms and hands, feel them as extensions of your Heart Center. Feel your essence going through your Crown, going up to a star just above your head, and then liquid light from the star begins pouring back down through your Crown to your Heart Center. Notice the color and texture. If you want to move your body, go ahead. Visualize a spiral coming down to your body....let your body begin moving with the spiral. Bring this spiral down through your crown to your heart center and feel it going through your arms and emanating out of your palms.When the light comes out of your palms, you begin to be able to manifest here on the physical plane.

Visualize our circle. Each of us bringing in a strand of light, each connecting up to one point forming a pyramid. Visualize the person to your right and left. Connect with them. Now visualize the person infront of you and connect with the person or people infront of you. We're creating a pyramid. Now create a central point to the circle below the circle. Feel that connection. Imagine a pyramid below us and above us. Feel the energy from Spirit coming down, and feel the energy of the Earth Mother coming up into the center of the circle and to all of us. Breath into it. Move awareness to the Heart Center and Throat. Connect them making them one. Allow whatever sound to come out. . Feel your connection to the Source. Feel what's going on within your body. At this point I would like to invite someone into the circle to share with us what you are feeling. I'll be asking you questions to help us all be able to tap into what you are feeling. If you're feeling a lot of energy in one spot, describe it, so each of us can find what you're feeling, allowing us to tap into what you're feeling...then say, "I ask you all to feel this." Encourage everyone to talk about what they are feeling no matter what it is, so healing can begin, so group can help support. By thinking of the circle, you will be able to tap into its energy....just think of the pyramid, think of the sun and flower...think of the vessel expanding and growing. Lets close outthe circle. Imagine holding hands....feel the Heart Center of theGroup, and know that this is the beginning of the circle. Feel the circle, and allow it to be with you for the rest of the week.

To see similar meditations,please follow the link

  • Grounding visualization

    To explore the relationship to Kundalini Yoga (which Patrick Zeigler teaches)

  • Swamis and Shaktipat

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